What did Pook mean by this? How can one 'know too much' and what is so bad about it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I think this kind of realization can come when you sit back and possibly observe your own mother and see the nature of women through her. I had this type of feeling he's speaking on when I did that and it kind of got to me.
This is also part of the reason for this post as well.
to be fair, pook also said that at some point you'll have mastered and internalized the game so much that you won't even want to post here, the idea of needing help to get girls will just become completely foreign to you
I recall that. It is nearly impossible to do so though as we think too much rather than just be. Pook's last login was in 2013 too as we can see so even he struggles with living 100% naturally.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Realizing that the motivations and actions of women are ALL the same. Different women just prioritize things differently...


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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This is also part of the reason for this post as well.

I recall that. It is nearly impossible to do so though as we think too much rather than just be. Pook's last login was in 2013 too as we can see so even he struggles with living 100% naturally.
Iamthedoublegreatest : You should watch the movie ''The Peaceful Warrior'' and read the book if you want... it will change your life and bring you in to ''just be''.... The Peaceful Warrior is all about living in the moment, understanding your innerself and enjoying your journey, enjoy your journey more than trying to understand the world around it

I was introduced that movie 10 years ago by a club promoter while in College (the guy who was the king of the campus, in girls, health, etcc...)... he said it changed his life.... and it did mine too. (i watch it every year for reminder)

Pook seems to be a god here... if we Alpha, we don't need a god, Life ain't black or white.... your focus should just be about mastering youself and building yourself in that moment... who cares about others actions or ''reasons''... just move on to the Next if it doesnt click...

You are the boss! However, even the boss as to improve himself to lead.... The boss doesn't waste time challenging the meanings of what others do.... he just move to the next and improve from there '' He's too busy to worry or drown in rollercoaster of self-thoughts about why this or that happened, his mind is on the goal''.

So when you come to realize that.... you are angry (because you feel you wasted your life so far), denial etc, than come ''acceptance'' and if you really happy or alpha.... you stay in that ''acceptance'' and you move forward.

No one is perfect... things won't be 100% sometimes, you might come back to this site and look through it.... However, you will always come back to your acceptance stance because that's where you realize yourself the most.

1. Live in the moment
2. Be always your better self
3. Control your frame/emotions to make it stable
4. The World is a paradox (no point in understanding it, just live it)
5. Humour is the strongest weapon against ''challenges''
6. Do what makes you happy
7. Live in plentitude (from plates, to friends, to a meaningful LTR)
8. Enjoy the journey
9. Never look back and if you do, take a moment to appreciate who you became (the progress)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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You don't really want to know how incredibly selfish their motives are for everything.

I don't want to know, I hurried back across the line like Pook did. Jaded men do not go back over it, they are lost to the dark.
How do you go back over the line? You can not forget what you have seen! It is like Plato's allegory of the cave.
Once you have seen the reality of things behind the shadows, you can never go back in the cave and take the shadows for the Reality.

Going back that line? Sounds like going bluepill again? I think ist is impossible. But I am curious and openminded on how that should work. Because having crossed that line and having Seen behind the motives and the reality of women is really depressing. It takes away all the fun and fascination.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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Elaborate. Jaded men are those who still have not fully accepted it because they did not grow and develop with this knowledge.
That makes more sense- but that means going further, not back. It is more like going through a Tunnel and instead of stopping you keep an walking till you get through it until you reach the light at the end of it. There is no going back.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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The problem is knowledge. If 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing', then a lot of it is positively fatal!:D

With knowledge we look down, and look for some ground of explanation for the facts around us. In the opposite direction you have belief, where one looks up [Anthropod.. the animal that looks up]. Here we look at the ends, ideals, and transcendency of life as opposed to 'reality'.

Now the naysayers will say this is delusional on the basis of their criteria of knowledge. And that is where the idealist will turn and demolish knowledge. He is a skeptic of knowledge in order to be a believer. In the modern world skepticism + faith = happiness/ well-being.Ü

People are sitting in a room called confusion. It's the Cogito which was built by Descartes. Remove yourself, expand yourself, go and learn something from say Aristotle, who teaches how to think in quadruple multi-dimensional ways, where today we have everything reduced to a single black and white cell. People simply can't get outside their own thought/ ego.

You might like to read this if you have not already.

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Pook is referring to the inevitable anger and depression stage which occurs when a man swallows the red pill. He is shocked, dismayed, and angry when he learns the truth.

Later comes acceptance and a leveraging of the dynamics (commonly called "game") to one's advantage.
what I got from his post is relating it to pooks talk og "manuel" and how continuous reading about women, with no action, will lead to over thinking and freezes your actions in real life. Hence, why he always advocated for the field being the best teacher, not some book.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
How do you go back over the line? You can not forget what you have seen! It is like Plato's allegory of the cave.
Once you have seen the reality of things behind the shadows, you can never go back in the cave and take the shadows for the Reality.

Going back that line? Sounds like going bluepill again? I think ist is impossible. But I am curious and openminded on how that should work. Because having crossed that line and having Seen behind the motives and the reality of women is really depressing. It takes away all the fun and fascination.
First step is being unable to distinguish the two perspectives in relation to raw observation.

I view most things before my mind tries filtering it. Thus bluepill and redpill does not actually exist, they are different interpretations of the same observations rendering both invalid.

What happened to independent thinking and observation? People these days group up in social contructs and fight each other over imaginary things, it is absurd from my point of view.

I might not have stepped back over the line as much as I removed the line and each side.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
There is nothing 'Black" about a woman's soul. Is a Tiger 'black' because it kills baby animals to survive? Nope, it is their nature. Women are women, it is their nature. It does not serve the tiger to be concerned with the morality of killing: it does not serve women to be concerned about loyalty.

While we, as men, can not understand how a woman can just turn her back on a man she's been with for years... they, women, can not understand why we would hang around in a relationship which no longer serves us. Men have been conditioned to sacrifice for the greater good.... women have not, and it is not expected.

We view a woman's actions from a male perspective. But just try and think about it from a female perspective.... and believe it or not, everything that women do makes complete sense from an emotional perspective. Evolution has shaped women into a perfect survival machine as the weaker gender of a di-morphic tournament species. They allow emotions to dictate their actions as a cooping mechanism and it works, it allows them to quickly move on as a means of survival.

The human race is 200,000 years old, and we have only had what we might call 'civilization' for 6,000, and what we would call modern civilization for maybe 500. Genealogy studies of the British people indicate that around the time of the Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) conquest of the British Isles, virtually ALL the male population of the original inhabitants were wiped out. Almost all the 'Y' chromosomes of British men are Norse of Northern German in origin. This is what happened throughout human history except for the last 1,500 years. So for all but 99.25% of human history... when Tribes or nations defeated an enemy... ALL the men were put to the sword, and the women... well they were just absorbed by the new tribe/nation.

If women had not learned to emotionally adapt to watching there men and sons, butchered, then later that night fvcking the men that killed them... well the human race would have died thousands of years ago. If women had been more like men, then we would not even be debating this on this website.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
While we, as men, can not understand how a woman can just turn her back on a man she's been with for years... they, women, can not understand why we would hang around in a relationship which no longer serves us. Men have been conditioned to sacrifice for the greater good.... women have not, and it is not expected.

We view a woman's actions from a male perspective. But just try and think about it from a female perspective.... and believe it or not, everything that women do makes complete sense from an emotional perspective. Evolution has shaped women into a perfect survival machine as the weaker gender of a di-morphic tournament species. They allow emotions to dictate their actions as a cooping mechanism and it works, it allows them to quickly move on as a means of survival.
You nailed this one RangerMike, IMO.

Look at it this way:
If a woman loves YOU: then she will lie, cheat, steal, and deceive for YOU. If she loves your money, then she will lie, cheat, steal, deceive for your MONEY. Women are lead by their emotions. We men are lead by logic. We work, build, conquer, and provide. They nurture whatever their emotions tell them needs to be nurtured. Does it mean it's always acceptable? No, and that is why women can so easily put on a facade and a persona.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Pook is just being overly dramatic. Women can never fully be trusted. What else is new? Boo hoo. Deal with it.
When we're young, we believe in the world like little kids. We think we GET stuff just because we NEED stuff. But then we grow up and realize not only do we have to GIVE stuff to GET stuff, most of us don't really have that much to GIVE so what we can GET is pretty limited.

This is not so much a harsh realization about women, but about the world in general.

It's also, I believe, why economics is called the "dismal" science. It FORCES you to understand EXACTLY what things cost, which many times makes us realize we don't have nearly the value we think we do.

Of course, recognizing that you don't have nearly the value (as subjectively measured by OTHERS) we think we do is a HARD PILL TO SWALLOW. So must of us don't swallow it. Instead, we pretend the world is CORRUPTED somehow, and it's NOT OUR FAULT that we can't get what we want.

Most dudes wander through life significantly OVERESTIMATING their own value, so in the modern world, unfettered by external negative incentives that used to maintain monogamous commitments, there's no reason for a girl to stay with a guy UNLESS HE PROVIDES CONTINUOUS VALUE.

So that the flawed response, fueled by cognitive dissonance is, "OH MY GOSH! I'VE BEEN LIED TO! WOMAN ARE HYPERGAMOUS SKANKS THAT AREN'T WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN WHALE BLUBBER!"

When the reality is that ones own value is significantly lower than one thinks.

It's a harsh, dog eat dog world, and only those at the top of the social order get the high quality goods. The rest have to get the scraps.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
I will use a quote from à philosopher: "stupid people have no doubt, the problem with smart people is their full of doubt"

Women have no patience for guys with doubt

Its why confidence is related to mastering yourself.
Also to link to my previous post: the world is a paradox

So like Plato cave: master your inner game with courage and make entrance into the light (female love)

Cause the more you think, the more you drown


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Pook means: If there was an app that would send you an alert every time your girlfriend was unfaithful, you would uninstall it.

Consider how people talk about others when they are not there. If that person could listen in, they would be outraged. But why? Everyone talks about everyone like that in private. So ideally we won't want to know what they say.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
There is nothing 'Black" about a woman's soul. Is a Tiger 'black' because it kills baby animals to survive? Nope, it is their nature. Women are women, it is their nature. It does not serve the tiger to be concerned with the morality of killing: it does not serve women to be concerned about loyalty.

While we, as men, can not understand how a woman can just turn her back on a man she's been with for years... they, women, can not understand why we would hang around in a relationship which no longer serves us. Men have been conditioned to sacrifice for the greater good.... women have not, and it is not expected.

We view a woman's actions from a male perspective. But just try and think about it from a female perspective.... and believe it or not, everything that women do makes complete sense from an emotional perspective. Evolution has shaped women into a perfect survival machine as the weaker gender of a di-morphic tournament species. They allow emotions to dictate their actions as a cooping mechanism and it works, it allows them to quickly move on as a means of survival.

The human race is 200,000 years old, and we have only had what we might call 'civilization' for 6,000, and what we would call modern civilization for maybe 500. Genealogy studies of the British people indicate that around the time of the Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) conquest of the British Isles, virtually ALL the male population of the original inhabitants were wiped out. Almost all the 'Y' chromosomes of British men are Norse of Northern German in origin. This is what happened throughout human history except for the last 1,500 years. So for all but 99.25% of human history... when Tribes or nations defeated an enemy... ALL the men were put to the sword, and the women... well they were just absorbed by the new tribe/nation.

If women had not learned to emotionally adapt to watching there men and sons, butchered, then later that night fvcking the men that killed them... well the human race would have died thousands of years ago. If women had been more like men, then we would not even be debating this on this website.
There's a flaw with this though. Women at the time of their husbands getting killed in war NEEDED to move on in order to survive. Life or death situations are much different than the average comfy lifestyle. Women today do not need to. They just randomly decide what they want to feel that day. Not only that, but this does not explain sh!tty female behavior either. It doesn't even explain how a woman could SUDDENLY become unfaithful while still with her man. During those periods of history you mentioned, women were almost never unfaithful nor did they believe their vaginas were golden. They thought how they were mothers and had to keep their husband happy so that she could provide for and nurture her kids. There is a difference between being able to move on if your spouse dies, and willingly cheating on a man who would give his life for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
When we're young, we believe in the world like little kids. We think we GET stuff just because we NEED stuff. But then we grow up and realize not only do we have to GIVE stuff to GET stuff, most of us don't really have that much to GIVE so what we can GET is pretty limited.

This is not so much a harsh realization about women, but about the world in general.

It's also, I believe, why economics is called the "dismal" science. It FORCES you to understand EXACTLY what things cost, which many times makes us realize we don't have nearly the value we think we do.

Of course, recognizing that you don't have nearly the value (as subjectively measured by OTHERS) we think we do is a HARD PILL TO SWALLOW. So must of us don't swallow it. Instead, we pretend the world is CORRUPTED somehow, and it's NOT OUR FAULT that we can't get what we want.

Most dudes wander through life significantly OVERESTIMATING their own value, so in the modern world, unfettered by external negative incentives that used to maintain monogamous commitments, there's no reason for a girl to stay with a guy UNLESS HE PROVIDES CONTINUOUS VALUE.

So that the flawed response, fueled by cognitive dissonance is, "OH MY GOSH! I'VE BEEN LIED TO! WOMAN ARE HYPERGAMOUS SKANKS THAT AREN'T WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN WHALE BLUBBER!"

When the reality is that ones own value is significantly lower than one thinks.

It's a harsh, dog eat dog world, and only those at the top of the social order get the high quality goods. The rest have to get the scraps.
It doesn't matter your value. Women will still cheat on you. Some women cheat on dominanant successful men with friends from her old neighborhood. She didn't build what he has thus she doesn't RESPECT it. So it's not always about something you "lack".


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
When we're young, we believe in the world like little kids. We think we GET stuff just because we NEED stuff. But then we grow up and realize not only do we have to GIVE stuff to GET stuff, most of us don't really have that much to GIVE so what we can GET is pretty limited.

This is not so much a harsh realization about women, but about the world in general.

It's also, I believe, why economics is called the "dismal" science. It FORCES you to understand EXACTLY what things cost, which many times makes us realize we don't have nearly the value we think we do.

Of course, recognizing that you don't have nearly the value (as subjectively measured by OTHERS) we think we do is a HARD PILL TO SWALLOW. So must of us don't swallow it. Instead, we pretend the world is CORRUPTED somehow, and it's NOT OUR FAULT that we can't get what we want.

Most dudes wander through life significantly OVERESTIMATING their own value, so in the modern world, unfettered by external negative incentives that used to maintain monogamous commitments, there's no reason for a girl to stay with a guy UNLESS HE PROVIDES CONTINUOUS VALUE.

So that the flawed response, fueled by cognitive dissonance is, "OH MY GOSH! I'VE BEEN LIED TO! WOMAN ARE HYPERGAMOUS SKANKS THAT AREN'T WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN WHALE BLUBBER!"

When the reality is that ones own value is significantly lower than one thinks.

It's a harsh, dog eat dog world, and only those at the top of the social order get the high quality goods. The rest have to get the scraps.
Quit using big words and long phrases to sound smarter; you could have summarized it up in 4 words: "You aren't all that."

Some women will just cheat just BECAUSE. They don't want to be with a certain man anymore, they don't like the fact that they are now mothers, they don't the house they live in because someone else's is bigger, the man they are with isn't making as much money as some other dude even though she still is able to buy whatever she wants, etc. A lot of it doesn't even have to do with you. You cannot blame yourself all the time for everything because there is another party involved. You cannot control her 100% of the time, you cannot control other people hitting on her 100% of the time, you cannot control someone raping her, you cannot control the changes in her hormones, there's tons of factors out there that can influence her attitude towards you. There's only so much you can do to even be able to improve too. Not everyone can win a gold medal in the Olympics, not everyone has the ability to sign $30 million contracts for the NFL, not evveryone can get lucky to have a movie hit off really well. There is only one common denominator in everything I mentioned above though: the woman.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
There's a flaw with this though. Women at the time of their husbands getting killed in war NEEDED to move on in order to survive. Life or death situations are much different than the average comfy lifestyle. Women today do not need to. They just randomly decide what they want to feel that day. Not only that, but this does not explain sh!tty female behavior either. It doesn't even explain how a woman could SUDDENLY become unfaithful while still with her man. During those periods of history you mentioned, women were almost never unfaithful nor did they believe their vaginas were golden. They thought how they were mothers and had to keep their husband happy so that she could provide for and nurture her kids. There is a difference between being able to move on if your spouse dies, and willingly cheating on a man who would give his life for you.
This is the difference between female evolutionary proclivity and what society allows.

Back then, you are right... women did behave in the way you suggested, but the only reason was because they had been conditioned by society to behave in a certain way. Western society today no longer expects women to be loyal, therefor they follow their emotional evolutionary tendencies. Back then men had authority over women, in exchange for man being given certain privileges in society. Men had privilege: but they also had responsibility. Today men have responsibility but no privilege... and women can run wild and do what ever they want. If they screw up, the government will take care of them... if a man screws up he ends up a mental basket-case living on the street.

Social conditioning only lasts as long as society is WILLING to enforce rules. This is why it makes no sense for a man to marry a women from a conservative culture and bring her back to the Western Society... because as soon as she figures out the 'deal', she will adapt to western culture. Eddie Murphy had a great comedy sketch about this in his "Raw" comedy act, when he talked about what happens when you marry a "Bush B!tch" and bring her back to America.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
A modern woman won't be shamed and shunned if she cheats. And thanks to social media and online dating she always has the means to hand. However before we go on another rant against hypergamy remember guys that's most scientific studies have shown the majority of women don't cheat. It's normally comes out at about 10%. Now that's is going to be difficult to accurately measure so let's triple it. You ve still got a 70% chance she won't cheat if you are handling your business. And that's where this site help so much. If you are not worried about losing her because you know you can easily replace she's more likely to stick around. Although I must confess the more they stick around the more I appreciate solitude
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
RangerMike nailed it. Our posts crossed over. Only bit I don't totally agree with is the last. I get a better deal with my Asian girlfriends. You can't sweep aside 6000 years of culture so easily


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
This is the difference between female evolutionary proclivity and what society allows.

Back then, you are right... women did behave in the way you suggested, but the only reason was because they had been conditioned by society to behave in a certain way. Western society today no longer expects women to be loyal, therefor they follow their emotional evolutionary tendencies. Back then men had authority over women, in exchange for man being given certain privileges in society. Men had privilege: but they also had responsibility. Today men have responsibility but no privilege... and women can run wild and do what ever they want. If they screw up, the government will take care of them... if a man screws up he ends up a mental basket-case living on the street.

Social conditioning only lasts as long as society is WILLING to enforce rules. This is why it makes no sense for a man to marry a women from a conservative culture and bring her back to the Western Society... because as soon as she figures out the 'deal', she will adapt to western culture. Eddie Murphy had a great comedy sketch about this in his "Raw" comedy act, when he talked about what happens when you marry a "Bush B!tch" and bring her back to America.
Their evolutionary tendencies are first and foremost submission. Before being emotional or observing or anything. They just are mentally sick because no is there to bring out their submission.