ketostix said:
Yeah she sounds like a good catch except for the 22 years-old part.
No, she was 33. Either is a bit to young, the other is a bit older than I prefer.....
I think you're just cautious because you realize contrary to popular opinion that women aren't really that invested in a guy and will quickly replace him with someone else. Women view men and sex how men view careers, as a means to progress up the ladder.
That's what I love about this forum....we are always reaching a higher understanding of how this stuff works. Even when you think you have it all figured out someone finds another piece to the puzzle and it's like A-HA!
Seriously, we have talked about this stuff a lot, but I don't remember anyone ever putting it into those words, and it's true, women DO look at relationships as a goal, and they use sex and sexuality to "move up".
That's why men are so much more loyal than women! We don't constantly scan the horizon for the next best thing, we try to take sanctuary in the one person we "think" we can count on. Then too often we become complacent and it just so happens that her "scanning" pays off and she finds someone who she determines to have a higher benefit to cost ratio than you.
It's so true that women ARE NOT invested in a man. They might be in the beginning, but they possess a mechanism that allows them to pull the trigger at any time, even if it means lying, cheating, and shifting blame.
It took me MANY years to realize that this is the reason why a woman can cheat on you and then turn around and BLAME you and call you an ass hole, all the while believing every word she is saying.
It amazes me how women are the ones promoting this fantasy life, yet they are the one who pulls the plug on it most of the time.
I suppose it's simply another example of how it is to women's advantage to have MEN believe in the idea of "happily ever after", since they always reserve the right to change their mind on a whim. They puff it up to be this great magical journey, then after the initial rush has worn off THEY are the ones always out looking. No different than an older woman shaming you for dating younger pays HER for you to believe her bullsh!t.