@soulforge, yes getting involved with your ex would be risky business since she never cared for your feelings and disrespected you that often. Three months NC is good. Stay strong and continue blocking her. You don't want to get pulled back into that toxic orbit. If she
texts or rings, you ignore and carry on about your life.
Day 12
I slipped yesterday. I got a text from my aunt asking how I was doing and that she missed seeing new pictures posted to Instagram since my last one was at the end of March. I deleted that app off my phone, so I logged into IG on a desktop browser and noticed my ex untagged a photo that I posted two months back. I pull up her profile and noticed she unfollowed me and probably blocked me. Her account is public, so I saw nearly a dozen photos she posted since the breakup. They were all the usual selfies or full body shots of her dressed up nice out somewhere with who knows who. At least one shot was taken from her bed fully dressed, smiling, and face was blushing, but I knew that one wasn't a selfie. I felt a pain of an emotional trigger, figuring that the new guy that replaced me that probably took it.
I know Instagram and social media in general that people project how awesome and happy their lives are. A person's life could be filled with anxiety or depression, but you'll never see them post a picture or write about that in a status update for the most part. I have no idea if the ex cares that I ghost her by blocking her cell # and email address after the breakup text, but it doesn't matter. Seems like I was quickly forgotten with her new dude or backup orbiters helping her feel validated in attention or sechs.
I've been to therapy twice and learning how to let all this go. I'm learning how to develop better boundaries next time, so I don't disclose to potential plates the dark secrets of my failed relationships. Keep convo light and focused on fun. The new person doesn't have the right to know the deep emotional wounds (often that info is used against me or used to push me away too damn early) so I got to keep that under wraps.
I realized I have a crap ton of work to do on self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, and self-respect to rid all co-dependency tendencies. I want to be completely comfortable in my own skin and not feel threatened by competition, or dread of abandonment.
I found a site that is sorta geared towards the opposite sex, but many of the articles have interesting insights that are helping me clear my head of guilt, loss, shame, or other negative thoughts floating around. Some of these articles may help you guys too...
Keep striving forward guys, never go back to an ex. Improve your life, fill it with meaningful passions, hobbies, career, friendships (males are especially important too), and learn to live happily with or without the company of plate(s).