What did Pook mean by this? How can one 'know too much' and what is so bad about it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
On The Secret of the Jerk, there is something that caught my eye:

In your original post you wrote about Otto Weininger.

Otto came to the conclusion that women are amoral, soulless beings; that of her value system being molded by her environment; that she behaves 'good' not because such goodness is inherent of her, but because it is expected by her environment (e.g. party girl value system while in a party environment, mother value system upon having children), of society (e.g. social proof, the Slut Dilemma). That don't try figuring out the female mind because how can you figure out nothing? (Something I remember you commenting). Yet, isn't all this just getting inside the female mind?

I remember long ago you commenting on Female Nature, saying what you found is so black you wished you never knew. Yet if there is no philosophy of women, isn't the conclusion women are soulless and when you look upon the female mind, nothing is there, philosophy? Or is it simply the sum of observations, thereby empirical, simply put in philsophical terms?

Any thoughts? This is one subject that elaboration would be greatly appreciated.

And here is Pook's response:
I don't WANT to think back to those old days, Deep Dish. Why return to them? It's depressing as it is and I don't want to think about it.

There is such a thing as knowing more then one should. It was a line I crossed and I hurriedly ran back over it. I'm not going over it again.

You'll figure it out if you keep looking. And you'll know it when it hits. I'd advise to stop thinking about women and just go get them in real life. Women are not meant to be understood, only loved.

Look at it in this way. The chicken's destiny is to be on my barbeque grill. The chicken will never know this. It goes about its life quite happily. But what if the chicken DID realize this? Or take the dog who happily runs around on its leash. The dog thinks itself a comrade to its master, a friend. It knows the hand that feeds it. It does not think of himself as a 'pet'. He doesn't realize how much control YOU really have. But, alas, his destiny will forever be 'pet' because THAT is the way Nature framed it!

Now consider the destiny of the Human male...

And yes, women do realize it. Especially the older ones.
What is so "black" about female nature that someone could want to unlearn it or wish to never have learnt it? He said how older women especially know this. For some reason, I feel this ties into the other thread where a poster said an older woman said to him that she never dreamed of being a wife, only a mother and having a big wedding. But never a wife. Though I am not sure if it is or not, just a guess.

Does anyone know or have an idea about what he meant by this?

Here is the post that Deep Dish is referring to:
Good piece, DarkDream. The beauty of it is that you focused on what is going on inside the head of a MAN instead of a WOMAN.

Though, I think sexuality is too big for evolution to handle. Why would a woman pass up the guy inventing the airplane to go for the guy who is boldly hopping around the hillside? Why is genius and all its varieties totally ignored by women? Why do women respond to decadent acts? Evolution doesn't really have an answer.

The HOW TOs of getting women and being successful with women are now generally known. What I've been curious about these past few months is not the HOW but the WHY. WHY do women act like they do? What dark secret of nature compels them too? The answer is so... black that I wish I never knew. And I thought the paradigm-shift from the AFC fairyland was shattering.

Best of luck and keep posting!

Anti-Dump, Big Don, ATNA, Adonis, Allen Thompson, and others- thanks a million.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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I am sure poon king or deesade has a great answer for this... If I had to guess, it would be something along the lines of hypergamy...


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I'm pretty sure he's just saying that once you go down the rabbit hole/accept the red pill, you will feel like ignorance is bliss. No need to get deep.
It does go further than that though. He stated that ingesting the red pill was shattering enough, but that this was something so bleak that he wish he never knew.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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What is so "black" about female nature that someone could want to unlearn it or wish to never have learnt it?
haven't you ever heard the quote: "don't try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other" - al bundy

alternatively, have you seen all those discussions where most of the guys on here debate if a good woman even exists and if unconditional love even exists? it's probably that sort of thing that pook is referring to.

the blue pill thinking is a more comforting way of life, sort of like how life in the matrix is easier than life in a world that is eternally dark and lifeless where the last of humanity struggles to survive


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
You don't really want to know how incredibly selfish their motives are for everything. @Poon King preaches about it constantly on here, notice the resistance he gets. Nobody wants to know. Realizing the extent of it wrecks all enjoyment one can gain from women, that's the darkness.

I don't want to know, I hurried back across the line like Pook did. Jaded men do not go back over it, they are lost to the dark.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
You don't really want to know how incredibly selfish their motives are for everything. @Poon King preaches about it constantly on here, notice the resistance he gets. Nobody wants to know. Realizing the extent of it wrecks all enjoyment one can gain from women, that's the darkness.

I don't want to know, I hurried back across the line like Pook did. Jaded men do not go back over it, they are lost to the dark.
Elaborate. Jaded men are those who still have not fully accepted it because they did not grow and develop with this knowledge.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Pook is referring to the inevitable anger and depression stage which occurs when a man swallows the red pill. He is shocked, dismayed, and angry when he learns the truth.

Later comes acceptance and a leveraging of the dynamics (commonly called "game") to one's advantage.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Pook is referring to the inevitable anger and depression stage which occurs when a man swallows the red pill. He is shocked, dismayed, and angry when he learns the truth.

Later comes acceptance and a leveraging of the dynamics (commonly called "game") to one's advantage.
I was thinking about that. But he talked about the post-afc stage different from experience of the bitter stage though as if what he was referring to was something else. Perhaps I am overthinking at least some of, if not all of this.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Perhaps I am overthinking at least some of, if not all of this.
Just a tad. All he was saying is that some men wish they didn't swallow the red pill because they were much happier before. Ignorance is bliss. When he referred to older women having this knowledge, he was making the point that women come to the realization of their nature. Its always been this way. Albeit, more extreme now.

All in all, I believe this deep analysis is unnecessary if not unhealthy.

The bottom line is that the truth is ugly. Only by virtue of the way men are brought up and the way society is led. Are only option is to use the knowledge to best position ourselves at the top. However 'sad' it may seem. I certainly would not prefer ignorance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Pook is just being overly dramatic. Women can never fully be trusted. What else is new? Boo hoo. Deal with it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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It deals with how women are attracted to men.

Men look at a woman one of two ways. Attractive and they want to pursue her. Or next. They pass over her.

Hypergame deals with women being the opposite. Where all women will be attracted to the best option available to them. For instance. In a room with 100 women and 10 men. If all the men are a 6 out of 10 and one man is a 7, there is a good chance every woman in the room will want the one guy. The 7.

Now take all of these guys out of the room except the 7. Replace them with all 7s except one 8. Now all those same women will no longer be attracted to the 7. They will now all be attracted to the one 8. He is now their best option.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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was not a point I read here, people saying pook before he stoped posting on this forum, he was pretty burned and depressed?

one thing I will always remember is this(a teacher in college said to us once), if you want to be happy, I can't tell how to do it, but I can tell waht path is this, take your things and leave*points to the door*, only way for you be happy is being a ignorant, the more you know harder is to be happy, with knowledge you can be satiated and contented with what you do.

what I can see and understand is this, he learned what he could and finally it hit him what woman are, and that made him lose his mind/hope/wish to be happy. so he started to go back to how he was before he had all this knowledge, but at the same time I find it kinda useless, if you can find such knowledge, is because first you started to look for it, if it was possible for you to forget that knowledge, I have no doubt you would search for that again, you had a reason to learn it, just undertand the reason and try to amke the better ou of it


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
was not a point I read here, people saying pook before he stoped posting on this forum, he was pretty burned and depressed?

one thing I will always remember is this(a teacher in college said to us once), if you want to be happy, I can't tell how to do it, but I can tell waht path is this, take your things and leave*points to the door*, only way for you be happy is being a ignorant, the more you know harder is to be happy, with knowledge you can be satiated and contented with what you do.

what I can see and understand is this, he learned what he could and finally it hit him what woman are, and that made him lose his mind/hope/wish to be happy. so he started to go back to how he was before he had all this knowledge, but at the same time I find it kinda useless, if you can find such knowledge, is because first you started to look for it, if it was possible for you to forget that knowledge, I have no doubt you would search for that again, you had a reason to learn it, just undertand the reason and try to amke the better ou of it
If my dad wasn't a foreigner who spoke broken English, I would not have understood what you were saying lol.

Yeah I read that Pook started to almost resent a lot of things in relation to women. Sometimes I think PK is Pook who just continues to post because he can no longer retain that internet persona he once had. Though I could be wrong.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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I think this kind of realization can come when you sit back and possibly observe your own mother and see the nature of women through her. I had this type of feeling he's speaking on when I did that and it kind of got to me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Women's Infidelity by Michelle Langley.

A small quote from the book...
I'm reading this page. I already thought it was red pill tuned of course, but when I started reading the "Women’s Infidelity: Living In Limbo Explains:" section I'm thinking there's no way this could have been written by a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
If my dad wasn't a foreigner who spoke broken English, I would not have understood what you were saying lol.

Yeah I read that Pook started to almost resent a lot of things in relation to women. Sometimes I think PK is Pook who just continues to post because he can no longer retain that internet persona he once had. Though I could be wrong.
to be fair, pook also said that at some point you'll have mastered and internalized the game so much that you won't even want to post here, the idea of needing help to get girls will just become completely foreign to you


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
was not a point I read here, people saying pook before he stoped posting on this forum, he was pretty burned and depressed?

one thing I will always remember is this(a teacher in college said to us once), if you want to be happy, I can't tell how to do it, but I can tell waht path is this, take your things and leave*points to the door*, only way for you be happy is being a ignorant, the more you know harder is to be happy, with knowledge you can be satiated and contented with what you do.

what I can see and understand is this, he learned what he could and finally it hit him what woman are, and that made him lose his mind/hope/wish to be happy. so he started to go back to how he was before he had all this knowledge, but at the same time I find it kinda useless, if you can find such knowledge, is because first you started to look for it, if it was possible for you to forget that knowledge, I have no doubt you would search for that again, you had a reason to learn it, just undertand the reason and try to amke the better ou of it
The problem is knowledge. If 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing', then a lot of it is positively fatal!:D

With knowledge we look down, and look for some ground of explanation for the facts around us. In the opposite direction you have belief, where one looks up [Anthropod.. the animal that looks up]. Here we look at the ends, ideals, and transcendency of life as opposed to 'reality'.

Now the naysayers will say this is delusional on the basis of their criteria of knowledge. And that is where the idealist will turn and demolish knowledge. He is a skeptic of knowledge in order to be a believer. In the modern world skepticism + faith = happiness/ well-being.

People are sitting in a room called confusion. It's the Cogito which was built by Descartes. Remove yourself, expand yourself, go and learn something from say Aristotle, who teaches how to think in quadruple multi-dimensional ways, where today we have everything reduced to a single black and white cell. People simply can't get outside their own thought/ ego.
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