Hell has frozen over. Psychopath
We have been talking about this for over a year. It makes no difference to me if in a vacuum you refuse all public health recommendations. The problem I have is when people assume the rest of society is unaffected. The maskless and the anti-vax prolong the pandemic. 600,000 deaths and counting…
The term Anti-vaxxx was given by the same people who created the scammdenic to further divide the country. The Vaxxx isn't even a vaxx, masks don't work and 600k didn't die. Your boyfriend Dr. Fraudchi's emails debunked just about everything you were deceived to believe.
If I read the ingredients of a food label to decide before I buy it, does that make me an anti-fooder? You keep preaching masks and gene therapy shots work? Then why do you even give a chit if others don't? I can tell you from my own personal experience not wearing a mask. That most people weren't scared of catching rona, they were mad I wasn't being obedient. Lost count how many times people looked at me and took their face tampon off.
The truth is slowly coming out straight from the horses mouth, yet you see how deep the mind control embeds itself in the brain. I know I give EBR chit, I do it just show people how got dam effective and real mind control is. No matter how much truth, facts, science and evidence you show a brainwashed individual, they cannot and will not allow themselves to even think the narrative they've been brainwashed to be believe might actually be false. They will stick to their narrative till they're 6ft deep. Same goes for all the antifa, BLM, Pride, all of it uses some form of mind control or witch craft.