This is also part of the reason for this post as well.
I recall that. It is nearly impossible to do so though as we think too much rather than just be. Pook's last login was in 2013 too as we can see so even he struggles with living 100% naturally.
Iamthedoublegreatest : You should watch the movie ''The Peaceful Warrior'' and read the book if you want... it will change your life and bring you in to ''just be''.... The Peaceful Warrior is all about living in the moment, understanding your innerself and enjoying your journey, enjoy your journey more than trying to understand the world around it
I was introduced that movie 10 years ago by a club promoter while in College (the guy who was the king of the campus, in girls, health, etcc...)... he said it changed his life.... and it did mine too. (i watch it every year for reminder)
Pook seems to be a god here... if we Alpha, we don't need a god, Life ain't black or white.... your focus should just be about mastering youself and building yourself in that moment... who cares about others actions or ''reasons''... just move on to the Next if it doesnt click...
You are the boss! However, even the boss as to improve himself to lead.... The boss doesn't waste time challenging the meanings of what others do.... he just move to the next and improve from there '' He's too busy to worry or drown in rollercoaster of self-thoughts about why this or that happened, his mind is on the goal''.
So when you come to realize that.... you are angry (because you feel you wasted your life so far), denial etc, than come ''acceptance'' and if you really happy or alpha.... you stay in that ''acceptance'' and you move forward.
No one is perfect... things won't be 100% sometimes, you might come back to this site and look through it.... However, you will always come back to your acceptance stance because that's where you realize yourself the most.
1. Live in the moment
2. Be always your better self
3. Control your frame/emotions to make it stable
4. The World is a paradox (no point in understanding it, just live it)
5. Humour is the strongest weapon against ''challenges''
6. Do what makes you happy
7. Live in plentitude (from plates, to friends, to a meaningful LTR)
8. Enjoy the journey
9. Never look back and if you do, take a moment to appreciate who you became (the progress)