Poon King got banned?

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Don Juan
Apr 27, 2016
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@deesade @logicallefty said it was only a suspension. He"ll be back.

Hopefully he will stop calling people names. Mind you, I have ZERO beef with his content. In fact, I think the biggest issue people had was the constant name calling. It is unnecessary.
Calling people names is what guys do. It's how we test each other's strength and bond. Sure, some people do it to bully, but it's not hard to tell the difference. Weak people are the ones who ask for advice, then get some, but whine and complain because it contained a "bad word".

Literally the best thing that ever happened for my personal development was getting a job at hospital with a coworker who'd call me out when I was too much of a ***** to go talk to a nurse I thought was attractive. At first I was upset about it, but eventually I realized he was right and overtime I manned up and started talking to them and getting dates. If he had been fired for calling me names I'd probably still be a video game addicted virgin and too much of a ***** to go talk to any women.

Guys need other guys who will call their behavior what it is. If you want someone to coddle you and tell you you're perfect just the way you are then you should go call your mother, not make a post here.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
That's because of Tenacity and in the past Jaylan. The hypersensitive and BPD types get a pass because they are more passive aggressive about it, that's all.
Sir, please link to the thread that Tenacity got shut down? I'll wait....


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Calling people names is what guys do. It's how we test each other's strength and bond. Sure, some people do it to bully, but it's not hard to tell the difference.
Poon King was trying to bully lol. Call it like it is. You can state your point and state it strongly, without labeling any and everybody as homosexual who disagrees with it.

The constant gay references are stupid and immature, that's a fact, because they aren't saying anything. For example, a conservative might label you a liberal if you disagree. But liberal means something, it stands for a political ideology that's in stark contrast to that of the conservative movement.

- A fag.got is a homosexual. A man who likes MEN and only men.

- A better terminology to use is Blue Pill, or Beta Male, as those actually mean something in the context of the discussion.

If the topic isn't about gay shyt, stop the gay references. It's not manly to do so, funny to do so, nor ALPHA to do so. It's just stupid.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Then why didn't Pook get shut down?
I don't recall Pook ever being disrespectful to another poster, or even coming close to it.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2016
Reaction score
Poon King was trying to bully lol. Call it like it is. You can state your point and state it strongly, without labeling any and everybody as homosexual who disagrees with it.

The constant gay references are stupid and immature, that's a fact, because they aren't saying anything. For example, a conservative might label you a liberal if you disagree. But liberal means something, it stands for a political ideology that's in stark contrast to that of the conservative movement.

- A fag.got is a homosexual. A man who likes MEN and only men.

- A better terminology to use is Blue Pill, or Beta Male, as those actually mean something in the context of the discussion.

If the topic isn't about gay shyt, stop the gay references. It's not manly to do so, funny to do so, nor ALPHA to do so. It's just stupid.
I haven't read all his posts obviously, but the ones I have read I sometimes disagreed but never even crossed my mind he was being a bully.

It's obvious you're the one being a snowflake because you're obsessed with verbiage. You're okay with the content and intent of his post, you just want him to use a different word that doesn't change the meaning of his post.

A faggot can mean a man who acts feminine. Women are attracted to masculine behavior so you aren't going to get very far with women acting like a faggot. A faggot can also mean a person who ignores the content and intent of something said and gets offended simply by the verbiage.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
Calling people names is what guys do. It's how we test each other's strength and bond. Sure, some people do it to bully, but it's not hard to tell the difference. Weak people are the ones who ask for advice, then get some, but whine and complain because it contained a "bad word".

Literally the best thing that ever happened for my personal development was getting a job at hospital with a coworker who'd call me out when I was too much of a ***** to go talk to a nurse I thought was attractive. At first I was upset about it, but eventually I realized he was right and overtime I manned up and started talking to them and getting dates. If he had been fired for calling me names I'd probably still be a video game addicted virgin and too much of a ***** to go talk to any women.

Guys need other guys who will call their behavior what it is. If you want someone to coddle you and tell you you're perfect just the way you are then you should go call your mother, not make a post here.
Calling people names is what immature, unhappy men do. There's a difference between name calling with your friends and name calling people you don't know.

Unfortunately not everyone is thick skinned like you believe they should be, and therefore learn and take in information differently.

There's also a difference between "calling someone's behaviour what it is" and being a prick. Know the difference.

Another misconception that some people are making here is that just because a man says he doesn't like to be randomly insulted, doesn't mean he's a whining "video-game addict" who's a virgin and likes to be "coddled"... it means he doesn't like to be disrespected.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I'm older and more sensible now, but if some guy had called me a faggot back in my 20s, he'd be spitting out his teeth. That sh!t didn't fly back then. Don't see why someone can't make a point without the namecalling.

To suggest that ACTUAL white knights exist on SS would be being ignorant.
You know, the "white knight" stereotype aside:

I LIKE knights. Knights are cool, they get a bad rap here. They were colorful, shiny, courageous, got to ride on horses, and fight with shields and swords. They often died gruesome deaths. Who doesn't like knights? :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Pook didn't make personal attacks. At least not that I know of.
He never did, and almost never referred to ANYONE as an afc, except himself when describing his own experiences before realizing women.
And please do not put him in the same sentence with Pook.
I second this. Poon King is great and does have an impact on the manosphere, but not to the extent of Pook. Bonecrcker maybe. But not Pook.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Another misconception that some people are making here is that just because a man says he doesn't like to be randomly insulted, doesn't mean he's a whining "video-game addict" who's a virgin and likes to be "coddled"... it means he doesn't like to be disrespected.
Agree wholeheartedly. Isn't one of the main themes here not to be a doormat, not to allow yourself to be disrespected?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
There have been other posters along the way who have added much to this forum who got banned. Where's @Tictac for example?
Tictac didn't add anything to the forum his last year before getting banned. Most of them were clever and witty insults that truthfully were pretty funny, but he wasn't nearly as good as PK. I PMed him 2 or 3 times asking what was wrong with certain aspects of my posts and why he disagreed/disliked them and he never responded once. Instead, he just did the same old thing and give 2 or 3 sentences within 2 paragraphs.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2016
Reaction score
Agree wholeheartedly. Isn't one of the main themes here not to be a doormat, not to allow yourself to be disrespected?
Allowing yourself to be disrespected is when a friend is an hour minutes late and you just sit there twiddling your thumbs until he arrives, or when a woman is upset and you immediately apologize even when you did nothing wrong and her mood has nothing to do with you.

Acting like a faggot and screwing up with a woman, then coming here and asking for advice, then crying that someone else gave you advice about how to not act like a faggot is not a respect issue, it's a masculinity issue.

If someone can give an example of someone being bullied and berated then quote it, but just crying about the use of the word faggot on a self improvement forum where men acting too feminine is one of the most common issues is just sad and hilariously ironic.


Oct 13, 2015
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Not to crap on PK, as I'm sure he had good intentions for the men here, but this site teaches positive masculinity:
  • Playing by your own rules in spite of others' is not positive masculinity;
  • Proffering extreme positions without exceptions is not positive masculinity;
  • Disparaging others, especially those who disagree with you, is not positive masculinity;
  • Keeping deaf ears and proceeding unilaterally is not positive masculinity.
  • And on, and on, and on...

Positive masculinity (PM) contributors who I could remember in the past were Guru1000, VictoryUnlimited, Rollo. Espi, Reykhel, Atom Smasher, Zekko are PM contributors who still post here. I think it would benefit the young men in this forum to distance themselves from cult-like thinking and embrace this important distinction.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I haven't read all his posts obviously, but the ones I have read I sometimes disagreed but never even crossed my mind he was being a bully.
Go read more of his posts.

It's obvious you're the one being a snowflake because you're obsessed with verbiage. You're okay with the content and intent of his post, you just want him to use a different word that doesn't change the meaning of his post.
What is with this insane argument? It's like ordering a pizza from PIzza Hut for delivery. The driver comes to your door smelling like weed, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, wearing a hoodie, and speaking like he just stepped out of a rap video (with the music blasting in your drive-way).

NOTHING might be wrong with the pizza itself, but the god damn stupid, immature, "delivery" turned me off to the product. That type of "delivery" was just completely uncalled for and added absolutely NOTHING to the product being sold. Same with Poon King's choice to continue referring to "fag.gots" every 5 minutes, it's completedly uncalled for and adds absolutely NOTHING to the message he's trying to push.

A faggot can mean a man who acts feminine.
Yes, it can, which is WHY it's offensive sir. I don't care if I'm the biggest "PROVIDER" and Blue Pill Guy on the face of the planet, that does not mean I act "feminine", it just means I choose to be a Blue Pill PROVIDER. What the hell does my masculinity have to do with the fact that I choose to provide for my woman? Choose to provide for my kids? Prefer the traditional patriarchy model of having a house-wife?

Now, not saying these are my personal views, they aren't, but the entire notion that Poon King can attack a grown man's masculinity just because that grown a.ss man chooses to handle his women "differently" than Poon King does........is complete bullshyt.

Women are attracted to masculine behavior so you aren't going to get very far with women acting like a faggot. A faggot can also mean a person who ignores the content and intent of something said and gets offended simply by the verbiage.
God rest his soul, but PRINCE got more pvssy than anybody and had NO strong "masculine/macho" persona. Most of those R&B/Pop Male Singers lack the "overly masculine" persona as well, and women are falling all over the place when they enter the room. But we can't discuss that right, because that will poke holes in your one dimensional/women all go for "X", type of thinking, right? I go out and see guys that it's arguably are bisexual or homosexual, with SCORES of women sleeping with them. They do not carry around any overly masculine/macho persona.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Lol reading through this all I can say is that some of you guys should take PK off the pedestal. Kinda weird how much some of you idolize him. He has good points but he's just another guy regurgitating whats already out there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sometimes a person can get in a rut or tunnel vision and an ass kicking or lashing is needed to bring them out of it.
No shame in it if that is what is needed.
Tough love can go a long way


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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The owner of this site profits from great posters, who bring more traffic to the site, and this increased flow will generate greater advertisement revenue.
From a certain perspective, all posters here are BETA and the owner is the ONE ALPHA who is using a "point system" to encourage people to keep posting useful content and generate more revenue generating traffic.

If any poster starts to get out of hand, the Moderates (under the direction of the owner) simply BAN the poster BEFORE he starts writing content that would DECREASE traffic, AND the owner gets to KEEP all of the USEFUL content by the now "banned" poster.

Then the banned poster signs up under a different name, thinking they are being clever, when in reality they are doing EXACTLY what the owner (and receiver of monthly checks) wants. Keep posting quality content without crossing the line into "hate."

The funniest part is these new names always start off at ZERO rep points, so the poster has to climb all the way back up the ladder. The owner waits till they get to the top and then BANS them, forcing them to start over again.

It's also worthwhile to consider that there is a LOT of OVERLAP between the content that "red pill PUA" types post AND the type of content that GOOGLE will NOT ALLOW their ads to exist next to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Calling people names is what immature, unhappy men do.
It's also a favorite arguing tactic of SJW's and people on the "left." Once they realize they can't defeat the argument, they start attacking the arguer. This (to me at least) demonstrates that they aren't so "sure" about their argument as they would like others to believe.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
From a certain perspective, all posters here are BETA and the owner is the ONE ALPHA who is using a "point system" to encourage people to keep posting useful content and generate more revenue generating traffic.

If any poster starts to get out of hand, the Moderates (under the direction of the owner) simply BAN the poster BEFORE he starts writing content that would DECREASE traffic, AND the owner gets to KEEP all of the USEFUL content by the now "banned" poster.

Then the banned poster signs up under a different name, thinking they are being clever, when in reality they are doing EXACTLY what the owner (and receiver of monthly checks) wants. Keep posting quality content without crossing the line into "hate."

The funniest part is these new names always start off at ZERO rep points, so the poster has to climb all the way back up the ladder. The owner waits till they get to the top and then BANS them, forcing them to start over again.

It's also worthwhile to consider that there is a LOT of OVERLAP between the content that "red pill PUA" types post AND the type of content that GOOGLE will NOT ALLOW their ads to exist next to.
Seems like much work for peanuts. If you are going to elaborately/strategically scheme, play for millions, not thousands.
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