I knew you would be easily dismissive of my post. I think you need to read those links I posted better. Or perhaps the threads as well. What I am being quoted on is not general stuff. But of course since those posts agree with me, you chose to ignore the context of those threads. I mean, of course only posts that agree with you could be valid

If my links are generic and passive responses then I could say the same for what you provided.
Basically your quoted posters behave just as you do. If one says something they disagree with or one has an alternate opinion to theirs, its immediately deemed feministic and one is branded a woman. Its a rather sad response that does nothing to logically counter argue the point at hand. Its generally an emotional response (sound familiar) that uses the words feminine and masculine subjectively.
Yes subjective, not every collective opinion of whats masculine and feminine is agreed with across the board by most people. Personally I seek to maintain an egalitarian perspective without male or female bias. All I ever do in threads is point out that everyone can be cool or suck as well. And I also state that I wish to find an equal partner, not a woman who needs to know her place. Noone needs to "know their place" in a relationship. Its a partnership and folks work together. There are different places to be had nowadays.
Regarding your second point. Sosuave is a smaller subset of a small subset of society. So why should I care if I am going against the grain of the typical realm of thought here and some posters want to call me wrong? People's opinion of myself and my beliefs do not affect how I cohose to live or think, so I need to make no change.
Like I said, Sosuave is a subset of a subset. Some of the things touted on this forum conflict with other PUA groups and communities. And the whole PUA community in general is a rather small piece of society and most guys have no idea what it is. So I am puzzled why you think I would alter my behavior because of what a few bias and bitter anonymous internet posters think.
Especially one who consistently accuses me of being a women, yet he is the one who follows me from thread to thread seeking to spark an exchange with me as if hes got some little crush.
Dude from now on how about you learn to just Hop Off My Junk, like I keep telling you. No need to constantly go back and forth with this. Its pointless and gets you no where. Plus I am sick of threads derailing because of it.
Really dude? You are gonna join in on this ridiculously immature tactic? Are you gonna call all the other posters in that thread who hold my position women as well? Btw, the fact that on some nights more straight and bi women are in some gay bars instead of some sausage fest straight bars does tell you a lot. You go where the poon is, or is that less macho because its in a gay bar? Even though those dudes were telling you how much easier it was to game women.
All I ever said is that I could never really see myself doing something like that but I didnt have a problem with those who did. Its not my business what they do and it doesnt bother me none. You do realize not every straight guy has the "ew gay dudes" response when anything regarding gay people comes up.
But I guess this is how sosuave is.
"Hmmm I disagree with what that person said, so I am gonna call them a woman. Of course everyone will agree with me because real men think 'this' way or 'that' way. People couldnt possibly be complex individuals with thoughts and behaviors independent of their collective gender"

Shame I am too lazy and dont care enough to start a youtube channel to shut some of you up. But then you would call all those who dont agree with every single piece of PUA mantra a feminized male. I digress.Imagine if bigneil wasn't a jock riding troll.
I did not twist any words. Re read what we both originally said.
Two parts to this response.
1) While women do get lesser sentences than men when it comes to crime, you should blame men for this. Firstly, because we commit the vast majority of crimes which causes us to be punished more severely. Secondly, because men take pity on women offenders or believe their shady sounding stories. Like what you mentioned about Casey Anthony. This doesnt however mean that men dont ever get away with stuff too. Just definitely not as much.
Sure I would love to see equal treatment and punishment for all, but most folks, especially a lot of guys here, dont believe in equality and a lack of bias across the board. This is apparent in numerous threads. All the talk of female entitlement and women needing to know their place only makes the collective cause of boards like this hypocritical. Many things said here smack of entitlement as well. Lets be honest about this bro.
Everyone should be allowed to have equal choice and treatment across the board. And also equal freedom of choice.
2) You act as if women getting leniency in punishment is the main reason why some dudes or angry or bitter at them. Thats just part of it but not the root cause. The root cause it dudes being upset that women either didnt let them smash, dumped them, used them, broke their heart, or ruined them mentally, financially or emotionally.
Outside of financial ruin all of those other things men do to women as well. So for every case of some vapid, selfish cvnt who screws a guy for alimony, there are women who busted their ass being stay at home moms just to get played by a bad husband as well. It goes both ways and thats all I have been saying.
For all the crap thats ever talked about that women apparently get away with, men get away with just as much. Not to mention women get away with stuff because of the men in power. And about power, some here love to conveniently forget that men control everything in the world, so the blame starts with us.
The big problem a lot of the time is that some of you argue one part of my main point instead of understanding the whole thing. You have to look at the root causes, and at the same time realize humans are flawed as a whole. Theres blame for both sides, but it originated with those in power who let crap get out of hand.