Zion's (obscenely long) texting guide.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
You start with

The interaction. Before you can text her you need her number. Makes sense? Good. Not just that, but you gotta get it with a hint of style, because if your initial interaction is sh!t your text game will suffer. The content of your message will be altered, to your advantage or not, by the personality you've portrayed.

If you're a cheeky fun loving bastard, pretty much anything you text will be taken with a hint of humor. Which is more often than not a good thing.
On the other side of the spectrum, if you're acting all serious while getting those digits, don't be surprised if she doesn't get the racist joke you just attempted.
This is why the first impression has such resonance. Plus it's easier to create a bond or make some sort of an inside joke based on your initial conversation.

Approach her

So you're on you way to the market to buy some oranges. And pineapples. Because you've heard people on the internet say that they make your sperm taste good. That’s not just me right?
Anyway, you see what you could swear is Scarlett Johansons' twin sister - or Moby D!ck, whatever you're into - passing you by. Surely you can't just walk up to her and start saying words, right? Yes, that's exactly what you're gonna do. Because for once in her life she should have the privilege of being properly approached by an artist. Or something.

Now you have sex

Kidding. But you've stopped her. What are you gonna ask?
You don't ask. You tell her exactly why you're there, how she looks half-cute and you how you wanna know her name. You're not there for directions, the time or the weather. That's what your smartphone is for. And you can't fvck your smartphone. I think.

What to say

This really isn't rocket science. Forget about scripted routines or magic lines you read about after violently masturbating 5 minutes ago. If you're anywhere over the mental age of 15, you should have some sort of idea about who you are, what you love and the things you stand for. So polarize. Show her that retarded sense of humor, your cheeky conversation skills or superb sarcasm. Everyone has their own style & strengths. Don't try to be something you're not, be the best version of yourself. And have fun with it.

Drop small teases during the conversation. Example:

Oh I can see already see you're a princess. You probably sleep in pink furry pijamas don't you?

Don't say sh!t like that unless it's congruent with who you are. But hey, now she has a pet name you can use in that initial text. Congrats, "who is this?" is now something you'll never have to come across ever again.
During the conversation, don't ask questions like you're interviewing her. Instead, make statements.
"What's your major?" should sound more like "You look like a doctor. I bet you have horrible handwritting".

Again, no gimmicks or routines. The reasons behind this are psychological. First off, 95% of dudes will just ask about the weather whenever they run out of things to say. Secondly, when you're making a statement you're implying some sort of assumption. If your guess is correct, she'll be intrigued as to how you figured it out. If you're wrong she'll still wanna know why you though she'll be sticking her finger up mens' asses for a living. Win-win.

Tonality is important but we won't go into details. Basically try speaking from your chest, not your throat/head. The latter is usually a sign of nervousness. That's not sexy. Also, take your time. Don't talk like Busta Rhymes raps.


Never ever in your life give her your number. Not even at gunpoint. Die like a man with your dignity intact. Unless it's an exchange. "Why don't you just give me your number?" is a female encryption for "I will never fvck you. Ever".

Examples of getting her number:
"A'right, (hand her your phone)"
"Ok, what's your number? I'll text you when we're hanging out"
"Give me your number"

If she objects to any of these, offers her facebook/email/fax instead, there's only one valid response. You say:
"Ok how's this. You give me your number, I'll text you something very (stupid/romantic/funny/gay) and you can either reply to that ridiculously handsome guy you've met on the street and have beautiful children together, or you can just delete the text and we won't meet ever again"
That's it. Whatever she says after that, take it at face value and leave.

Oh, by the way. Whenever she says she has a boyfriend, please stop taking it as a personal ego boost challenge. Unless it's blatantly obvious she's trying to be cheeky, there's absolutely no reason to pursue her further. I don't, and neither should you, care if that's true or not. The words themselves are meaningless, the intention behind them are what counts. She either has a boyfriend and told you straight up, or she outright lied to your face. Either way, intentions are the same. She isn't interested.

How long do I wait to send the first text?

Here's a little secret. Instead of pretending to have an awesome busy life, actually spend that time on building an awesome busy life. Forget about the 1 day 14 hours and 47 minute rule. There are no rules. I send the first text when I have time for a conversation and am not doing something more important. Like masturbating. Or having sex. With myself.
Just keep in mind that the longer you wait, the more that initial impact fades.

Should I take twice as long as her to reply?

No. People practically live on their smartphones these days. Again, forget about ancient rules that surfaced when the art of seduction was making it's first baby steps. We're in 2015, NASA is planning a Mars landing. Act like it.
Plus how the hell are you supposed to have a fun conversation when each party takes 45 minutes to reply?

Don't write a novel. Texts are supposed to be concise, fun and light. Spark up some emotion, send her a funny picture. Whatever, just don't ask her how her days was over text.

She never initiates

Women are less invested in a man before she had sex with him and more invested after. For us it's exactly the other way around. Let that sink in, accept it and move on. The only thing you gotta worry about is if she rarely ever replies, in which case you're probably being boring.

Grammar, spelling, emoji's, haha's

You ever seen an autocorrect joke? that sh!t actually exists. I mean you seriously gotta write 3 letters before your phone suggests what most likely is the word you were looking for. You have absolutely no excuse for poor grammar / improper spelling. Use it right, it makes you look smarter and adds more value to the conversation. That's sexy.

The impact of a joke, innuendo or sarcastic comment will be greatly diminished by the use of emoji's. They're like a failsafe, there only to reduce the riskiness of what you've just said. It also reduces the value. It's not a good tradeoff.
I'm not even gonna get into the subject of "haha's" every other text. Don't do it, you look mentally retarded.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
Ok, let's touch on some other subjects.

Do looks matter?

Yes. Drill it in, accept it, move on. I'm not gonna restart this age-old debate because the answer is obvious.
Women fall into 3 cathegories. Receptive, unreceptive and neutral. Looks don't affect your entire game in general, but it will affect the amount of women that will be receptive toward you before you even open your mouth. If she's receptive, all you need to do is not fvck it up. Simple as that.

Neutral ones are where so called "game" comes into play. You have to polarize her and get that attraction going until she becomes receptive. The idea with neutral women is that they don't stay neutral for long. And the longer it takes you to make a move, the more she'll drift into the "never gonna fvck you zone".

Unreceptive girls are a waste of your time. You can be the smoothest Rico Suave that ever walked the Earth, every once in a while you'll come across one of these. The time and effort necessary to shift her is not worth it. Simple as that.

Now before you go crying into a corner because you didn't win the genetic lottery, wait for the good news. It doesn't take much for a man to be good looking. Sure not everyone has a jaw that could cut diamond, but everyone can buy fitting clothes, get a good haircut to match their headshape and subscribe to a gym.


People rarely talk about this concept and yet it's as crucial as it gets. It's somewhat self explanatory but let me break it down.

You're a 32 year old software developer. You've had 3 relationships all your life, lasting 3-4 years each. Your humor is highly intellectual, you're not very familiar with the social world and enjoy spending your free time playing video games. Drinking and partying is not your thing.
She on the other hand, is a 21 year old student that is stressed the fvck out over the upcoming finals and all she wants to do is to drink her problems away in the club for the entire weekend. She doesn't have a job and has never considered herself a smart person. She enjoys spending her freetime socializing with friends.
I don't care how much game you think you have, because in this scenario your demographics simply don't overlap. The amount of friction these major lifestyle differences create means you will never successfully date this girl.

Now picture this. 3 years have passed and you've taken up some self improvement. You shaped that sexy body, you wear fitting clothes and discovered the fun in going out for drinks once in a while with your younger colleagues. You even had sex with a few different women over the years.
You meet this same girl at the local lounge. She's now finished college, got a job in her field of study and realized she actually is better than she'd have expected. She also dated enough frat boys to know she needs someone more mature than her in her life. Suddenly your demographics are meeting common ends. The same line you used 3 years ago will have a significantly different outcome.


We've all had our fair share of this word right? But what is it though? Basically it's wanting, needing or demanding attention, affection or validation to excessive degrees. In other words, being more invested in others' opinions of yourself than you are in your own.

This is the root of 98% of the problems you'll ever encounter with pickup. It repels women. It repels men as well. A needy woman will render me unable of using my massive peenus for indefinite amounts of time. Only thing worse than a needy chump is a needy chumpess.

That being said, you can never be 100% non invested. Or non needy. But you don't have to be. If she's the most insecure person on this planet and you're the second most insecure, you're less invested in her than she is in you. And because of that, she'll be attracted.

You are needy when:
- You worry what others think of you
- You approach a girl to impress your friends of equal virginness
- You seek validation and are outcome dependent.
- You lead your life based on how others expect you to in order to please them.

You're not needy when:
- You do whatever the fvck you wanna do, because you wanna do it. With respect and understanding of any potential consequences.

Basically, if she says she loves Scorpions and you start listening to them for the sole reason of impressing her, you have a problem.

Core fundamentals

Also known as Inner Game. Your mindset is the single most important aspect of your game.

Bad mindsets:

"Women only want money and expensive cars."

I have a friend who's around 20 at the moment. Virgin. That's his mentality. Meanwhile I'm currently dating a girl that's used to guys with cars more expensive than my entire net worth and then some. Oh, and I do not own a car.

"She's out of my league". This simply is not true. Take the above example as reference. Leagues don't exist. They're a made-up feel good mechanism for insecure people.

"She's a 10". Your 10 can be my 4 and your 5 can be my 9. Let's dumb this down to a simpler scale. We can even get creative with it.
0 - would not bang. Ever.
0,5 - Industrial beer goggles might help. Another shot of Stroh please.
1 - Meh, why not.
1,5 - I'd feel pretty proud of myself in the morning.
2 - Would bang and post Akon's "I just had sex" music video on my facebook page. Then tag her in it. Immediately after showing pics of her to everyone I know.

"Talking to women is just too hard for me". When I started getting into fitness I literally could not do a single push up. I'd love to say it's because my penis is too big and was in the way, but sadly that's not the case. Now I can bench 1.5x my bodyweight. But hey, if you wanna live a life devoid of females, friends or awesome memories because you'd rather play world of warcraft 12 hours a day, that's up to you.
I don't have anything against videogames btw, I play some myself. But most guys use them as a means to escape an otherwise sh!tty reality, and that's a problem.

"Women don't like sex as much as we do". That's true. They probably like it more.

Good mindset:

"All women are attracted to me". This can't possibly be true, but it's a good rule to live by. You look good, you actively work on achieving your goals and are closer each day to becoming your best self. What's not to like?

"Rejection is a time saver". It's a weed-out process. If you're new at this some rejections will be on you. Otherwise, most have to do with external factors you probably have no control over. Regardless, take it at face value. Learn from obvious mistakes but don't lose sleep over it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations

Hey, you got the number. Protip: always repeat the number back to her and purposely mix up 2 digits. If she corrects you, you’re golden. If not, chances are you just got a fake.
Alright, so what the fvcking fvck do you do now? Do you send her a joke? Do you just send a pineapple emoji? How about asking how her days was? Fvck no. The obvious answer is simple. You send her a d!ckpic.
Seriously, never send d!ckpics. I mean you don’t even look at the damn thing when you scribble your name over the toilet walls, why do you think she wants to?

Here’s the secret. If your initial interaction was good she’ll respond to pretty much anything you say, but that’s not an excuse for you to start talking weather. It’s really simple, think of it like this:
Interesting text leads to interesting conversation. Interesting conversation leads to interested girl. Interested girl leads to a date. Date leads to you crying yourself to sleep because you didn’t properly escalate. Or to her violently convulsing due to the mindshattering orgasm you just gave her. You decide.

How to initiate?

Have a purpose. The opening text should invite an answer. You want to come across as a unique and exciting guy, because that’s what stirs her emotions. Don’t be ordinary, let the other 351 orbiters in her phone do that.
Examples of horrible openers:
- “Hey”
- “Hey how’s your day?”
- “Hey how are you doing?”
- “What’s up?”
My mom sends me more interesting texts than that. Would you ever feel a shred of excitement reading those? I know I wouldn’t.
The best approach is to bring up something you’ve talked about in your previous conversation. An inside joke of sorts. These things create bonds, emotional connections, plus it reminds her of a pleasant experience you’ve shared. Here’s a few examples of good texts and reactions. I will fake the names.

Me: “Yo, Lilly. I give you the gift of my number. - Z.”
Lilly: “Thank you. My day is now complete.”
Me: “Your name means “bat” in my language, just so you know.”
Lilly: “Wait what? Like the flying nasty thing?”
Me: “Exactly like the flying nasty thing. Wanna hang out Tuesday?”
Lilly: “Haha, hang… I see what you did there. I can’t Tuesday but Wednesday if you’re free.”
Fun little conversation, concise and with a purpose. I was pretty sure I’d get the meet-up because she was receptive in person.

Me: “Designer girl! I’m thinking of buying a new bed but I need schematics.”
Roxanne: “Hey, Z. How would you like it?”
Me: “Rough.”
Me: “We’re not talking about the bed anymore.”
Roxanne: “Hahah, nice try. Does that line work often?”
Me: “50% of the time it works every time.”
She mentioned wanting to become an interior designer, and she saved herself in my phone “Designer girl”.

Me: “Lio? Lia? Lya? Not down with the name yet but I promise I won’t ask for any water.”
Lio: “Ha! Hey Z.”
Me: “Wow, you’re very creative. Did you pull that reply off the internet?”
Lio: “Omg how do you know me so well?”
Me: “I study psychology in my free time. I’m in your mind right now. Stop picturing me naked.”
Lio: “hahaha! I always wanted a psychologist.”
Me: “Great, I’ll text you tomorrow and we’ll schedule a drinking session. I mean psychology session.”


Are a good thing. Yea you read that right. If she isn’t interested I’d much rather have her flake than waste both our time on some piss poor date.
However, not all flakes are ill mannered. Here’s a few reasons:
1. She has a busy life. Sometimes you come across a winner.
She has a good job going on, goes to the gym, has a few other hobbies she partakes in, etc. It’s easy to forget things when you are constantly doing something. I forget to text girls back sometimes too.
Don’t get desperate and needy. Send her another text later.
2. Her responsiveness is completely different than it was in person.
Women are more attuned to their emotions than men are and so, they have a stronger impact on their overall mood. She might have been having a perfect day when you met, but now her roommate forgot that the knife goes in the left drawer and the fork goes in the right one. Which is an absolute disaster and she doesn’t wanna talk to anyone.
Try again later. You’d be surprised.
3. She’s nervous. If you spent any time around women you’ll know that every now and then they act like complete chumps when the right guy sends them a text. The difference is they can afford fvcking up from time to time because now that you’ve read this guide, she will:
Receive another text, later. Maybe tone it down a bit, be friendlier.
4. She wasn’t interested. Maybe it’s a fake number or she flat out thinks you’re one repulsive motherfvcker. Some girls will give their number just to get rid of you because women are not necessarily confrontational by nature.
You may sometimes misinterpret the signs, but as usual, try again later. At the very least it’s good practice.

So don’t panic if she didn’t text you back. Wait a day or so then hit her up. Never call her out on not replying though, it will never do you any good. Quite the opposite. I have a two strike rule. Rarely though if excuses seem genuine or for whatever other reason I may give it a third try. But that’s it.

Keeping it going

So you’ve just sent the initial text. Wipe that sweat off your face and prevent your heart from attacking itself. Better? Good. Here comes the difficult part. Anyone can send a cheeky text or throw a punch. Not everyone can go 12 rounds though. This is probably the hardest part about texting. How do you keep a conversation from going horribly wrong? Remember the talk about the 3 types of women? Chances are she’s either receptive or neutral, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have gotten the number. If she’s receptive you can push for a meetup almost immediately. Otherwise, time to put those conversational skills to use.


Flirting is the end all be all of keeping her warm/warming her up until you meet in person. For me teasing is the most enjoyable form of flirting. Mild insults or backhanded compliments are usually things girl react well to. It’s also a form of qualification, because there’s nothing I love more than a girl that can keep up with me in this regard.
Don’t forget to throw a sexual innuendo in here and there.

Inside jokes

There’s a reason why people love these. They create a sense of secrecy and an emotional bond. Use them.

The “Us” mentality

You’ve probably heard about this but under a different name. This is one of the most powerful ways of creating attraction with a girl. Have a fantasy together, it doesn’t have to be realistic. Tell her how you’re gonna steal the BMW across the street, drive together to Mexico and dance to the Mariachi playing at midnight. Her imagination is your best friend. It will do the rest. You just have to plant the seed.
Don’t think of a pink elephant. What did you just do? Yeah, you get the point.
Amp up the sexuality once she plays along, it’s the perfect opportunity.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
Setting up the date

Ok enough already. You’ve initiated, you had your little fun conversations, you shared stories and built some comfort. But you can’t stick your **** through your phone. So wat do? Well, as shocking as this sounds, before you can go on a date you have to arrange one.

How to text for a meet-up

Here’s a few pointers. You meet-up text should never look like this:
- Do you think it’s possible that we go for some coffee?
- If it’s alright with you do you want to get some food?
- Would you possibly want to go out?
- Is it ok If I ask you out on a date?
By this point I should not have to explain why, so I won’t. On the other hand, here’s what a proper text should contain:
- What you plan on doing
- The day
- The time
- The logistics
“You, me, bowling and drinks on Tuesday, 9 PM”. Form your texts so that they fit your personality, but respect the guidelines.
Ok, moving on to

What do you do on a date?

Whatever you want. Avoid 2 things. Movie date and dinner date. Unless the movie is at your place. Dinner date is all out horrible because for one there’s little possibility of physical escalation and two, you just might be stuck there for 2 hours straight with someone you don’t even like. It’s just a bad bet.
Movie dates mean you can’t talk or properly escalate, and so you’re practically wasting 2 hours of endless possibilities while gawking in awkwardness.

Most people advocate that “active” dates are the best. And it’s true. Take her bowling, skating, shoot some pool. Whatever. Share an experience with her. Plenty of opportunities to escalate, talk, tease, and have fun.
Also, be sure to visit at least 2-3 venues. The more places you go to the stronger the connection.

What to do if she can’t make it on the initial date and time you suggested? Well, there’s 2 reasons for this:
1. She really can’t.
2. She’s not interested but wants to go easy on you.
The best case scenario here is when she can’t, but offers a reschedule. When this happens you’re golden. Her interest is real. So go, do a victory dance. You’ve earned it.
Back? Good. A’right, so say she didn’t offer that reschedule, what do you do? Either immediately propose a new date and time, or ask her for a reschedule day so you can see if that works for you.

What if she said yes but flaked later on?

I’ll take a few minutes to try and figure out whether her reasons are genuine or not, but regardless you have little to lose if you give her one more chance. The last, mind you. It doesn’t matter in the end why she flaked, because you take the second outcome at face value. If she comes, great, something probably really came up the first time around. If not, who cares? Next.

Understand diversity

This is a long ass guide, but it’s pretty much all you need to know to get her on a date. What you also need to understand though, is that no two women are the same. Very few rules apply universally. Here’s a few off the top of my head:
1. Neediness is repelling. Fastest most efficient way of killing attraction.
2. Being less invested in her than she is in you will greatly increase your success rate.
3. Being average is boring. It’s human nature, we steer ourselves towards what’s exciting.
Even these rules get defied sometimes. Some girl might **** you because even though you reek of neediness, she’s probably even worse than you are.
You can show enormous investment in that hot blonde by the bar and even though she thinks you’re an idiot, you kinda remind her of her first boyfriend so she might take you home.
That redhead at the table? You’ve talked to her about the weather for 10 minutes straight but she just had a huge fallout with her boyfriend, and ****ing the first dude who has half a ball to talk to her is exactly her way of rubbing it in his face.
Point is, even the worst player will hit a home run once in his life. Sometimes you get lucky, that doesn’t mean you’re doing it right. Which brings me to my final point:

Be congruent

Understand that women won’t make you happy. A relationship won’t make you happy and having 6 different **** buddies won’t make you happy. You can’t drink you problems away and you sure as hell can’t **** them away either.

Every man has 3 main aspects to his life. Career, social life, dating life. Work on all of them, not just one. Self-improve. We live in a society where people are socially conditioned to be ordinary, to not take chances and to play it safe. **** that. Quit your job if it’s **** and start doing what you love. Meet people and form great friendships. Talk to that attractive woman regardless of the fact that you’re wearing your gym equipment. I know it’s easier said than done, but a life of mediocrity is a big price to pay for lack of initiative.

If you want to be an attractive man you have to live an attractive life. And fortunately, that’s entirely up to you. The more confident you become in who you are, the more rewarding your relationships with the people around you will be. Men and women. Happiness is something you build on your own and then chose who you want to share it with. It’s not something you leech off of whoever gives you the time of day.

That's it. You officially owe me 10% of your future lays. Good luck.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
good stuff more of a life guide for noobs than a texting guide but good none the less


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Excellent info, now what else is there? Nothing! Get off the forum and go approach!


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
The words themselves are meaningless, the intention behind them are what counts. She either has a boyfriend and told you straight up, or she outright lied to your face. Either way, intentions are the same. She isn't interested.
Does any pro agree with this?


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
It took me some time to get through this but god damn was it worth it . I've been looking for something like this left and right

one question tho , how do you know how far you can push a joke or "us" mentality with a girl ?

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Praise worthy guide. A level and thorough approach to real interactions. Very accurate to my experiences as well. I concur with greater than 95 percent of this wisdom and some of the one line sentences are post it worthy. A must read.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Zion said:

People rarely talk about this concept and yet it's as crucial as it gets. It's somewhat self explanatory but let me break it down.

You're a 32 year old software developer. You've had 3 relationships all your life, lasting 3-4 years each. Your humor is highly intellectual, you're not very familiar with the social world and enjoy spending your free time playing video games. Drinking and partying is not your thing.
She on the other hand, is a 21 year old student that is stressed the fvck out over the upcoming finals and all she wants to do is to drink her problems away in the club for the entire weekend. She doesn't have a job and has never considered herself a smart person. She enjoys spending her freetime socializing with friends.
I don't care how much game you think you have, because in this scenario your demographics simply don't overlap. The amount of friction these major lifestyle differences create means you will never successfully date this girl.
A party girl would prefer quick escalation since she enjoys fast paced things anyway. The socially awkward guy will most likely move at a snails pace.

Zion said:
"She's out of my league". This simply is not true. Take the above example as reference. Leagues don't exist. They're a made-up feel good mechanism for insecure people.
Wait, wouldn't that be a League? Two people who are the complete opposite? I guess if you want to get really technical then you could say it's not impossible for the nerdy socially awkward guy to get with the hot young party girl but it is highly unlikely.

Great thread though, I'll personally try the purposely messing up two numbers gimmick. Sounds like it's just as good as a filter as much as her asking for my name.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Zion again.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
R.C said:
It took me some time to get through this but god damn was it worth it . I've been looking for something like this left and right

one question tho , how do you know how far you can push a joke or "us" mentality with a girl ?
Take is as far as you want. It's a fantasy. As long as you say what you say for fun and not to get a reaction, don't worry about it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
Frayzer said:
Wait, wouldn't that be a League? Two people who are the complete opposite? I guess if you want to get really technical then you could say it's not impossible for the nerdy socially awkward guy to get with the hot young party girl but it is highly unlikely.

Great thread though, I'll personally try the purposely messing up two numbers gimmick. Sounds like it's just as good as a filter as much as her asking for my name.
No, it's a demographic. He's financially successful but lacks in other areas, she has nothing going for herself other than her looks. They're both "out of each other's league", so leagues become redundant.
The nerdy guy only wants her for being hot and due to lack of female affection in his life, and that's not a valid purpose.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Zion said:
Take is as far as you want. It's a fantasy. As long as you say what you say for fun and not to get a reaction, don't worry about it.
Im asking because I've had girls give me that "enough" attitude, so I guess I was taking it too far in those situations. Then again I probably was fishing for a reaction.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score

1. See a pretty girl.

2. Look at her, if she looks back, smile, if she smiles back...

3. Say: "Hi, I like you, I'm XXXX, nice to meet you" and extend your arm for a shake.

4. Take her names or number or whatever.

5. Profit?

If a girl looks at you and smiles and you just pass her by, youre a faggot, I cant begin to tell you how many opportunities I missed this way.


Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
flavius Josephus did not exist. he's a fictional character from a tv program. fuk flavus Josephs.

Flavius Josephus is a loser. He sucks. Fuk flavus Josephus.

If flavius Josephus did exist then he's gay but he didn't even exist.

I was watching cartoon network and flavius Josephus was robing a bank. he was arested and sent to jail for ten years. then he punched an officer and got another ten years in jail. flavus Josephus is stupid. Fuk flavius Josephus. Flavius Josephus sucks. Flavius joseph then tried to escape but was caught and got another ten years in jail. Fuk flavus Josephs

Flavius josephs is a piece of garbage. Fuk flavus josephus


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
rkd said:
flavius Josephus did not exist. he's a fictional character from a tv program. fuk flavus Josephs.

Flavius Josephus is a loser. He sucks. Fuk flavus Josephus.

If flavius Josephus did exist then he's gay but he didn't even exist.

I was watching cartoon network and flavius Josephus was robing a bank. he was arested and sent to jail for ten years. then he punched an officer and got another ten years in jail. flavus Josephus is stupid. Fuk flavius Josephus. Flavius Josephus sucks. Flavius joseph then tried to escape but was caught and got another ten years in jail. Fuk flavus Josephs

Flavius josephs is a piece of garbage. Fuk flavus josephus


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
rkd said:
flavius Josephus did not exist. he's a fictional character from a tv program. fuk flavus Josephs.

Flavius Josephus is a loser. He sucks. Fuk flavus Josephus.

If flavius Josephus did exist then he's gay but he didn't even exist.

I was watching cartoon network and flavius Josephus was robing a bank. he was arested and sent to jail for ten years. then he punched an officer and got another ten years in jail. flavus Josephus is stupid. Fuk flavius Josephus. Flavius Josephus sucks. Flavius joseph then tried to escape but was caught and got another ten years in jail. Fuk flavus Josephs

Flavius josephs is a piece of garbage. Fuk flavus josephus
Thanks. Very eye opening.

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