PlayHer Man said:
Well.. just look at feminism. Look at how much power women have today compared to many years ago. If power wasn't important to them.. why did they work so hard to de-throne men?
If their dream was to submit.. they would of stayed in their place. Don't ya think? :crackup:
I'm not sure what context your argument is based on. Are you making a point against the PUA theory that women really want a man to dominate them?
Women have kind of been in power since the days of Cleopatra.
And why shouldn't a woman want power? Put in the same room as a tiger would you refuse a gun if it was offered to you?
Who said it was a woman's dream to be submissive?
Power isn't really a gender specific thing.
Nor is power fixed. The alpha male who dominates his wife and kids might go to work and find himself inferior to his superiors for example.
You either have it or you don't.
You can't dethrone someone unless you already have the power to do so. Or unless someone gives it away.
Oughtn't the question be, why are men giving their power away?
Or to be even more specific, to reflect the true complexity of the matter in all the intricacies of power play that occur on a day to day basis - Why do certain people give their power away to others, male or female?