real talk though, I thought his name calling got a little excessive at times, especially recently. however I am not necessarily against it, I think that being harsh can serve many useful purposes in life that wouldn't quite come across as well if you tried to be nicer
one time, in a previous semester of college my speech professor told me that if I missed any more class she'd fail me (I had a habit of only showing up when new work was announced and when my work was due, any other time I'd be at home or hanging out), naturally, I responded to this by planning out how I was going to continue doing what I was doing, changing absolutely nothing, while somehow not being noticed as absent by the professor, it was a pretty dumb plan that was never going to work but I was more concerned with other things than going to class
so my friend who had class with me responded to my latest hare brained schemes: "Stop being fvcking stupid and just go to class"
my first reaction, for a brief moment was "wow, no need to be a d!ck about it" but i never got to say that because I almost immediately realized he was completely right and I was being a moron for even considering risking my grades due to laziness or messed up priorities. so I decided then and there that making it to class would be my top priority. (I will pretend that the story ends there so that it sounds like a happy ending)
another time, much further back in my life, I switched to some new obscure brand of deodorant I had never tried before and uh, apparently it didn't work very well because my friend told me after the first day of using it "man you should switch your deodorant, you smell terrible", my mom thought he was an assh0le for being so rude, but I was thankful that he told me this before I got a reputation for smelling like armpit or got an embarassing roast from someone who didn't like me, or struck out with a pretty girl because of it
so being harsh, saying mean things, it all has its place, sometimes it can be the best course of action to get a good point across quickly and concisely