LOL, you're probably a woman who's overweight and here;s why: biologically speaking, no matter how fat you are, you need 9 months to bring a baby to life and if there is close to nothing to eat, you are going to die much sooner than 9 months from starvation anyways.
Furthermore, put this into context today where a big part of the world does not suffer from lack of food and it suffers from oversupplies of it and your claim is out of context completely. Now, add to this that overweight and obese women are slow (biologically bad), they sweat more and that means they are less likely to be lady like since they accumulate smells in their body much quicker and personally, I find that repulsive psychologically.
In my personal experience, slim chicks are agile, they look and feel much more handable = feminine and soft and move better and easier in bed. Moreover, fat chicks come packed with higher chances of several diseases related to high blood pressure and heart diseases mainly and why the **** would I want to infuse my possible future baby with the genes of someone who has overweight/obese tendencies in her genes? No reason.
There is a fine line between curvy and overweight/obese. In general, guys who like overweight women do so because their mom was/is overweight. Personally, if the chick is not quiet and slim/fit, she doesn't even qualify for me and yes, I have tried bangin' overweight/obese chicks and no, not for me.