Probably the key reason I like to maintain a completely dominant and superior frame is because I've noticed that it's where the best sex comes from. She works extremely hard to please you, and interestingly it appears to massively turn her on when in complete submission.
Sexual dynamic isn't quite the same as overall relationship dynamic in my experience. I've been with the same woman for 6 years now, married almost 2 years. Sex is wilder than it ever has been. I really didn't even have a choice to not dominate in the bedroom, she was a virgin when we met and I had to teach her the arts. She prefers that I lead, but on the rare occasion there's something she wants to do I'm usually open to that.
Outside the bedroom it's more of a cooperation. I really hate having to decide on every little thing, so I decide on some things and leave some things up to her. Usually I decide on everything big like expensive purchases and such. It's not like one person decides and that overrules whatever the other may have against it, we do discuss things and most of the time reach agreement whether that's to go for it, not go for it or find another solution altogether. She's fairly levelheaded and so am I so it works, a less rational woman would drive me up a fvcking wall though, haha.
In my experience, she only ever becomes resentful if she loses respect. This is what ties into managing her perceptions of you (something we discussed earlier).
First sentence is absolutely true. The second sentence is your way of achieving it, I do it differently. I don't "manage perceptions", that's way too stressful, I manage the people I allow into my life. I do life the way that makes me feel the best (within the realm of possibility of course), I eject the people who upsets that balance. That's not really much to manage because I get rid of those who require a lot of managing to keep around.
Women completely change themselves to mold to the shape of what the man she loves wants her to be. She will remain this way until he no longer turns her on.
I'm extremely skeptical of women who behave in this way. They change themselves because of their emotionally hightened state, this only lasts for as long as she's in that state and in the case of infatuation it may last a very long time, but never indefinitely. When that day comes she will revert back to her natural state and if she's not someone you like in her natural state you have wasted your time at best. This means you'll have to work harder to keep her from being her natural self, you're literally fighting her nature and sooner or later nature will win.
I want a woman who initially doesn't need any significant changing to begin with, a woman I can love in her natural state and who will return that love in her natural state. So when that constant barrage of heightened emotion inevitably wears off a deeper and calmer connection takes over. That's where we're at now, the honeymoon phase has long since passed. It's not all day every day anymore, but we get into that zone relatively frequently and that keeps it alive and healthy. In between we get sh!t done that needs to be done to actually function effectively in life, without me having to carry all the load and wear myself out.
I aim for balance, it does not need to be perfect balance in all aspects, some variations are ok. I do like to stay away from any extremes though, I only go to extremes if I'm met with extremes. In the case of women though I prefer one that's like myself, well balanced in most areas, I find those most enjoyable to spend my life with. I stay away from extreme people, they're near impossible to cooperate with. I don't bother trying to dominate them even if I know I could, it's no fun, the smartest thing I can do is deprive them of my most valuable asset, my time.