I'm just getting back from L.A. after being in Virginia - a.k.a. Hurricane country - for the last 5 days. I had NO idea there'd be this many responses when I got back.
Wow. So... I'm going to go back and read through some of the responses and respond back to them. I'll go in order, so I may be behind a bit from some of the more recent responses...
As a general response, though, I will say this: like any form of communication with a woman, texting CAN be done correctly. However, since the majority of posts on this site consist of text blunders (no, really - go back and look, most of them start out with "so, I sent a girl this text, and..."), it stands to reason that the majority of guys on here don't know how to text correctly.
Texting CAN be used in a positive manner, IF you know how to use texting correctly. At the end of the day, though, all forms of communication should be used for one purpose: as a means of getting her IN FRONT OF YOU, to spend time WITH you. However, texting becomes a crutch for many guys, especially those just starting out in the game, and it's a crutch that becomes more of a hindrance the more they use it.
That's why I advocate NOT using texting. Guys need to stop using text as a way of masking their fears and insecurities about not saying or doing the right things with a woman in their presence, and work more on verbally and physically getting with her.
Anyway... I have a free eBook I'm working on now about this whole "text messaging" issue that will give better insights into my observations on how text messaging kills relationships. It should be done within the next week; in the meantime, I'll start responding to the various comments left on this post - stay tuned!