Is There a Such Thing as a Faithful/Loyal Woman?


Oct 13, 2015
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In your first post you asked if any woman would cheat, if the circumstances were right. That is not the same thing as saying all women WILL cheat. Though some women are more likely to cheat than others.

Women are humans, and no human is perfect. Given the right temptation and set of circumstances, she may well cheat. You could say the same of a man. There is no guarantee that any particular woman will remain loyal. She may intend to be loyal, but people change over time, and 10 years from now things may be different.

That's why I won't get married. Why put your life into the hands of someone else, when you can't be sure what they will do with it. IMO relationships have shelf lives. You should enjoy it as long as it survives, just as you care for and maintain your car as long as it lasts.

But I don't think you should enter into an exclusive relationship if you have no intention of being exclusive.
Part of this doesn't resonate.

I'm human, as you say. Under the right condition, circumstance, and emotion--if I am in an exclusive relation--I won't cheat.

Why bother with exclusivity in the first place if there is a possibility (no matter how remote) that you think she may/will cheat? This is akin to entering a contract of time, money, attention, and resources with the possibility that the other party will not perform. Why would I willingly enter such a contract? That's a stupid business decision. Better not to enter the contract at all.

As to others who mention the word "control." News for your pal: Exclusivity is control. It's control of acceding not to entertain your other options--no matter how much you may desire to. I'm controlled--and so is she. Welcome to contracts.
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Apr 21, 2015
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9Volt, it's interesting that you bring up control, investing time and effort as well as validation. So perhaps for the sake of discussion, a successful DJ realizes all these things, that people can be fleeting... so perhaps... it is best to remain detached with emotions in check. We can't control the loyalty of others.

Regardless of gender, we have independent minds and free will. If we don't agree with a social contract and fail to compromise or reconcile, there's always the door.

We can't stop living and experiencing life believing that the idea that someone will develop multiple relationships outside an "exclusive" relationship. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. I think regardless of the way events take shape, it's best to continue living life and pursuing our own passions with our self-respect at the helm.

One of favorite quotes of all time is very simple "Fear is the mind killer..." ~ Dune.

We can only control our emotions, actions, and hopefully gather the wisdom to know the difference through past mistakes or the lessons learned vicariously through others.

We can however influence others by leading by example, but I believe that's the extent of it.
Exactly. And why would I or anyone want to invest, try to control (game) etc. a person who we believe isn't loyal in the first place? Unless we are needy, insecure, and need that validation from them. The person either is or isn't faithful. I for one ain't going insane with worry let alone trying to control them. I could know everything there is to know and someone could cheat on me regardless. I have no desire to waste time better spent on trying to control "fix" etc. that person. Only control myself and leave without a trace never to return but learn and grow going forward.

Most dudes have clues to whether they can trust someone or not. Their actions mating their words, family history, friends they choose to associate with etc. Most dudes are desperate as hell to not just cut bait and keep it movin but instead invest in trying to control or "game" that person then invest even MORE by deluding themselves when they should have just focused on themselves and moving on.

Will women cheat? Yes many may. But many also won't. I ain't got time to worry about that. You get clues constantly with how certain people are. If we choose to ignore signs, their history, our gut, then it's our fault being a willing "victim" and investing in crap to begin with. Some dudes never learn though. Their need for validation, their insecure egos etc. need to be fed as if they can't bear to just cut their losses and GAIN by leaving, learning, and finding someone better eventually.


Oct 20, 2006
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Why bother with exclusivity in the first place if there is a possibility (no matter how remote) that you think she may/will cheat? This is akin to entering a contract of time, money, attention, and resources with the possibility that the other party will not perform. Why would I willingly enter such a contract? That's a stupid business decision.
Sounds like you've signed business contracts. In business, you can NEVER go into an agreement based on faith. You can NEVER say "I know they would never do that" because once they do it, it's too late and all you have is the contract. Marriage is simply a terrible contract for a man, underwritten by shameless beta orbiters "to compete".


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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Depends on you and the woman. If you worship Roosh/ROK/Red pill stuff then you will never have a faithful woman regardless of how great she is. Same exact argument for the woman lol.


Apr 21, 2015
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Part of this doesn't resonate.

I'm human, as you say. Under the right condition, circumstance, and emotion--if I am in an exclusive relation--I won't cheat.

Why bother with exclusivity in the first place if there is a possibility (no matter how remote) that you think she will cheat? This is akin to entering a contract of time, money, attention, and resources with the possibility that the other party will not perform. Why would I willingly enter such a contract? That's a stupid business decision. Better not to enter the contract at all.

As to others who mention the word "contrtakol." News for your pal: Exclusivity is control. It's control of acceding not to entertain your other options--no matter how much you may desire to. I'm controlled--and so is she. Welcome to contracts.
The difference is doing it for yourself. NOT for the "woman's" sake or "exclusivities" sake.

I don't cheat for the simple fact it is part of my character building for MYSELF. Not to gain "points" from women. Most "nice" guys try to "nice" their way to get any woman they choose to "like" them and then get pissy when no matter how "nice" they are that one chick doesn't like or appreciate them.

Friends are generous with me. They don't do things expecting them back. I give back regardless. Neither is doing so to get brownie points or feel something is "owed" in return. Though me nor the close friends I keep are dumb enough to let people take kindness for weakness. Yes there are people like that and they get left where they are found.

Just like anyone on here. If you go out with a friend and buy them a drink you don't automatically hold it over their head you got them a drink so they "owe" you back. that's passive aggressive bs. There's an understanding and trust that doesn't need to be spoken that friend will either get you a drink that time or the next. Now if you are continuously doing things for someone just to do them as a friend and NOT expecting anything back but that person NEVER gives anything back then they are taking kindness for weakness and it's time to quit investing in a person that never was a "friend" to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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9Volt, it's interesting that you bring up control, investing time and effort as well as validation. So perhaps for the sake of discussion, a successful DJ realizes all these things, that people can be fleeting... so perhaps... it is best to remain detached with emotions in check. We can't control the loyalty of others.

Regardless of gender, we have independent minds and free will. If we don't agree with a social contract and fail to compromise or reconcile, there's always the door.

We can't stop living and experiencing life believing that the idea that someone will develop multiple relationships outside an "exclusive" relationship. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. I think regardless of the way events take shape, it's best to continue living life and pursuing our own passions with our self-respect at the helm.

One of favorite quotes of all time is very simple "Fear is the mind killer..." ~ Dune.

We can only control our emotions, actions, and hopefully gather the wisdom to know the difference through past mistakes or the lessons learned vicariously through others.

We can however influence others by leading by example, but I believe that's the extent of it.
This all seems so sensible and rational, yet at the level of a relationship something seems to be missing.

Social contract? independent? Control? All very good liberal ideas, but they are very individualistic.....

I like what you say about fear... but that shouldn't mean complete control over emotion... just over the negative emotions.

In the positive emotion of love we are connected to other people... perhaps even to the cosmos in some mystic way. So, if, as the OP is asking, a real relationship is possible, it has to be based on the possibility that our own individuality is not the summit of existence. If two lives are truly intertwined, and have grown together, you will have a loyal partner.

That's the ideal; our job is to make the ideal real... should we find the instinct and desire for it.


Oct 13, 2015
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Sounds like you've signed business contracts. In business, you can NEVER go into an agreement based on faith. You can NEVER say "I know they would never do that" because once they do it, it's too late and all you have is the contract. Marriage is simply a terrible contract for a man, underwritten by shameless beta orbiters "to compete".
So much for your 750k/yr or is it 75k/yr? If you enter a contract, and the other party does not perform, you sue the other part for performance and collect. Hopefully, you are smart enough to enter contract with a solvent party.

We're not talking marriage, we are speaking about an exclusivity contract.

So again, why would you willingly enter a contract to expend your time, money, resources, attention, and energy with a party who you think will/may default?


Oct 13, 2015
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Friends are generous with me. They don't do things expecting them back. I give back regardless. Neither is doing so to get brownie points or feel something is "owed" in return.
Perhaps, you don't understand what a contract and performance are. Friendship is not a contract. Exclusivity (solicited by her originally), where you forego all your other options, is.


Apr 21, 2015
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Perhaps, you don't understand what a contract and performance are. Friendship is not a contract. Exclusivity (solicited by her originally), where you forego all your other options, is.
So your relationships are all business.


Oct 13, 2015
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So your relationships are all business.
Yup, as is anything that requires my time, attention, and resources.

My point being that if you enter an exclusive contract, enter it as you believe you and she will perform--or don't enter it at all. And if she doesn't perform, then you made a bad business decision. Vet better next time.


Oct 20, 2006
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So much for your 750k/yr or is it 75k/yr?
Huh? Wait, you think my experience signing million dollar contracts in the 1990's (when I founded my company and became a self made Millionaire, owning 40% of a company evaluated at $10M by investors) means I don't make that much now?

You still can't believe I make that much? Wow, you must not make that much. I'm flattered that you find it impossible to believe.

For those interested in how to make that much: I have 3 contracts (no NDA's). They pay $85 an hour, $80 and hour, and $75 an hour, 40 hours per week (1099 Corp to Corp). That's $240 an hour or $1920 per day. Since I'm paid Corp to Corp, I take home the whole thing and might pay 10% tax after expenses, so I am taking home about $1750 per day.

If you make $750,000 salary (top .1%) you are in the 45% tax bracket, taking home $1650 per day (with 2 weeks vacation).

Maybe legend will break his salary down now?


Apr 21, 2015
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Yup, as is anything that requires my time, attention, and resources.

My point being that if you enter an exclusive contract, enter it as you believe you and she will perform--or don't enter it at all. And if she doesn't perform, then you made a bad business decision. Vet better next time.
Same could be said with friends.

If someone doesn't understand common sense and an exclusive relationship I'm not going to make it my job or "business" to teach a grown person how normal, healthy functioning relationships work. It's a waste of my time.


Oct 13, 2015
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Huh? Wait, you think my experience signing million dollar contracts in the 1990's means I don't make that much now?

You still can't believe I make that much? Wow, you must not make that much. I'm flattered that you find it impossible to believe.

For those interested in how to make that much: I have 3 contracts (no NDA's). They pay $85 an hour, $80 and hour, and $75 an hour, 40 hours per week (1099 Corp to Corp). That's $240 an hour or $1920 per day. Since I'm paid Corp to Corp, I take home the whole thing and might pay 10% tax after expenses, or about $1750 per day.

If you make $750,000 salary (top .1%) you are in the 45% tax bracket, taking home $1650 per day (with 2 weeks vacation).

Maybe legend will break his salary down now?
You don't work 7 days a week, right? Let's do simple math:

$1,750 * 5 (days per week) * 52 (assuming you have no vacations and are contracted 52 weeks a year) = $455,000 per year, S/E income.

Piker! Get your numbers up. Yes, I make more than you. Hit the search button if you want to know.


Oct 20, 2006
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You don't work 7 days a week, right? Let's do simple math:

$1,750 * 5 (days per week) * 52 (assuming you have no vacations and are contracted 52 weeks a year) = $455,000 per year, S/E income.

Piker! Get your numbers up. Yes, I make more than you. Hit the search button if you want to know.
First of all, readers will probably chuckle at this person saying I "only" make $455,000 per year. Especially after coming up with $75,000. Notice legend multiplies my post tax number of $1750 and then compares it to a pre tax number (that should be 45% less)? This is the type of deception a lot of people use, especially Liberals.

As anyone smart at math or business (or can read my previous post) knows, we have this TEENSY FACTOR CALLED INCOME TAX. If you make $750,000 a year salary, you take home how much? $412,000 per year (45% tax bracket).

To summarize: 90% of $1920 per day ($1728) > 55% of $3000 per day ($1650).

Meanwhile, legend doesn't tell us what s/he makes but gives a homework assignment?


Oct 13, 2015
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First of all, readers will probably chuckle at this person saying I "only" make $455,000 per year. Especially after coming up with $75,000. Notice legend uses my post tax number but then compares it to a pre tax number? This is the type of deception a lot of people use.

And anyone smart at math or business (or can read my previous post) knows we have this TEENSY FACTOR CALLED INCOME TAX.

If you make $750,000 a year salary, you take home how much? $412,000 per year (45% tax bracket).

To summarize: 90% of $1920 per day ($1728) > 55% of $3000 per day ($1650).

Meanwhile, legend doesn't tell us what s/he makes but gives a homework assignment?
Now, we know you really make 75k/yr. You don't prorate S/E income based on a ghost tax IF you were a W2. Idiot. Your GI is your GI. Get your numbers up piker.


Oct 20, 2006
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Now, we know you really make 75k/yr. You don't prorate S/E income based on a ghost tax IF you were a W2. Idiot. Your GI is your GI. Get your numbers up piker.
WINNER! Dumbest comment on SS. W2's can't deduct expenses and can only work for one company. 1099 can in theory invest all the money and pay no taxes along with infinite number of contracts.

I said I make the (net income) equivalent of $750,000 salary. I actually make more than that.

Also, I outlined HOW to make that much, I didn't just say "Ha ha, I make more" like a 12 year old girl would.

Legend, tell us: how much does someone making $750,000 per year SALARY take home after taxes per day?

Still won't tell us how much you make? We'll assume $76,000 per year W2.


Oct 13, 2015
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WINNER! Dumbest comment on SS.

W2's can't deduct expenses and can only work for one company. 1099 can in theory invest all the money and pay no taxes.

I said I make the equivalent of $750,000 salary. I actually make more than that.

Legend, tell us: how much does someone making $750,000 per year take home after taxes per day?

Still won't tell us that you make $76,000 per year W2?
Now you make the equivalent? LOL!

Does Donald Trump say he makes the equivalent of 2x his income because he pays no taxes?

You obviously hold no real estate to depreciate your NI to a loss (and pay no taxes except for SS on director fees). Like I said in the other thread, you're a clown.