women with smartphones cant love


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
this is so true, and so sad and dissapointing at the same time...:


They become less warm, more selfish, have attitudes, are spoiled and bratty, never fully satisfied, go from cok to cok to cok...
and as Rooshy says in the article: why should a woman have to put any effort into getting a man when she really doesn't have to? when if she points with her finger, five desperate men appear ready to do whatever she wishes?

It is scary. The more options women have, the less options men have and thus the more desperate and afc we become.
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Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
It is going to take the total elimination of the AFC before this issue is ever solved, and that's going to take many many generations to happen, if it ever does..

Special EDy

Don Juan
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Isnt the whole point of this forum that the right kinda guy can point his finger and have 5 desperate women do whatever he wishes?

We are just inherently less likely to string along women for non-romantic gain.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Special EDy said:
Isnt the whole point of this forum that the right kinda guy can point his finger and have 5 desperate women do whatever he wishes?

We are just inherently less likely to string along women for non-romantic gain.
Who said anything about any woman being 'desperate' if she hooks up with one of us?

This forum has lots of purpose other than gaming women. I consider it a "Mens
Issues and Support" site.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
A very succinct article. It's not just smartphones but social media too. However, the real problem still traces back to man. Men are the one showering them with attention. A young girl growing up quickly realizes that she can command hordes of men by simply posting a selfie exposing a little cleavage. She quickly realizes that she doesn't have to put in any effort in getting any man. By high school, she comes to a full realization of her powers.

The interesting part is that it will only get worse. Just wait until the current crop of 5 year olds and 6 year olds who only grew up only on social media, tablets and smartphones become college age students.

My sister has a boyfriend but she still has Tinder. I asked her why she was talking to guys on there when she had a boyfriend. She said "Because he's not texting me right now and I'm bored". Lol.

The question is how can men growing up in these times adapt to this change and use this to their advantage? The best thing is to use social media slvts purely as *** dumpsters. Anything more is asking for hurt and trouble. Don't try to wife them up. Don't try to change them. Just use them and move on to the next one.

There are still good women out there but you have to have a really strong filter to weed out the bad eggs. Some red flags are:

If she's constantly posting pictures to Facebook to get "likes".

If she has a lot of orbiters on social media.

If she can't seem to put down her smartphone and is always texting or uploading pictures.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
women nowadays do not become desperate, because if a guy they really like happens to like another woman, they may get upset, complain about it for a bit, but they have 20 other suitors everyday so...no problem.

This site would have been super useful a decade ago with no smartphones, less hypergamy etc, so you became a true DJ but...

Now it is a site oriented to help men be less afc, bang a few women, learn to not fall into women's traps, and generally speaking, help us live as happy as possible while including women in our life. LOL.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
El Payaso said:
A very succinct article. It's not just smartphones but social media too. The interesting part is that it will only get worse. Just wait until the current crop of 5 year olds and 6 year olds who only grew up only on social media, tablets and smartphones become college age students.

The question is how can men growing up in these times adapt to this change and use this to their advantage?

More porn!!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
This is 100% on. I knew this was coming once AOL strolled around with the very basic IM and chatrooms. That was in the late 90's but now? Oh forget about it, it's a million times worse. The easiest most simple tool for cheating and having multiple men in secret is the iphone. Like ive stated in an a old post a while ago, Technology is a great thing that has increased the productivity of humankind however, It is also the source of destruction and temptation. A two way sword if you will. Secret nude pictures, Secret text messages, Secret voicemails, Secret Social/Dating account. Women LOVE!!!! this technology because by nature they already love to gossip but now have the means to gossip all day and night through this device called iphone. The problem with this thing is, any bump in the road between you and your girlfriend/wife can spark an interest in "innocently" just "browsing" tinder, facebook, instagram or any social application that enables her to see and flirt with other guys. As soon as another guy flirts with her that seems to be "better" looking or "better" overall than you, The pot begins to steam up and innocent messages get exchanged little by little until your Girlfriend/Wife communicates with this other man on a regular basis. Then one day he says the right things at the right time and BOOM!!! she "feels" unhappy" with you and is "unsure" of your relationship and now shes "confused" and "needs time" to "think" and take a "break". Plus it doesnt even need to be a random guy, it could be a "friend" she has on facebook for example that she deep down has had a crush on but he never really communicated with her, she just has him as a friend because..... you know... hes just a cool "friend",... one day she posts a picture up that he happens to "like" or comment,"Hey Jessica, Nice picture! lookin beautiful".... Her hormones and emotion go off like a rocket ship. She instantly texts her slutty friends "OMG, Jake just commented on my picture saying he thought i was beautiful! Eeeeeekkk!!". her friends throw gas on the fire...."Oh sh*t really? lol, message him! see how he is", Your GF says "Nooo, i cant! im with Mike! he would flip out lol!,... i dunno maybe i will say hello just as friends".... a week later that crush begins flirting with your chick and her text to her friends begin to look like this... "Jake wants to see me! lol OMG this is so crazy! what do i do!??" her friend says "Well, just have a coffee with him, Its just a friends thing. you wont be doing anything wrong" .... your GF will say "Hmm, I dunno.... Ugh! Ok ill see what i do. Things with Mike havent been that great so i dunno....."

You see how it begins? lol So fvcking predictable....

Ive lived it and I've seen it happen to other guys more times than you can count. Ironically my initial career path was I.T and i loved computers and mobile devices that you could easily connect with friends but even at a young age i knew this was going to fvck everyone up. Do you remember when you were having a conversation with a girl on AIM? and it showed she was typing but then she stopped and took a bit to respond. It made you wonder if she was talking to other guys in another window and accidentally started typing on your conversation window. Today is much worse to an extreme, they dont need to be on a computer to do all this. They can be doing it right in front of your face on their phones while sitting next to you. Its a huge sh*t storm that i dont see an end to but becoming even worse as applications evolve.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
logicallefty said:
More porn!!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
How so? Elaborate.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
El Payaso said:
How so? Elaborate.
Hypothetically speaking, suppose every man in the world from AFC to DJ all the sudden was completely sexually satisfied with porn and wanking off and never wanted sex with a woman again, what position in society would that put women in? Where would they be?

My comment was part hypothetical, and part joke.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
But its a tool for us as well.

First step is reading on this site. You get your support to get muscles, etc...you begin to watch for red flags and dont put up with womens game. Stay vigilant. The dumb chicks will show themselves.

Our world isnt defined by social media...its just that you are not reading more othe . Interesting things.

But if its love you want, you got to remember that its a process that you and your mate teach each other.
A dating app doesnt a cheater make. And if shes that hot that ill try to bang her then her bf needs to be on point.

We forget that women are here for our enjoyment. So tinder just makes it easier. Just an example of a more positive way to spin this theory.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
One of Roosh's better ones. Just be ready for zarky to come and chastise you. Didn't go over too well last time.

If you enjoyed reading that you should also check out Patricia's Smartphone


JohnChops said:
If she has a smartphone she cant love..... are you guys serious?
And it begins, that was quick. Total obliviousness to a bigger picture, devoid of social awareness and introspection.

I miss that :cry:


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
pyros said:
this is so true, and so sad and dissapointing at the same time...:


They become less warm, more selfish, have attitudes, are spoiled and bratty, never fully satisfied, go from cok to cok to cok...
and as Rooshy says in the article: why should a woman have to put any effort into getting a man when she really doesn't have to? when if she points with her finger, five desperate men appear ready to do whatever she wishes?

It is scary. The more options women have, the less options men have and thus the more desperate and afc we become.
If you so desperately want to eliminate all the love feeling for wen, don't expect them to have love for yourself. Idiot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
BraddH said:
If you so desperately want to eliminate all the love feeling for wen, don't expect them to have love for yourself. Idiot.
I think most men in general and even on this board only started eliminating love feelings for women when it didn't get them laid, not because they wanted to.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
( . )( . ) said:
And it begins, that was quick. Total obliviousness to a bigger picture, devoid of social awareness and introspection.

I miss that :cry:

I actually read the article and I agree with it, its sad but true. Just with the title you would think this is some radical idea, but it makes sense. Oh well, technology isn't going anywhere.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
"Earlier this year, I carried out an fMRI experiment to find out whether iPhones were really, truly addictive, no less so than alcohol, cocaine, shopping or video games. In conjunction with the San Diego-based firm MindSign Neuromarketing, I enlisted eight men and eight women between the ages of 18 and 25. Our 16 subjects were exposed separately to audio and to video of a ringing and vibrating iPhone.

In each instance, the results showed activation in both the audio and visual cortices of the subjects’ brains. In other words, when they were exposed to the video, our subjects’ brains didn’t just see the vibrating iPhone, they “heard” it, too; and when they were exposed to the audio, they also “saw” it. This powerful cross-sensory phenomenon is known as synesthesia.

But most striking of all was the flurry of activation in the insular cortex of the brain, which is associated with feelings of love and compassion. The subjects’ brains responded to the sound of their phones as they would respond to the presence or proximity of a girlfriend, boyfriend or family member."


The brains respond to smartphones as if they are actual human persons. You get addicted to your own phone. The repercussions of this are enormous for both men and women. While I won't say a woman with a smartphone cannot completely love, you are literally in competition with a smartphone that her brain views as a person. Very interesting.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
AttackFormation said:
I think most men in general and even on this board only started eliminating love feelings for women when it didn't get them laid, not because they wanted to.
As far as I'm concerned, I've gotten more laid when showing love than when not.

Culture of ME

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
The article and topic is interesting, but it seems to me that this is only further proof of why anyone should be here on this site. Here are my observations:

-- while the premise of the article if largely true (anyone who has been in the dating game the last 5 years has had to notice this), it seems to me that the women most affected by this new phenomena are the fatherless, broken home, attention ***** types. These women should never be seen as long term potential plays anyway.

-- well adjusted, properly raised, better than average looking women who have their life together (which I would say is the target for the vast majority on this site) are used to having plenty of options, including the last 60 years since women have entered the workforce. Not saying that cellphones haven't made it easier, of course it has, but having many options has always been the case for quality women.

-- the answer to counter this is the same as all of the other pitfalls. Become the best MAN you can be. Learn to live a life where you are accomplishing your goals, pursuing your dreams, and striving to get better all the time. Don't make any girl the center of your life, happiness, or self-worth. Quality girls are still looking for the same thing as always, QUALITY MEN. Be one and your whole life will change.

Lastly, if anything, this is great for those of us who are making a conscious choice to improve and go back to living like our great-grandfathers did. This only makes us stand out from the 25 AFC's responding to every call for attention/affirmation/ego boost. Trust me, most women will notice that you are different, but won't care since they only want the diva attention. Quality women will both notice and care.
