women with smartphones cant love


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
THIS was my biggest problem. I even started a thread about it in another sub of SoSuave.

I've been told to adapt. I don't want to.

After giving it some thought, I honestly don't want to.

I will just use this information to my advantage. To be different and not be one of the many who competes. Not because I want to be different in her eyes, but because it's just who I am. If any woman I'd want to be with, would rather be with her phone, obviously she isn't worth my time.

As another poster said, I used to be in IT, and I love technology, but Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and other types of social media just aren't for me. I don't feel the need to join in. I don't feel the need to embrace the thought that I can go out on a date and she can check her phone 5 times and update her statuses and check in.

I think the view needs to be flipped. Once most men decide they won't stand up for attitudes and behaviors like this, it'll never change. But they won't, because most of them are so desperate to get ANYTHING, they'll jump on that penis carousel and hope their number comes up.

I'm fine if the phone is the death of commitment. I'm not seeking commitment anytime soon, if ever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
pyros said:
this is so true, and so sad and dissapointing at the same time...:


They become less warm, more selfish, have attitudes, are spoiled and bratty, never fully satisfied, go from cok to cok to cok...
and as Rooshy says in the article: why should a woman have to put any effort into getting a man when she really doesn't have to? when if she points with her finger, five desperate men appear ready to do whatever she wishes?

It is scary. The more options women have, the less options men have and thus the more desperate and afc we become.
One of my friends takes full advantage of this. You could say he is an 8 or even an 8.5 on the looks spectrum, he's 6ft, with a sort of natural tan. Chicks eat that sh*t up. Anyway he is very much reliant on meeting chicks on... Twitter. Yes, Twitter. A social media site; most of his lays have been off of Twitter. The youngest he's banged off of Twitter is 15. Could you imagine your 15 year old daughter getting banged by some 19 year old that she met off of Twitter? What was his secret? Be friends with everyone and talk/"tweet" the ones that follow you basically. Then when you actually meet, the level of game is very little considering he is already model status.

I tried doing what he did but I just can't. I remember I used to be really involved on Facebook and some of Instagram but ever since I joined this site and have improved myself I just can't do things like that. It bores me and sort of feels unnatural. I mean, I know I'm around a 6-7 on the attraction scale but the thing is, I feel like I'm being simply out gunned by other guy's looks. I know looks matter, but I've never felt like it mattered THAT much. And this feeling only occurs every time I tried bringing myself to the internet. When I walk around in public, I feel like the rating I've discovered about myself. On top of that, I can back it up with my game which is awesome. The second I go online, I feel like I get dropped by 2-3 points. And the thing is I can't really do anything to get those points back, no amount of game I can SAY over the internet is going to turn a girl on. I mean I could always edit my photos but that just isn't me. That's just ridiculous. Plus every girl who is in the same boat, looks wise, as me it seems they think they're 8,9, or even 10's. So that really messes up my criteria of women. The thing is, If I were higher in the looks spectrum I know this type of stuff would get to my head and my level of game would either get worse or simply not improve. I really like where I'm at in terms of looks because I'm not super ugly or super attractive, I need BOTH game and looking good to play the game. Which is how I personally like it, I don't like it when an outside force does the job for me and I certainly don't like it when other people get things they hardly worked for- but that's just life in general.

I've seen a few girls in real life that I've seen off of Twitter or Facebook and they don't look anything in parallel to the amount of "likes" or "favorites" they get. But, they sure do act like it. I mean they're basically average if not under. I know a girl whom gets around 500 likes on Instragram and she's nothing more than a 5 at BEST. And one thing that I've noticed while I was on the AFC infested site of City-Data, was that EVERY person there met people through the internet. Is that saying low quality people generally resort to screen hiding to find people? Not sure but it is likely. I've tried adapting to this change in society, since the older crowd has been saying it hasn't always been like this, but I just can't. I can't really complain either because the stuff I do in real life still works for me, just the second a screen is involved I just begin to crash. If you use the internet for getting laid, then more power to you. But if you're using it to find a relationship, even though you shouldn't even be looking for that at first, then you're an idiot. I can't even imagine an AFC drowning himself into something like this. It's clearly a playground for women that you cannot win because there is ALWAYS someone waiting in line regardless if they look or act better than you. Having options is a very strong trick, that's why spinning plates is so important. Women do it inadvertently when they sign up for this social media. It's like the old salesmen approach, simply bringing up something to someone will encourage them to buy it. And then when other people take an interest... The value just sky rockets.

Hell, I sometimes watch live-streams on Twitch and every time a female streamer comes out that is remotely attractive she jumps to 100+ viewers within inconsistent days of streaming. Now for a guy that streams everyday, that takes him months or even years. I know a guy who has been around for 3 years and streams EVERYDAY yet he gets little viewers. That man puts so much work into his stream and then when a girl with a sh*tty stream and a facecame the size of 1/4 the screen comes up she's instantly popular. That's bullsh*t. It's the same with YouTube as well. There is so many underlying factors to this like men behaving like women, feminism, social media being a c*ck carousal, gay t.v/movies that portray a man acting like a women, these sappy "love" songs, lack of generally knowledge regarding relationships, and Disney.

I kind of went on a rant, but that's just how I see it. As long as women simply go outside and expose themselves to the public then I can work my magic. But if this screen hiding continues I don't think I'll be able to do much before I have to give in and do some myself. And even then, I would be fighting myself every step- I just know it. And if you think "Love" is even real then I think you should stay on those social media/dating sites; they're literally the attitude perfect for you; a woman's.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Culture of ME said:
The article and topic is interesting, but it seems to me that this is only further proof of why anyone should be here on this site. Here are my observations:

-- while the premise of the article if largely true (anyone who has been in the dating game the last 5 years has had to notice this), it seems to me that the women most affected by this new phenomena are the fatherless, broken home, attention ***** types. These women should never be seen as long term potential plays anyway.

-- well adjusted, properly raised, better than average looking women who have their life together (which I would say is the target for the vast majority on this site) are used to having plenty of options, including the last 60 years since women have entered the workforce. Not saying that cellphones haven't made it easier, of course it has, but having many options has always been the case for quality women.

-- the answer to counter this is the same as all of the other pitfalls. Become the best MAN you can be. Learn to live a life where you are accomplishing your goals, pursuing your dreams, and striving to get better all the time. Don't make any girl the center of your life, happiness, or self-worth. Quality girls are still looking for the same thing as always, QUALITY MEN. Be one and your whole life will change.

Lastly, if anything, this is great for those of us who are making a conscious choice to improve and go back to living like our great-grandfathers did. This only makes us stand out from the 25 AFC's responding to every call for attention/affirmation/ego boost. Trust me, most women will notice that you are different, but won't care since they only want the diva attention. Quality women will both notice and care.

Great post. +1

Exact reason you'll rarely see a 9 or a 10 on dating sites. When you do, it's only for a while, why? Because they get tired of it and it becomes WORK for them to sift through 1000 messages, 95% of the guys being guys they'd never even consider dating.

Roosh does make some great points though, and it's something I tell people IRL when they ask about the dating game, and what it's like. It's tough these days. Your "game" needs to be tip top to snag and keep a high quality woman. However, it's not impossible to keep one around. Fortunately the ones who get hurt most by women having so many options are the betas/AFC's. Their beta game doesn't work so well when, because of women being connected to so many other guys, it's easier for the Alphas to spread their net, and eventually come into contact with the high quality women. So, a beta may get into a relationship to someone of high quality, however it's not going to last once that Alpha comes into the picture..... for the exact reasons that Roosh talked about.....

So, like Culture of Me explained, only thing you can do is work on yourself, be in that top 5% bracket. Outer game, Inner game, Attitude, Personality, some type of personal success, patience, discipline, whatever. You gotta stay above the rest, be the the cream of the cream. You gotta be the QUALITY MAN. They WILL take notice.

Kailex said:
I think the view needs to be flipped. Once most men decide they won't stand up for attitudes and behaviors like this, it'll never change. But they won't, because most of them are so desperate to get ANYTHING, they'll jump on that penis carousel and hope their number comes up.
Men, in general, will ALWAYS be around to bang the chick that is willing to spread her legs. There is nothing anyone can do about that. That's just the way it is.

I here a lot of complaing on here about betas and AFC's. I honest to God, do not understand what they are complaining about. If a so called beta or AFC took your girl, or moved in on a girl that you liked, and she ended up liking him...and not you, then guess what...he's not beta or AFC. Either that or YOU ARE the beta/AFC. Just because a guy took the redpill, it doesn't mean that the all of the sudden one turns into an ALPHA, or that they inherently now has game.... It takes a lot more than just swallowing a pill. There's no short cuts here. There are vast improvements, however, it's essentially going to take some work.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Tictac said:
Define irony - a bunch of guys moaning on a website about women and their overuse of smart phones and social media.

Fem-centric snark detected.


And how come you in your own words admit "women and their overuse of smart phones and social media". Yet everyone else is "moaning". Aren't you kind of saying the exact same thing. Stop being a cvnt and use your big boy words as to why you believe this topic should not be discussed.

I'm not sure I'm buying you're just an old blue pilled baby boomer who recoils in kneejerk reflex anger at any discussion which doesn't paint women as angels who fart rainbows. I'm recognizing more feminine patterns than not.

Tell me I'm wrong and why. I never am but I'd still like at least an attempt.


Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Fem-centric snark detected.


And how come you in your own words admit "women and their overuse of smart phones and social media". Yet everyone else is "moaning". Aren't you kind of saying the exact same thing. Stop being a cvnt and use your big boy words as to why you believe this topic should not be discussed.

I'm not sure I'm buying you're just an old blue pilled baby boomer who recoils in kneejerk reflex anger at any discussion which doesn't paint women as angels who fart rainbows. I'm recognizing more feminine patterns than not.

Tell me I'm wrong and why. I never am but I'd still like at least an attempt.
Sometimes you are just wrong, and there is no need for explanation. :D

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
yep yep yep and yep...all the more reason to just Bump into a girl and to make sure she's a bubble-gum chewing corn-dog eating astro-pop sucking dumb broad, cause at least that way, she'll be carnal, and you'll get a fvck, that's all they good for...

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
I totally agree with the article, however, it's not a productive thinking pattern.

I'm not trying to bury my head in the sand but it's counter productive if you're looking for success.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Tictac said:
Define irony - a bunch of guys moaning on a website about women and their overuse of smart phones and social media.

Although I do understand your point, I think there is quite a difference between trolling Instagram for likes with the latest selfie, versus coming onto SoSuave for information on how to subtly add value to your own life.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
Yawn t*t boy. Another exercise in declarative reality for you.

Declaring yourself always right doesn't change reality. You don't know much really, except limp-waisted, failed middle school attempts to bust balls.

Look at this string. It is objectively you and others using digital technology to whine about women that use digital technology.

Perhaps in your faux red pill universe you can find a post of mine that support more than a character of two of what you type.

Until you do, go suck a lemon. It will improve your disposition.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Again. I'm still not buying you're just a mangina baby boomer who constantly throws out snark because of an ingrained knee jerk reflex to white knight the fair maidens who can do no wrong. This rather timid discussion should not cause such an annoyance for you, whether it was disguised or not.

I'm calling shenanigans.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Was expecting some kind of link to a scientific article.
Instead it links to some PUA's blog.
Did I do something wrong? :S


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
NLP using an Iphone ring as an anchor sounds like fishing with a bazooka

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
logicallefty said:
Hypothetically speaking, suppose every man in the world from AFC to DJ all the sudden was completely sexually satisfied with porn and wanking off and never wanted sex with a woman again, what position in society would that put women in? Where would they be?

My comment was part hypothetical, and part joke.
Ah, okay. I get it now. Lol. Yeah, too bad that won't happen.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
This is 100% on. I knew this was coming once AOL strolled around with the very basic IM and chatrooms. That was in the late 90's but now? Oh forget about it, it's a million times worse. The easiest most simple tool for cheating and having multiple men in secret is the iphone. Like ive stated in an a old post a while ago, Technology is a great thing that has increased the productivity of humankind however, It is also the source of destruction and temptation. A two way sword if you will. Secret nude pictures, Secret text messages, Secret voicemails, Secret Social/Dating account. Women LOVE!!!! this technology because by nature they already love to gossip but now have the means to gossip all day and night through this device called iphone. The problem with this thing is, any bump in the road between you and your girlfriend/wife can spark an interest in "innocently" just "browsing" tinder, facebook, instagram or any social application that enables her to see and flirt with other guys. As soon as another guy flirts with her that seems to be "better" looking or "better" overall than you, The pot begins to steam up and innocent messages get exchanged little by little until your Girlfriend/Wife communicates with this other man on a regular basis. Then one day he says the right things at the right time and BOOM!!! she "feels" unhappy" with you and is "unsure" of your relationship and now shes "confused" and "needs time" to "think" and take a "break". Plus it doesnt even need to be a random guy, it could be a "friend" she has on facebook for example that she deep down has had a crush on but he never really communicated with her, she just has him as a friend because..... you know... hes just a cool "friend",... one day she posts a picture up that he happens to "like" or comment,"Hey Jessica, Nice picture! lookin beautiful".... Her hormones and emotion go off like a rocket ship. She instantly texts her slutty friends "OMG, Jake just commented on my picture saying he thought i was beautiful! Eeeeeekkk!!". her friends throw gas on the fire...."Oh sh*t really? lol, message him! see how he is", Your GF says "Nooo, i cant! im with Mike! he would flip out lol!,... i dunno maybe i will say hello just as friends".... a week later that crush begins flirting with your chick and her text to her friends begin to look like this... "Jake wants to see me! lol OMG this is so crazy! what do i do!??" her friend says "Well, just have a coffee with him, Its just a friends thing. you wont be doing anything wrong" .... your GF will say "Hmm, I dunno.... Ugh! Ok ill see what i do. Things with Mike havent been that great so i dunno....."

You see how it begins? lol So fvcking predictable....

Ive lived it and I've seen it happen to other guys more times than you can count. Ironically my initial career path was I.T and i loved computers and mobile devices that you could easily connect with friends but even at a young age i knew this was going to fvck everyone up. Do you remember when you were having a conversation with a girl on AIM? and it showed she was typing but then she stopped and took a bit to respond. It made you wonder if she was talking to other guys in another window and accidentally started typing on your conversation window. Today is much worse to an extreme, they dont need to be on a computer to do all this. They can be doing it right in front of your face on their phones while sitting next to you. Its a huge sh*t storm that i dont see an end to but becoming even worse as applications evolve.
so true yet depressing.. prob not gonna bother ever getting married now