Interesting, funny how fat people in USA make excuses for their obesity, yet when you go overseas, oveweight people are few and far between.I don't think you read my post, try again think about it and come back and give it another go.
Also if you are needing any historical evidence. The people of the South Pacific would become very obese before they set sail to find other lands because they did not know when they would find land again and needed fat to survive.
Fat is the easiest food source for a human to process successfully to retain health. Most modern (weight industry led) science avoid allowing people to learn of this fact because they make more money selling the high protein myth.
Not that I am saying at all that obesity is healthy in a society that has plenty of food at all times. Just that, you are believing the lies that are FED to you. They make money because idiots buy the lies.
I recall some guy coming back from Europe, and when he returned and arrived at a US terminal the amount of fat men and women were all over, compared to the thinner people overseas. He could see a noticeable difference.