Than your life ain't perfect... and you are using a 1943 paper define your ''needs'' ?
I was actually talking about you

... so your life ain't perfect... and you want a woman in your life... everyone been giving you tips and advices on how to have a woman in your life..... why haven't you used any of it? Why aren't you listening? Maslow Pyramid might be in the wrong order and need to be reversed (since self-actualization is the top, belonging at mid, physiological at the bottom) ?
You are in sales... use number... you need to approach 5 200 women to get a life partner... you will likely bed 10% of them (520 girls). It will make you a love god capable of keeping and finding that 1 girl.
5 200 women is 14.25 women a DAY on a 365 DAY BASIS.
14.25 women is 1 hour of work
So you need to put 1 hour of a DAY on SARGING, 7 times a week... and it can be some sprint of 4 times, 15 minutes per day.
You can do, I have achieved it