Women want POWER not a deep connection

Powerful LTR

New Member
Nov 15, 2013
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PlayHer Man writes: Most men don't understand this and truly believe its beneficial for them to get into deep long-term relationships or marriages. They don't realize these actions strip them of all their personal money and power.

PlayHer Man if you have power, you always have power. You should not lose your power if you get into a long term relationship with a woman. If you do lose your power, then guess what, it wasn’t real power to begin with… Most men who have power, have mistaken power for anger … They use their anger to be powerful. Once they get into a long term relationship with a women, and anger does not apply, since they love her (you cannot love someone and be angry at them at the same time, unless you become abusive), the power is gone … A real powerful man, is one who is powerful under all circumstances and that means falling in love with a women and still controlling the situation… How is that possible… How can you you commit to a woman, love her, and still maintain your power… It’s all about knowing how much to love, and when to pull away. To be able to read the signs when you are losing power, and when you have too much power. IT’S ABOUT SELF RESPECT. The closer you get to a woman, the more she sees how much self respect you have… If you don;t have any self respect, she will lose respect for you … It;s about understanding who you are as a person and doing things because of love not because of fear… It's about doing things that scare you.

Real power is developing your masculine and feminine energies fully ... to have real power you need to have a strong feminine side, as well as a strong masculine side ... but most people completely discard developing their feminine side.

Real power my friend, is to be totally vulnerable next to a woman, and she still respects you and admires you …

That is the direction you want to move, it’s not that easy, it’s a lot easier to have your foot out the door, but then you will never be able to connect and enjoy the love of a woman …

The reality is that those people who think they have power, do not, and those people who sees themselves as weak, probably have more power then they realize.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Bacious said:
Feminism is, by very definition, to do with equality and not excess power of one sex over another. Someone can dream to be treated as a legal equal without having goals of being supreme leader of the planet. There's understanding the innate differences between men and women and then there's misogyny - you seem to fall in the latter camp.

Your thought process applies just as much to racism and homophobia, learn to be just a tad ****ing objective.

Edit: And you know what? It's a shame because your OP is really quite accurate - definitely good stuff, especially about one foot out the door. Just some of your other unrelated comments are straight up illogical.
This site is infected white knight faggots lately. How many chandeliers have you broken swinging in to protect a damsel in distress? :crackup:

Your low rep says it all. Nothing can help you. :trouble:

Powerful LTR said:
PlayHer Man writes: Most men don't understand this and truly believe its beneficial for them to get into deep long-term relationships or marriages. They don't realize these actions strip them of all their personal money and power.

PlayHer Man if you have power, you always have power. You should not lose your power if you get into a long term relationship with a woman. If you do lose your power, then guess what, it wasn’t real power to begin with… Most men who have power, have mistaken power for anger … They use their anger to be powerful. Once they get into a long term relationship with a women, and anger does not apply, since they love her (you cannot love someone and be angry at them at the same time, unless you become abusive), the power is gone … A real powerful man, is one who is powerful under all circumstances and that means falling in love with a women and still controlling the situation… How is that possible… How can you you commit to a woman, love her, and still maintain your power… It’s all about knowing how much to love, and when to pull away. To be able to read the signs when you are losing power, and when you have too much power. IT’S ABOUT SELF RESPECT. The closer you get to a woman, the more she sees how much self respect you have… If you don;t have any self respect, she will lose respect for you … It;s about understanding who you are as a person and doing things because of love not because of fear… It's about doing things that scare you.

Real power is developing your masculine and feminine energies fully ... to have real power you need to have a strong feminine side, as well as a strong masculine side ... but most people completely discard developing their feminine side.

Real power my friend, is to be totally vulnerable next to a woman, and she still respects you and admires you …

That is the direction you want to move, it’s not that easy, it’s a lot easier to have your foot out the door, but then you will never be able to connect and enjoy the love of a woman …

The reality is that those people who think they have power, do not, and those people who sees themselves as weak, probably have more power then they realize.
You just don't get it. Any man who commits 100% without having women on the side has allowed his inner faggot out and given the woman the power.

Its as simple as this --> If you are UNWILLING to f*ck other women because you don't want to "ruin" what you have with ONE woman... you have oneitis which basically makes you a powerless beta b!tch.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I'm pretty sure they're both women, PHM. I think every once in a while we see a little mini-invasion from some women's site from girls whose mission is to straighten us out. If I'm wrong and these are actually men, it's a perfect illustration of how our feminized educational system is destroying young men.

Well, I'm off to get in touch with my "feminine side", LOL...


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I've noticed everytime PHM makes a really good post all the inexperienced 18 and 19 year olds disagree and almost everybody 30 years and older and people who actually have sex agrees with him...


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2012
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Northern CO
It's all about frame. She gotta meet you in your world and love it. Every time I **** it up is because I'm questioning my position of power. If were not secure in our world how could she be comfortable in it?

Every time I'be conceeded my is because I'm thinking way too hard about the relationship and not focusing on the important ****: my life. If she sees you wavering in your universe, of course she's whip you and move on.



Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I don't agree with PHM simply because I don't give a **** what women want. Id on't waste my time worrying about what women want, what women ponder, what they find attractive. I think that's the fundamental difference between someone like myself and PHM> I don't knock him what works for him works for me i just don't tick like that. I'm who I want to be for better or for worse.

Caravaggio i love your username that dude got me through art history class lol. The conversation of saint paul in particular

I have really grown up, beucase there is a lot in this thread I don't agree with, but I'm not going to get in a debate on. The cream rises to the top so to speak. People call themselves out by speaking ignorance I don't have to do it for them

user name

Sep 24, 2013
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YoungStunna said:
I've noticed everytime PHM makes a really good post all the inexperienced 18 and 19 year olds disagree and almost everybody 30 years and older and people who actually have sex agrees with him...
how old are you?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
backbreaker said:
I don't agree with PHM simply because I don't give a **** what women want. Id on't waste my time worrying about what women want, what women ponder, what they find attractive. I think that's the fundamental difference between someone like myself and PHM> I don't knock him what works for him works for me i just don't tick like that. I'm who I want to be for better or for worse.

Caravaggio i love your username that dude got me through art history class lol. The conversation of saint paul in particular

I have really grown up, beucase there is a lot in this thread I don't agree with, but I'm not going to get in a debate on. The cream rises to the top so to speak. People call themselves out by speaking ignorance I don't have to do it for them
So how does this help other men?

You say you disagree but you won't say what you disagree with or why. You say you are who you are, but don't explain why that's important.

I think the main difference between someone like you and someone like me is --> I actually want to give people useful information they can apply in real life and YOU just want to say: "I'm so awesome. Admire me."


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I don't agree with PHM simply because I don't give a **** what women want. Id on't waste my time worrying about what women want, what women ponder, what they find attractive. I think that's the fundamental difference between someone like myself and PHM> I don't knock him what works for him works for me i just don't tick like that. I'm who I want to be for better or for worse.

Caravaggio i love your username that dude got me through art history class lol. The conversation of saint paul in particular

I have really grown up, beucase there is a lot in this thread I don't agree with, but I'm not going to get in a debate on. The cream rises to the top so to speak. People call themselves out by speaking ignorance I don't have to do it for them
Agreed. Anyone who has things going for them in life and doesn't pedestalize chicks period doesn't worry about chicks wanting power nor cares. If a chick wants "power" she can use it to propel her azz on down the road and keep it moving.

You either work together with a chick or you don't and both go your own ways. No man with better things to do has time to worry about some chick or any chick trying to "win" some power "battle". Same thing with "friends" or anyone else who tries that chit.

You have your own power to remove yourself from that nonsense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Powerful LTR said:
Real power is developing your masculine and feminine energies fully ... to have real power you need to have a strong feminine side, as well as a strong masculine side ... but most people completely discard developing their feminine side.
I don't... Think I understand the red part..? So I need to act or think partially like a women to have real power? Wouldn't that make me gay? :confused:

I don't know... I'm a young man and I even I know what it's like to be acting like a women... So therefore I'd like to keep my masculine side in check.

Powerful LTR said:
That is the direction you want to move, it’s not that easy, it’s a lot easier to have your foot out the door, but then you will never be able to connect and enjoy the love of a woman …
Easier to walk away? Tell that to half the male population nowadays... The best way out of a situation is to not be there. Why would I purposely get myself hit?

YoungStunna said:
I've noticed everytime PHM makes a really good post all the inexperienced 18 and 19 year olds disagree and almost everybody 30 years and older and people who actually have sex agrees with him...
I agree with most of PHM's posts actually. This one in particular is interesting. I personally don't think women purposely "seek out control" but they will TAKE control if you let them. It's like when it's raining outside and you have the option to use an umbrella, but choose not to. By the time you get to your destination you're all wet because the rain overpowered you. The rain didn't mean to get you wet because it's a natural event but you didn't bring an umbrella so it's your fault.

I'm still on the Value bandwagon though.