reset said:
. I think the tests in the beginning are a way of testing you for strength. At least that's what I sense when it happens to me.
I don't think it follows that they have no interest, which is kind of a dominant theme here.
"Sh!t tests" as they are commonly called can be divided to three types which are connected , but which appear at different points in a relationship.
THis is how I see them-
The first type is "Who is he" .
This type of test is designed to unearth as much info about you quickly.
To say that this test is about her testing for "strength " is a narrow view.
Your so-called strength is NOT the primary factor of her initial interset. . You "suitability" to be her mate is what she sets out to determine as soon as possible and strength is but one of a myriad qualites that she wants to see demonstrated...I see this initial testing period as her "auditioning your mate-ability" ( just made that word up ). She is "checking you out"...
Tests like these are reasonable within this context and given the setting of two people dating regularly for a few months.
THe second type of test emerges soon into the relationship and can overlap in time with the first type. This second type is what I call " Who's running this show?" THis is when strength testing enters the game. SHe wiil set up various tests to determine where your limits of tolerance are and how much room she has to push and prod . She is testing your limits and boundaries exactly like children test their parents. She want to know how much freedom she has and what her restrictions will be, and how much of her BS your will accept.. Your expectations of her behavior are flushed out and she pushes to feel you push back.
In my opinion these tests are NOT legitimate tests and should not be tolerated. Instead of pushing and prodding, she has the option to gather this information by patiently observing your responses to events as they occur spontaneously over time ...The jealousy card, flirting with other guys, out of character "flaking", being difficult and snooty for no reason are common examples.
The "testing" procedures in this type involves her creating "setups" and introducing unneccesary mind games,
Any man who tolerates this is on a slippery slope indeed. The more a man tolerates the more she tests.
The third type of so-called "tests" are not really tests as such but are confused as such.These appear after several months have elapsed and the realtionship has taken root.
These are the 'faked-up dramatics' designed to focus all of your time energy and attention on HER. THis is the drama queen at work (overt or covert ) and in full flight (and there is one in MOST women).
This is what I call " The drama parade"..
She is regularly unavailable, or prefers her G/fs to you every second weekend , BUT demands that you never even speak to another woman.. She is critical and nitpicking BUT never seems to really involve herself in resolving any difficulties between you. You feel as if she is steering the relationship onto the rocks and you are struggling to maintain the equilibrium of the relationship.. SHe becomes more and more "unstable" and her behavior is just bewildering and you have to suspend belief to remain stable.
If you dump her or walk away, she comes after you in a week or two and "fukks you back" into the game that goes right back into the nutzone within a few days. You are on a treadmill of crazy sex and crazier behavior as she becomes more and more emotionally distant. And all you want is that sweet sexy china doll that you first met who now seems to have turned into Lucifer's Head Coach.. She picks fights -blames you for every tiny blip on her radar and starts talking about how you two are "incompatible" ..The inevitable happens..
She walks away in haughty contempt, but still plays you right to the last, or you manage to grab hold or your last remaining atrophied half testicle ...and limp out of this murk..
Every one of us NEEDS to be with ONE of these monsters to KNOW what damage they cause, and enjoy creating..
These are my comments about "tests" based on my experiences.