Wayword's heart is in the right place, but he is wrong about drunken women being available without legal penalty. It depends on the degree of intoxication. One drink nothing, practically passed out, a no no.
The problem with rape is that it is a crime which in many instances turns exclusively on credibility. Any woman can say that she was raped. Even if the evidence is weak, the police, due to social pressures, feel obliged to proceed.
There is a lot of talk about the nasty aspect of the victim being publicly questioned about what happened. Unfortunately, not enough emphasis is placed upon a man falsely accused. Even if he is acquitted, there is always a taint on his reputation. Even if the woman plain outright lies they would rarely take any action against her for perjury or anything else.
Dr Farrell quotes one of your "leading" feminist legal experts as follows;
"Almost half of all women are raped or victims of attempted rape at least once in their lives... Under conditions of male dominance, if sex is normally something men do to women, viewing "yes" as a sign of consent is misguided."