Thanks, I guess, wasn't really a critera for me, it just happened to be so. I'm not personally opposed to having (responsible) casual sex actually, I believe society places too much significance on sex in general.First up, congrats on marrying a virgin. That should be the baseline requirement for all marriages.
On the other hand I do run the risk of her curiosity thinking the grass may be greener on the other side though. That said, I do keep her well fed with high quality grass on this field.You are naturally going to have a much easier time running the relationship the way you do because you're her first, and she has nothing to compare you to (which is a great thing!)
No doubt many women do this, but I do believe some of them are able to overcome it and enjoy things for what they are now. It's generally a bad (and common) mistake to be mentally stuck in the past and the future, been there, done that, most of the time only pain comes of it.Unfortunately, girls with a sexual past have hit the hypergamy switch and they compare you to past experiences and projected future experiences with other guys.
On my part this is where heavy screening comes in. Maybe 90%+ fails the tests, but if I don't screen properly I won't find the exceptions. As I said, I can't be bothered to go beyond my natural state to keep a woman interested, not worth the effort IMO.This is where the maintaining of her respect becomes such a crucial thing. The more c0cks she's had, the more unstable she becomes. And this has a very steep curve too.
Didn't work that well on my first virgin. She used the typical "I'm just not feeling it anymore" breakup, she confused infatuation for love and once it inevitably wore off she thought she lost her love for me. That's what inexperience can do, fortunately my wife understood the difference. So virgins aren't a guaranteed hit and they may still have serious personality defects making them unsuitable for any type of LTR.But in the case of virgins, in my experience, you don't need to worry about maintaining perceptions and respect much at all because you already have it by being her "first." - It's just such a powerful thing to have over a women - being her first time.