Poon King got banned?

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Jun 23, 2014
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And you choose that time to ban your best poster?
I tried to WARN you and Poon King in the other thread to knock it off with the personal attacks, and what did you (and Poon King) say in response? Didn't you say some variation of you don't care and you can type how ever you want on Sosuave?

How about we all agree to the following going forward:

- State your position with supporting details

- Let some people agree

- Let some people disagree

- For those that disagree, provide additional supporting details for a nice, quality, structured debate

- If you come to an agreement, great! If you don't, agree to disagree!

See how simple that is?

Poon King should be embarrassed, as the guy with the most likes on this forum, had to be banned AGAIN over complete childish, stupid, and immature acts of referring to people as "fag.gots" every 5 minutes like a damn 12 year old. Wait I can't even say 12 year old, because I have a nephew that's 12 and even HE doesn't do that stupid shyt.

What does the word "fag.got" in the context that Poon King uses it even fvcking mean? Does it mean the guy disagreeing with you is attracted to men? Does it mean the guy disagreeing with you is less of a man and if so, what are you basing that on OTHER THAN him disagreeing with you?

Poon King most likely won't be banned forever, he'll be back, and hopefully he continues his content without the use of childish, immature, 12 year old references to "fag.gots" every 5 minutes. If not, similar to his PlayHerMan username, he'll be banned forever.

Poon King learned nothing from his PlayHerMan days, the PlayHerMan username was banned from Sosuave for the EXACT same reason (constant reference to "fag.gots").


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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There is too much indirect b*tchyness on this forum. Snark like what a woman does.

Ironically, this form of communication is being encouraged. Whereas, if I tell you to fvck off, moron - in a direct way, I could get banned.

I don't really have any interest in playing these silly games with you.
No need to get triggered mate


Oct 13, 2015
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Poon King lived by his own rules and got banned. And "real" men who live by their own rules are serving life sentences in correctional facilities.

When you're too open a book, you are susceptible to infiltration. Play the sheep, think like the fox. Those who pose the greatest threats are unrecognized.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
There is too much indirect b*tchyness on this forum. Snark like what a woman does.
Relax. You said earlier in this thread it's not "alpha" to accept someone's else's "frame", but how come when you force your own you expect others to. When they don't, your messages usually give off the "snark" and "b*tchyness" tone you're fussing about.

You want people to agree with you and think like you do, I get it. Not everybody will though. Accept it, because there's people who don't like rigid opinions shoved down their throats whether you perceive them as "pansys" and "virgins" or not. Pushing a "frame" on a forum doesn't make you better than anyone else. But do whatever you want.


Feb 5, 2016
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Poon King lived by his own rules and got banned. And "real" men who live by their own rules are serving life sentences in correctional facilities.
That's a little vague...

"Real" men are rapists, child killers, women beaters? But I get think I get your point. Or maybe I don't...

I don't think living by your own rules makes you a "real" man. I just think it means you're uncompromising and willingly ignorant of others opinions. That's not exactly a bad thing, but it's not the best trait to possess when you're trying to guide others and get them to emphathize with your content.

A real man doesn't insult and disrespect those who disagree with him. Immature children and men lacking inner-happiness do.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
That's a little vague...

"Real" men are rapists, child killers, women beaters? But I get think I get your point. Or maybe I don't...

I don't think living by your own rules makes you a "real" man. I just think it means you're uncompromising and willingly ignorant of others opinions. That's not exactly a bad thing, but it's not the best trait to possess when you're trying to guide others and get them to emphathize with your content.

A real man doesn't insult and disrespect those who disagree with him. Immature children and men lacking inner-happiness do.
Yup. Hence the quotes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Poon King lived by his own rules and got banned. And "real" men who live by their own rules are serving life sentences in correctional facilities.

When you're too open a book, you are susceptible to infiltration. Play the sheep, think like the fox. Those who pose the greatest threats are unrecognized.
"Real men who live by their own rules" is the sort of thing narcissists and sociopaths say

Deesade gives off that vibe tbh, more the narcissistic though, sociopaths usually are less ignorant.


Feb 5, 2016
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I've went over this with you before, and found you to be intellectually dishonest. I see no reason to do so again.
I'll add that to the list: "Intellectually dishonest", "obscurist", "changing frame".

Call it whatever you want...

You don't seem to have much to say when someone doesn't give you any reason to bully them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
I'll add that to the list: "Intellectually dishonest", "obscurist", "changing frame".

Call it whatever you want...

You don't seem to have much to say when someone doesn't give you any reason to bully them.
You aren't going to get horizontal communication with him, his brain simply isn't capable of it.

You made your point well, he embarrassed himself, you win, take the rest of the night off good sir.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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What does the word "fag.got" in the context that Poon King uses it even fvcking mean? Does it mean the guy disagreeing with you is attracted to men? Does it mean the guy disagreeing with you is less of a man and if so, what are you basing that on OTHER THAN him disagreeing with you?
i think it's related to the stereotype that gays are effeminate, so sometimes it means that you're not acting manly enough

other times it's when you're saying something or doing something that runs contrary to getting women, which obviously is what a gay person would do since they'd want men

and other times it's prolly just an insult to people he doesn't like

I tried to WARN you and Poon King in the other thread to knock it off with the personal attacks, and what did you (and Poon King) say in response? Didn't you say some variation of you don't care and you can type how ever you want on Sosuave?
i think they took it the wrong way, hopefully now that poon king has been told the same by the mods he'll clean it up a little bit so that we don't lose one of the best posters
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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I can sort of understand where SoSuave are coming from, when I think about it properly.

They are probably concerned with the site becoming too "red-pill".

Consider that the most popular PUAs all appeal to men's weakness. Such as that Corey Wayne clown.

Therefore, someone like myself, or a Poon King, is useful in so much as we are useful to others. And being offensive may put other's off.

And any red-pill would understand that. It's ironic :D

Yet, it's important to understand that someone like a "Poon King" is merely a sh*t-test. It's mostly a test of a guy's pedestalization.

The value is massive, yet the "mass appeal" may be questionable.

Far easier to tell idiots what they want to hear, than to challenge their belief system.
This. After all, look at all the advertising on this site. No need to click "6 ways to get out the friend zone" if you can just read Poon's posts.

Not surprised in all honesty but it's got nothing to do with personal attacks as there are much worse posters playing victim and still running around with no repercussions. And the worst thing is the mods know this

If someone gets too big a following the mods will seek to shut them down, especially when it's delivered with Poon's style. Amazing how purple pill this site is, once you scratch below the surface


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
This. After all, look at all the advertising on this site. No need to click "6 ways to get out the friend zone" if you can just read Poon's posts.

Not surprised in all honesty but it's got nothing to do with personal attacks as there are much worse posters playing victim and still running around with no repercussions. And the worst thing is the mods know this

If someone gets too big a following the mods will seek to shut them down, especially when it's delivered with Poon's style. Amazing how purple pill this site is, once you scratch below the surface
Changebox, your logic is backwards (as usual).

The owner of this site profits from great posters, who bring more traffic to the site, and this increased flow will generate greater advertisement revenue. Now we know you know nothing about women--and business.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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This has happened to poon king before under a different username, for exactly the same reason!

I saw this coming!

if you get warned and then continue the same behaviour, you leave the mods no choice, regardless of how much you've contributed.

To suggest that banning poon king would be good for business is ludicrous, his posts were frequently high in engagement. More engagement = more viewers = more potential advertising clicks.​


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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The guy has some useful insights and is certainly realistic if nothing else.

What is unhelpful, in my humble opinion, are threads like 'All women are prostitutes', 'The dating market is fcked', and the like.

PK is not the only person posting these types of threads; but I find it completely counter-productive and a bad example to set to less informed and younger men. For me it is demonstrative of his personal mindset and dare I say, has a vein of insecurity running though.

Once men take the red pill, they are left very confused and impressionable for quite some time. They can be set down a very destructive path of hatred when observing such pessimism because it reinforces what they are already experiencing, or have recently experienced. Most men obviously come to a place like this with a certain amount of unhappiness; b!tching and moaning about a problem as PK (among others) does only serve to perpetuate the unhappiness, negativities and encourage the associated mindset.

I'm guilty of name-calling myself on occasion, pathetic as it is. But for me, it's these kinds of negativity-laden discussions that are more of an issue - and in turn, encourage the infighting and name-calling etc, which is tantamount beta behaviour. There's never smoke without a fire.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
Thankfully, It is temporary. Myself holding him in high regards, don't particularly care for the delivery style, yet his provoked heated debates full of useful information, cept for the two-sided sh!slinging (as long as they are factual d its fine).

On the flip side, like many of you said, Mods are here to keep the peace and they have to draw the line somewhere.

Finally If you do not like what he is posting or the manner he does it with, save yourself the trouble and just use the ignore list for your own peace of mind.

What is unhelpful, in my humble opinion, are threads like 'All women are prostitutes', 'The dating market is fcked', and the like.
I get your point but I believe such thought provoking titles promote "factual"(is that a word ? ) discussions. I am not suggesting by any means that you do not get it because I full well know you do. Same with the delivery. No BS and to the point, cold logic in regards to what actions, motives and results.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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I get your point but I believe such thought provoking titles promote "factual"(is that a word ? ) discussions.
Though they are provocative, the negative, black and white affirmations grind against my senses of logic and optimism.

It is man's nature to seek finite, black and white answers to challenges. Yet, this love game, though it has been treated like an exact science by informed men for the last decade or so, is anything but. For me, among others, it is closer to being an art-form than a reduced science; therefore, in fact, very much devoid of pure black and white 'facts'.

'All women are prostitutes' and 'The dating market is fcked' are not facts. They are subjective opinions.

All the same I agree that such inflammatory statements are at least though-provoking on occasion. We'll agree to disagree.

I am not suggesting by any means that you do not get it because I full well know you do.
From the couple of conversations he and I have had, PK and I appear to read very much from the same page; though interpret certain things slightly differently. As I have inferred above, I see through the inflammatory sweeping statements; personally I (try to) wear my failings and insecurities on my sleeve, where he (among others) chooses to bemoan women or the dating culture as whole entities which is anything but factual, rather subjective, experiential supposition.

No BS and to the point, cold logic in regards to what actions, motives and results
As I say, for me, it's too cold and not particularly logical. It comes across as very weak behaviour to submit to the will of 'all' women or the state of the 'entire' dating market.

I have the exact same, but differing experiences of women and the dating market as PK and the rest of you. But I choose a more optimistic path, seeking solutions to every day problems, eradicating negativity and pessimistic people at point of reference, rather than continuing to observe the undesirable characteristics of women and aspects of dating.

Some say 'AWALT' because it's an easy option. It's a black and white answer that, despite being void of logic, at least appeals to some men's 'sense' of logic. I choose 'NAWALT', because though more obscure, I know it to be true.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
PoonKing had an unique style of delivering his message, but his content was the same chicken little doomsday cynical bullshvt toxic that is plaguing this site currently. If he posted worthy content then he could be on pook's level smh.
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