July 7th
Had my third date planned in a row from a girl from Seeking who was super into me. It was this Japanese chick from Texas, super white washed and she was the one who initially opened me on Seeking to say that I must have had some bad experiences on there. We were
texting back and forth for a week but the issue is that I had to take time off for July 4th weekend to travel elsewhere, so did she.
We met at the same spot I had been taking my dates to and this was the third one in a row. She arrived and we got a table for two. She looked cute with her hair in a ponytail. Unfortunately, the way the restaurant is laid out makes the table for 2 right near the bar. Near us, these old farts (mix of men and women) were at the bar standing in a group and being loud. We get food and some drinks. The female bartender knows me now based on the dates I bring in at this point lol.
The biggest ****block so far for me on my dates? This hellish Miami summer weather and this summer in general is awful. I am talking flash rains and a record heat wave like none other. It has been quite frustrating to deal with as it defeats the purpose of my rooftop.
Now we start to order and chat, she is teasing me a bit and I tease her. She laughs because I tease her about her Texan upbringing. We have a great date overall and then after an hour or so, she agrees to drive back to my place. Here is the problem with my apartments, the parking sucks donkey nuts for guests. I do not even use the apartment parking but an independent one I pay for. Crappy parking for guests but we finally go back.
I take her to the rooftop and we chill but only for rain to pour down seconds later. I then take her to my apartment but the reality is that my setup can use some help. I do not have an L-shaped couch, only one couch chair big enough for one person. I would spend more on furniture but the move was taxing and I have just not had the time in recent months. I know I need to get on this soon.
As soon as I bring her back, she talks about how small my place is, talks about how I must be unpacking (some of my stuff is in suitcases but I ordered racks that are more complicated to set up than I expected), and then hangs for a bit. I try to kiss but she turns me down. Tells me she does not do this and then leaves.
And a strike out but my Friday misery is just starting!