I understand it is no different than a white guy going to Southeast Asia to maximize his SMV. Whether you give them the passport and big western dollars they want or not, it's still being dangled as provisioning bait.What part of sans provisioning do you not understand?
This is why you don't bother with incels. Yet they boss the frame on the internet. Pathetic.
Believe me, I have thought about this option extensively. I have nothing against it in principle. I even started learning a bit of basic Russian as my Eastern European friends tell me that's the most versatile language through all of EE. But again, you are looking at $1500 USD flight round trip, plus $1000 for Hotel for 7-10 days, then hitting on girls on the street all day so you MIGHT bang 1-3 if you do well. Even with 3 lays, you're paying minimum $833 per ****. And I can't fly there every week.
After doing the math and considering the practicalities, I dropped the notion. I could get a top notch hooker or SB here for far less.
Lol dude. Did you see the graphs? Scientific fact white guys are ****ing the most of any race in America. The celibacy rate for Chinese/Indians is ~3x greater and rising exponentially:I agree. Try being a middle aged white guy who makes over 100K/yr. vs. 20 years ago. We are now universally considered to be the most racist, mysonigistic, homophobic, islamo-phobic, whatever-you-can-think-of phobic, toxically masculine, white devils that are the root of all of western society's woes. Even white women actually write in their ads that they do not even want to be contacted by conservative men, even if they are white and good looking. It is a form of prejudice that is entirely acceptable, unhidden and even applauded and advanced by higher education and legislatively pushed by elected politicians.
Get over it cupcake. I'm hated on too.
Do you really think it is much different for short, ugly white dudes? Those incels who shot up their schools... were any of them Indian or Chinese?
If you're ugly and short, you need a little more than "meh. okay" to get significant results. Don't sit here and ***** you're not getting the results of a jacked beach bod if you don't actually have one, then tell me hitting the gym is BS.
That is because you are trying to make a difference in a medium that is almost entirely driven by physical attraction, which you are clearly highlighting as your greatest weakness. Did you really expect to swim in pvssy this way? Nobody gives a sh*t that you have a high IQ, went to France or make 6 figures when it comes to OLD.
And herein is part of your problem. You over exaggerate the message. Nobody is claiming a retard can pull 6 figures with enough hard work. Nobody is claiming a 5'7" guy can dunk on Kobe if he just works "hard enough". Nobody is saying you will date 9's and party at the Playboy Mansion if you just put enough effort in.
You're just reading it that way.
The message is that with some improvements, there is no reason why you cannot also reap the benefit of moving up a few ranks in the standard of women you normally attract. If you normally land 5's before all of these improvements, you should at the very least be able to dabble with 7's after.
To me, you either think good enough is all it should take to reap significant results, or you place too high of a dependence on things that are not as significant as you wish they were.

Furthermore OKCupid has done race analyses and white guys come out way in #1 as the most attractive and successful with women:
I have not said race is the only factor you need to succeed. I've said that being white, handsome, and tall are the three strongest predictors of success, as long as you don't also have autism or some other major mental condition and you make an effort. That's backed by science, not my opinion. I've just given you proof of race. Do you need proof of height and proof of handsomeness being hugely important too? I think that should be well known already.
I can do nothing more to become ripped if I've already spent thousands of hours in gyms, continue to exercise regularly, continue to eat well, and I've even tried steroids. I've done work out routines with friends who are semi-pro athletes. I know what other guys are doing for their physiques. My cousin has had a six pack since he was a teenager. He eats KFC and pizza every day. Dude's ripped as ****.
I've learned life is not fair. I continue to make an effort. I will always make an effort.
End of the day, I'd definitely rather not **** anyone (or alternatively I'd rather pay hookers or SBs) than stick my **** in a whale. Again, if there wasn't risk of identification, I'd gladly post the "likes" I get on POF/Match so you can see that they're all >200 lb whales or one of the many varieties of profiles I've tried.
I'm not sure what environment is better. I've done clubs/bars extensively, streets/malls, tried going to MeetUps (usually 80% dudes), and tried all the online services. Overall, I prefer clubs/bars the most since you can at least engage with girls and not just be ignored. But the rejections are more brutal too, so none is really that great. Speed dating was okay too - highlights my conversational strengths - but it's hard to get a decent girl that way too. Got a few dates with a chubby 4/10 last time I did that but I found her boring (chubby, ugly) so ghosted on it.
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