Woman's Point of View


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
So I've been looking around on this forum for a little bit and there don't seem to be many women here. Obviously it's a male-focused discussion board, but I thought there'd at least be a few! Anyway, I basically joined because I thought that there might be some questions men could only get answers to by asking a woman. As one of the few sane women I know (I know, it sounds like and oxy-moron), I'm open to answering any reasonable questions some of you might have but don't want to ask a female in person. Also, I'm really good with the "what was she thinking?" questions. The female brain really isn't that hard to understand if you are one.

If you'd all like to keep this a "guys-only" thing I understand and I'll stay out of it ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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This is not a guys only place, but if you expect people here to listen to typical female/feminist dogma politely then you'll be disappointed. This is not the place to expect to receive the normal male-to-female deference, most guys here won't cut you your extra portion of slack-because-you're-a-girl.

Welcome, play nice. :)


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
Lol, no, I don't expect that at all! And I'm definitely not a feminist. I wouldn't have joined if I got easily offended or was expecting deference, I read enough posts on here to know what I was getting into.

I just see a lot of situations where sometimes guys have trouble understanding women because they don't know what they're thinking, and the answer seems so obvious to me, so I thought I'd offer my insight if needed.

Thanks for the welcome and words of wisdom :)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
OK I have questions........

1. How come men are always looking around for beautiful women.........be it at work, school or on the subway. But women are always either looking at the floor or trying to act busy by reading a book or playing with her cell phone? Why dont chicks like to look around for hot guys?

2. How come if a girl grabs my ass in a club I get all happy and excited and if a girl gets her ass grabbed she's ready to slap a guy in the face?

3. Why do girls spend soooo much time trying to look beautiful and then act so b!tchy when a guy pays her a compliment or tries to talk to her? Why not just go out with sweat pants and avoid the whole thing?

Ok thats enough for now :)


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
1. They look, trust me! They're just sneakier ;) A lot of times, it's easier to spot girls checking out guys when they're with other girls than when they're alone.

2. Girls are much more sensitive about being touched by random people than guys are, in general. I'm not an ass-grabber myself, so I would never do that to a guy, but it seems like a lot of times guys are at the club for that type of interaction, and girls are there more to let off steam, check out guys, or hang with their girlfriends, not get molested (as they perceive it) by guys they don't know.

3. It depends entirely on the compliment and the delivery, do you have a specific example? But, there are girls who want to look hot just for the attention, and like to act b!tchy when they get it for the control, so don't take it personally.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Can I play too?

1. How come men are always looking around for beautiful women.........be it at work, school or on the subway. But women are always either looking at the floor or trying to act busy by reading a book or playing with her cell phone? Why dont chicks like to look around for hot guys?

We do look, we are just are more subtle about it.

2. How come if a girl grabs my ass in a club I get all happy and excited and if a girl gets her ass grabbed she's ready to slap a guy in the face?

Personal bounderies and safety, respect.

3. Why do girls spend soooo much time trying to look beautiful and then act so b!tchy when a guy pays her a compliment or tries to talk to her? Why not just go out with sweat pants and avoid the whole thing?

Not all women dress for men's attention/approval. Some of us dress nicely and take care of ourselves because we respect ourselves.

Nothing lost in receiving a compliment nicely, but if a man feels he is entitled to your attention just because he randomly approaches you, it feels to us like you guys experience with female AW. There are male AW who are just out to be validated by a beautiful woman, but are actually a waste of a woman's time if what she is looking for is a genuine connection. Insecure men can suck the life force out of a woman.

I do agree it is all in how a man approaches. (or she could just be a b-word I don't use)


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
Hey, thanks for your input!

I agree with your response to #3, that sometimes a girl just wants to look nice for herself...without being hit on. Although I do feel that all people are entitled to your attention if they approach you respectfully - meaning that they take into consideration whether or not you're busy, the physical situation (office, store, etc), are thoughtful with their words, and are looking you in the eye when they say it. It's impossible to make accurate snap judgments about people, but we're forced to attempt it almost daily, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Alright here's a few...

  1. What is the correct answer to "Does this make me look fat?"
  2. What's the deal with women's attraction to Hugh Grant?
  3. Does it really matter how we fold the towels?
  4. When do women fart?
  5. Why do you say that size doesn't matter?
  6. What do women want, really?
  7. What's the screenname of the guy you are dating who told you about this site, or were you spying into his browser's history list?
  8. Why don't more of you wear sexy underwear on a regular basis?
  9. Why do you think a guy should buy you dinner on the first date?
  10. How much does looks matter after you first meet a guy?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
What is the correct answer to "Does this make me look fat?"

"Why? Are you uncomfortable in that?"

What's the deal with women's attraction to Hugh Grant?

I'm not a fan, but imagine it's because he has that understated British humor going for him,and his characters often step up to approach the woman even when they are nervous.

Does it really matter how we fold the towels?

Yes. Either leave it on the floor or do it right - don't halfarse it.

When do women fart?

LOL Whenever our bodies need too.

Why do you say that size doesn't matter?

Because generally most women don't have orgasms during intercourse - and when we do it is not because of the size, but other things.

What do women want, really?

I could use a foot massage right about now... :)

seriously, for myself - A life of passion.

What's the screenname of the guy you are dating who told you about this site, or were you spying into his browser's history list?

I was at Barnes and Noble. I picked up a book and there was a very sexy quote attributed to Don Juan in it, but there were no books available in the store about him. So, I came home and googled and found this sight.

Why don't more of you wear sexy underwear on a regular basis?

I have no idea why - it often costs less than the ugly ones. Try complimenting her whenshe has thenice stuff on - nothing like positive reinforcement. Make sure you are wearing nice ones too... which I'm sure YOU do, Francisco LOL

Why do you think a guy should buy you dinner on the first date?

Personally, I don't do dinner dates unless I really like someone. But my guess is social conditioning.

How much does looks matter after you first meet a guy?

Whether he maintains his looks/self-care is what is important after meeting (but I have a feeling I amnot really understanding what you are actually asking here?)

AND...I can't wait to read what you think, Lex!


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
If you are with your gf in park and a beautiful girl walks by and she asks:

"Does that women look hot?"

You say:

"What women? I didn't see a women. What are you talking about?"

I like that quote LovelyLady.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Okay, I posted this question on a previous forum.

Can a guy build attraction with a woman who has no initial attraction toward him?

In other words, can a guy, using words and behavior patters get a woman to become interested in him, when she initially was not attracted to the way he looks, etc.?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Dongfu said:
Okay, I posted this question on a previous forum.

Can a guy build attraction with a woman who has no initial attraction toward him?

In other words, can a guy, using words and behavior patters get a woman to become interested in him, when she initially was not attracted to the way he looks, etc.?
It has happened to me.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
If you are with your gf in park and a beautiful girl walks by and she asks:

"Does that women look hot?"

You say:

"What women? I didn't see a women. What are you talking about?"

I like that quote LovelyLady.
Thanks DJ11, I love her stuff.

No woman in her right mind points out another woman to her man...


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
LovelyLady said:
It has happened to me.
Were you drunk? :crackup: JK LOL

Are you confirming that a guy who was physically unatractive to you, who you would normally look at and not even notice, or think, I would never date that guy, was able through clever words, etc. able to get you feeling like you had to be with that person?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
Dongfu said:
Were you drunk? :crackup: JK LOL

Are you confirming that a guy who was physically unatractive to you, who you would normally look at and not even notice, or think, I would never date that guy, was able through clever words, etc. able to get you feeling like you had to be with that person?
:crackup: Funny...

I am saying I had a man I had a "neutral" read on initailly, that became a significant boyfriend for me later - because he was able to hold my attention with the way his mind worked, his demeanor, his confidence - an inexplicable something that captured me that went beyond his looks and made him incredibly attractive to me/want him carnally (LOL I love that word). I had to have him. It was beyond lust.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
What's the screenname of the guy you are dating who told you about this site, or were you spying into his browser's history list?


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
This board could use some female attention...whats your current situation...married? or looking to go on the prowl with some seduction info? lol
or both haha


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'm a guy, but I like this list.

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Alright here's a few...

  1. What is the correct answer to "Does this make me look fat?"
    "No, it makes me look thin."
  2. What's the deal with women's attraction to Hugh Grant?
    The same as most movie stars, I would assume.
  3. Does it really matter how we fold the towels?
    Only on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  4. When do women fart?
    When the men are asleep.... then they do it on our faces.
  5. Why do you say that size doesn't matter?
    Because men mumble stupid stuff like that about women's beauty.
  6. What do women want, really?
    Men that will seduce them.
  7. What's the screenname of the guy you are dating who told you about this site, or were you spying into his browser's history list?
    It was actually my anime buddy that turned me onto this.
  8. Why don't more of you wear sexy underwear on a regular basis?
    Because her guy isn't making her feel sexy enough.
  9. Why do you think a guy should buy you dinner on the first date?
    If he's not seducing her, she may as well get something out of it.
  10. How much does looks matter after you first meet a guy?
    See previous answer.
Some of those are joke answers... but most aren't.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
The one about the towels is gold. Also, is there a correct way to put the paper on the TP dispenser, and why does it matter?

If I leave the toilet seat in a state ready for your next use, will you do the same for me? Why or why not?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
bigjohnson said:
The one about the towels is gold. Also, is there a correct way to put the paper on the TP dispenser, and why does it matter?

If I leave the toilet seat in a state ready for your next use, will you do the same for me? Why or why not?
I have no idea why women insist on putting the paper on the roll backwards. Can't they see that the ducks are flying upside down??!! :confused: