You clearly haven't read 48 Laws of Power - this is like the idiot's guide to how basic dark triad and power games work. You could probably start there.
Child abuse, rape, murder, fraud are all things the most powerful men in history did - Genghis Khan comes to mind. Obviously, these behaviors are not very nice....but only a true BluePill would fail to see what History has taught us on these matters. Everyone from Stalin to Mao to Julius Caesar to Alexander the Great where all absolutely ruthless manipulators and dark triads to varying degrees of extremity.
Dark Triads have more empathy and mind-reading abilities than you could possibly imagine. To successfully manipulate, you have to understand your target, what motivates them, what they respond to, and how they feel. You have to be able to gain the trust of a person. You have to be very socially adept and high EQ + be able to be morally objective and un-cucked by bluepill slave myths like "Honesty is the best policy" etc.
We live in a world of Lies. Most people, even bluepills, have some grasp of this very basic truth. What most people don't realise is that the lies go all the way to the heart of our foundational understanding of what reality and Human Nature is.
I have read that. Many moons ago.
I think we are talking at cross purposes. I define a dark triad as someone with a clinical personality disorder.
There is another thing at work here. You may be fully aware of how the game works, yet choose to abstain on moral grounds.
For example, sleeping with a friends wife. Slave morality forbids. Master morality permits. Similarly with exploiting a vulnerable person. If you have ridden yourself of any notions of morality that you could harm the vulnerable for personal gain, you will see no error in robbing pensioners of their life savings. If that doesn’t bring any pang of remorse, then there is no broad agreement on this matter. In my professional world I could do things like this, but even if I could, I wouldn’t. My self worth isn’t decided entirely by money. It’s also by the role I fill and the shadow I case on society, and a life of exploiting others for private gain isn’t one I would be proud of.
Marcus Aurelius is a good example of someone who was a powerful man who didn’t succumb to the temptations and corruptions of power. As for Mao et al, these are not figures anyone should emulate. History is very critical of them. Julius Ceaser you may note was brutally murdered by his friends, so the dark triad pendulum swings both ways.
There are people all over the world being abused, tortured, trafficked and harmed by dark triads who view other human life as a mere bag of flesh for exploitation. I don’t truly believe that you advocate that, I think you’re playing a bit of the rebellious teenager being honest. Many of these people aren’t being victimised because they are weak, they are being victimised because they are victims of circumstance - they didn’t have whatever protections they needed at an early age or when circumstances made them vulnerable.
I read of a girl who ran away from abuse, met a “boyfriend” who plied her with drugs and then added opiates in the morning . She woke up one day and he was removing a syringe from her arm. He had been injecting in her stupor to build the addiction so she was dependent and he could pimp her. That, is the end game of dark triad thought. The total disregard for others for private gain. I imagine you are just as reviled by this as I am (that man needs to swing from a rope), so hopefully this can demonstrate why manipulation of others must have limits and can only really be used within the boundaries of constraint and without causing undue harm to others.