Yes, the avatar is me, but all you are seeing is the end result.
When I was younger, I was diagnosed with Asperger's. Though I had a great strength in classroom settings, I struggled to comprehend even simple of social interactions. I have spent a lifetime overcoming this deficit to the extent I could become sociable and outgoing. I was also a very skinny, pimply-faced, straggly kid who had no sense of style in hair or clothes. It is something of a slight to my many years of effort when someone accuses me of being handed a life of milk and honey via some genetic lottery.
That being said, I did do well with women regardless of these limitations, because I had learned the power of social status even if I didn't quite understand how to behave appropriately within it. I pursued music to the extent that it allowed me to surround myself with people even though I wasn't outgoing, even though I often said little, even though I didn't approach women. I learned how it have it all come to me instead.
In my late 20's, I decided to put music aside and pursue a more stable career. I had to completely redefine my approach as the social status was no longer what it was before. Things did not come to me anymore. I had to then learn how to pursue it. I had to live for years way outside of my comfort zone, failing hard along the way just to understand the dynamics of saying hello to cashiers and old ladies, let alone women. I had to hit the gym, learn how to dress myself and style my hair, in which I had often failed along the way there too (lol)....It wasn't an easy journey.
I'm not naïve. I am not a Matt Damon who says "pull yourselves up by the bootstraps you pvssies. It aint that hard!". I understand some have to work harder than others, and that hard work does not always guarantee perfect results. But I have never been the man to focus on problems. I focus only on solutions.
IMO, all of these racial stats is the act of focusing on a problem. Not having the genetic makeup to be graced with a Hollywood look is focusing on a problem. IMO, you need to solve these things by compensating. You need to find a way to break through the plateau you are hitting in the gym to bulk up. You need to break through and embrace a social magnetism that is immune to looks. A great physique and a glowing persona can overcome many deficits, at least enough so to lift you out of fat-match land.