This is 100% on. I knew this was coming once AOL strolled around with the very basic IM and chatrooms. That was in the late 90's but now? Oh forget about it, it's a million times worse. The easiest most simple tool for cheating and having multiple men in secret is the iphone. Like ive stated in an a old post a while ago, Technology is a great thing that has increased the productivity of humankind however, It is also the source of destruction and temptation. A two way sword if you will. Secret nude pictures, Secret text messages, Secret voicemails, Secret Social/Dating account. Women LOVE!!!! this technology because by nature they already love to gossip but now have the means to gossip all day and night through this device called iphone. The problem with this thing is, any bump in the road between you and your girlfriend/wife can spark an interest in "innocently" just "browsing" tinder, facebook, instagram or any social application that enables her to see and flirt with other guys. As soon as another guy flirts with her that seems to be "better" looking or "better" overall than you, The pot begins to steam up and innocent messages get exchanged little by little until your Girlfriend/Wife communicates with this other man on a regular basis. Then one day he says the right things at the right time and BOOM!!! she "feels" unhappy" with you and is "unsure" of your relationship and now shes "confused" and "needs time" to "think" and take a "break". Plus it doesnt even need to be a random guy, it could be a "friend" she has on facebook for example that she deep down has had a crush on but he never really communicated with her, she just has him as a friend because..... you know... hes just a cool "friend",... one day she posts a picture up that he happens to "like" or comment,"Hey Jessica, Nice picture! lookin beautiful".... Her hormones and emotion go off like a rocket ship. She instantly texts her slutty friends "OMG, Jake just commented on my picture saying he thought i was beautiful! Eeeeeekkk!!". her friends throw gas on the fire...."Oh sh*t really? lol, message him! see how he is", Your GF says "Nooo, i cant! im with Mike! he would flip out lol!,... i dunno maybe i will say hello just as friends".... a week later that crush begins flirting with your chick and her text to her friends begin to look like this... "Jake wants to see me! lol OMG this is so crazy! what do i do!??" her friend says "Well, just have a coffee with him, Its just a friends thing. you wont be doing anything wrong" .... your GF will say "Hmm, I dunno.... Ugh! Ok ill see what i do. Things with Mike havent been that great so i dunno....."
You see how it begins? lol So fvcking predictable....
Ive lived it and I've seen it happen to other guys more times than you can count. Ironically my initial career path was I.T and i loved computers and mobile devices that you could easily connect with friends but even at a young age i knew this was going to fvck everyone up. Do you remember when you were having a conversation with a girl on AIM? and it showed she was typing but then she stopped and took a bit to respond. It made you wonder if she was talking to other guys in another window and accidentally started typing on your conversation window. Today is much worse to an extreme, they dont need to be on a computer to do all this. They can be doing it right in front of your face on their phones while sitting next to you. Its a huge sh*t storm that i dont see an end to but becoming even worse as applications evolve.