I’ll simplify all this massively: If I’m still having fun and I’m still interested, I keep seeing her/trying to see her. If, at any point it stops being fun or I lose interest, I move on, her loss.
I don’t worry about interest level, whether she initiates, whether I have to double text, triple text, etc. I just focus on creating a life that’s filled with peak experiences—for me and whoever else wants to come along for the ride. My interest level is her responsibility, never vice versa.
I will say tho that the above philosophy does require a high degree of self-honesty as well the ability to generate options. A lot of guys are needy on both ends of the spectrum—needy for validation/sex on one end (which will cause guys to chase time wasters and turn girls who may not have been time wasters into time wasters) or too needy to avoid rejection/have certainty (which will cause guys to not persist with women who are down but just need a little more persistence).