Warrior74 said:
You nailed it. FEAR is the reason most men lie. But then again Fear is why most men come here in the first place.
Yeah, fear is a huge problem, yet, it's rarely talked about. I mean people talk about how you shouldn't have a, "fear of loss" - but there's so many fears beyond that. Most men like feeling comfortable and will do anything to avoid discomfort (lie, let women talk to them however they want, do what they say, etc.) And then they wonder where the passion went...
Warrior74 said:
Your post way more intelligent and informative to a noob than just "lying to women is wrooooong!, reeeeeeal men don't lie". You gave a real explanation, not an emotional reaction. I understand more of your mindset and values. Good post. This is how you have a discussion gentlemen.
Yeah, im not making judgment from a moral standpoint. In fact, i have horrible morals and would be dumb to pass judgment in that way... I've fvcked more taken women in my lifetime than i've fvcked single women. I've done some very HORRIBLE things to women...
My stance on not lying is purely strategic. Purely from leading and keeping the frame that i don't have to tell women sh!t that i don't want to.
And likewise on the "this is how you have a discussion" part. This board is full of so many flame wars these days - instead of real discussions - that i don't know how a "noob" can ever learn anything....
TheAsianLoverReturns said:
Now I don't give a sh*t. Women are easily replaceable. They have no problem lying to me, so I do the same. Eye for an eye.
Are you more into One night stands, fvck buddies, or long term relationships? One night stands - lying isn't a thing. Fvck buddies - you can get away with almost as easy. But for long term relationships - people are going to have serious problems if it's built on lies. Especially if they want to continue to be players behind their woman's back.
Again, this is not a judgment call (in the moral sense) - it's just unnecessary and too much extra work (keeping up with the lies).
Like you say in your video - women learn how to manipulate early on. Many men never learn how to do that at all. Going up against a professional manipulator (woman) with your own manipulation - is not a winnable game. Women are a lot better at that sh!t than most men are or ever will be.
And what are women lying to you specifically about? The only example you gave in your video was your client saying she didn't have an online dating profile.
5string said:
Asian, what you do is your business. I'm ok with that. I stated what my opinion was. It's that simple. We listen to you, you listen to others. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. Lastly it would be a good thing if you would refrain from the name calling and personal insults.
I agree.
joe henny said:
You guys on this board are ridiculous. "I don't lie I just smile when she asks if I had sex with her" Wtf!?
Yes, just smiling but not on some goofy smile like something is funny (which is what you are probably thinking). Instead, smiling like, "do you really think I am going to answer that? fvck you for even thinking i was going to."
It's not as hard as it sounds.
My whole point is that any question that a woman may ask me that i would feel the need to lie about - can be dealt with in other ways besides giving an answer. In fact, a question that is worth lying to is normally a double bind question (a question that will damage attraction n matter how you answer). If i AM going to lie it's going to be so outrageous that she will know it.
Woman: Did you sleep with her?
Me: Nope.... But i slept with her, her, her, her, her and.... all 3 of them (pointing to different women in the bar).
I just told her "fvck you" without saying it.
joe henny said:
Either way your messing around with more than one woman so do you really think their is a difference if I lie and say no. Either way we are doing the same thing....GET REAL YOU CHUMPS
Is there a difference between saying "no" and not answering the question?
Yes, saying "no" to that question is the absolute worst way you can answer that question. Lie or not.
Even if you're being truthful by saying "no" - lying and saying "yes, i am messing around with other women" is a million times better! (not as good as not answering the question at all though)
Do you really want to tell a woman you're not dating that you have no other romantic interests?
That's what im trying to get at here! Everyone is focused on lying vs. not lying. TO me questions like these are the ones guys lie about:
- Are you sleeping with other women?
- Did you sleep with her?
- Do you love me?
- Do you see yourself with me in the future?
- Was she better than me in bed?
- Are we girlfriend and boyfriend?
- Are you still going out and partying?
- Do these jeans make my butt look big?
- etc. etc. etc.
And all of those types of questions are horrible questions to answer in a serious manner either way! Double binds!