Your delusions and misperceptions are prisons of your own making.
Women lie or use lying (not always), as a means of b!tch testing men. Women have a different set of parameters by which they experience life and as such, they can't go balls out through life (although women are becoming more masculine in response to the more femininized versions of men).
In your example, there were likely ALOT of red flags that such a man would see coming. However, I for one recognize that present society has ruined marriage as we know it, pushing the % of actual married couples down to 52% and lord knows how many of those people are actually faithful.
What's done it?
For starters, culture, dating, freedom. We are very different people and I would liken present and future generations of children being born into society as if a children are being born into a post-apocalyptic world and learning to adapt to completely FUBAR circumstances.
On the hand, you have completely different values and customs (young dating situations, open relationships, sex, openly gay relationships) being foisted upon new generations, while we attempt to value and adhere to old customs (marriage).
How can a PERMANENT situation like Marriage succeed when most people in at least the United States have experienced fooling around, loose dating and alot of non-committment since early teen years?
People at those ages create entirely false impressions of what Marriage and Long-term committments are about. You don't know a person, or even a friend, unless you've known them for 5+ years. You haven't been through enough life events to know their consistency of character and their consistency of behavior, actions and choices.
So the fact remains...lying is a completely different tactic in the world of women. It isn't right, but lying is also not the proper response to such a tactic. In fact, it only further justifies a woman's use of lying and it empowers her position that men "are spineless dogs." Because lying implies having a need to hide something.
Rather, recongize the speaker's inconsistency with their behavior, actions or intentions, absorb it, think on it, then reflect it back, understanding your intended outcome. You can't respond to a lie with a lie, or the catch 22 begins and you have chosen to play on her terms, not your's.
Moreover, the old school solution to lying of any kind was a SOLID, HARD line as drawn by our grandfathers, those who perhaps lived during the early 1900's and even earlier. Now, those are also different circumstances, but men today must understand, there aren't any WIFE types left.
NONE. They are giving their "goods" away every night to untold men, with little in return. When they finally ask for "payment", it's like someone that provided you with service without requesting payment up front! Men are able to partake in the most sacred of goods offered by women, yet offer little in return for such goods. (The old, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, but in this case, there are loads of farms competing for you to consume their milk, so even if this cow packs up the milk dispensation, you can find more).
Final point, women don't want the power, they just think they do or appear to. They are seeking a man who will take care of them and many women have been so accustomed to being mistreated or meeting men that lie over various things, that they are lead to actually SEEK power.
I mean, honestly, if all men lie and seek to use PUA techniques to get them into bed and that's it, at what point should she ever give up control to a man?
I'm a guy. I have quite a few attractive cousins and some that may end up as HB10's. I certainly wouldn't let guy One, likely on any
message board I've been on, go near such a man. If they can't look me in the eyes and be level, then they have no place assuming control over her, her feelings, her future or any aspect of her life.
Alas, too many 'boys' were hurt by DYSFUNCTIONAL WOMEN that they are using DYSFUNCTIONAL tactics to hurt REAL women. Stop partying with sluts and you won't have to use horrible techniques. It's like fishing for contaminated and abused fish; you need horrible bate. Go find healthy fish, healthy women, and be a healthy, aware man. Besides, if you have to be a horrible MAN in order to capture the American woman today, do you really want to be the man it would take in order to keep her?