What is the correct answer to "Does this make me look fat?"
"Why? Are you uncomfortable in that?"
What's the deal with women's attraction to Hugh Grant?
I'm not a fan, but imagine it's because he has that understated British humor going for him,and his characters often step up to approach the woman even when they are nervous.
Does it really matter how we fold the towels?
Yes. Either leave it on the floor or do it right - don't halfarse it.
When do women fart?
LOL Whenever our bodies need too.
Why do you say that size doesn't matter?
Because generally most women don't have orgasms during intercourse - and when we do it is not because of the size, but other things.
What do women want, really?
I could use a foot massage right about now...
seriously, for myself - A life of passion.
What's the screenname of the guy you are dating who told you about this site, or were you spying into his browser's history list?
I was at Barnes and Noble. I picked up a book and there was a very sexy quote attributed to Don Juan in it, but there were no books available in the store about him. So, I came home and googled and found this sight.
Why don't more of you wear sexy underwear on a regular basis?
I have no idea why - it often costs less than the ugly ones. Try complimenting her whenshe has thenice stuff on - nothing like positive reinforcement. Make sure you are wearing nice ones too... which I'm sure YOU do, Francisco LOL
Why do you think a guy should buy you dinner on the first date?
Personally, I don't do dinner dates unless I really like someone. But my guess is social conditioning.
How much does looks matter after you first meet a guy?
Whether he maintains his looks/self-care is what is important after meeting (but I have a feeling I amnot really understanding what you are actually asking here?)
AND...I can't wait to read what you think, Lex!