ELMER_GANTRY, she told me where she works ages ago. i just didn't say it on here.
did you call her work to ask if this person is really there or works there? That is the best way to find out if this is true or not.
yea, no ID. i just go in, tell them my name and give them a secret answer she told me to say and i get money.
doesn't that sound weird to you? it does to me.
how are they gonna scam me anyway? i'm broke... i have nothing of value lol. i'm the worst person to scam. she's the one who said no ID. but they might ask for it... i will see tomorrow because i'm gonna check up on it.
yeah you should do that
also, i think the reason she's opening up so much now is because i stopped talking to her and started seeing the other girl. then i started coming back online a bit and talking to her. maybe she's thinking "hmm i better open up and show some interest or i'll lose him" cause i know she knows im seeing other girl/s.. or was.
she is opening up to you because she is probably afraid to lose you in the scam. See the other girl and forget about this woman.
i do feel a little weird about this because it's happening too fast. all this sending me money and planning flights already. im trying to keep up with this woman.
and that should be your first clue to realize that something isn't right here. she should keep up with you, and work around you, not her.
but in general she's a nice woman and i do enjoy her company via online. also, she did write a letter in a card in the package i got. so if she's a fake or whatever, she's a very thoughtful one lol.
that was very nice of her LOL
even when i talk to her i can't imagine her being a fake. she's like very polite when we talk and we have legit fun gaming together. what kind of fake/scammer plays games with someone lol.
someone who want to find a sucker, like they say, one is born every minute.
anyway i just spoke to her on msn and she's asking if i got the money and that after i get it, we need to sort out passport and visa then flights. i'll paste some of our conversation from before;
her ( 28 )
Hi. Did you get the money?
me ( 28 )
no i didn't even know you sent it until i came home today and read my email
her ( 28 )
It is instant.
her ( 29 )
It only takes 10 minutes to get to you.
her ( 29 )
It's faster and cheaper. I don't want to get on facebook. But, I can try to talk to you from my phone when I get to <Name>'s house.
(she's babysitting apparently. i didn't get her number btw cause i never asked. i should of but i didn't really have anything else to talk about.)
oh man, lol
me ( 29 )
when do you have to go
her ( 30 )
I have 15 minutes most.
sounds like she is in a hurry lol
me ( 31 )
can you talk here or do you want to talk on the phone
why are you asking her? you should tell her to get on the phone. be a man!
her ( 31 )
We can just talk here.
why am i not surprised with this reply? lol
me ( 31 )
okay what kind of information did they want?
her ( 32 )
When you go to the moneygram place, you just need to have the answer to the secret question. You don't even need an ID.
me ( 32 )
her ( 32 )
Tell them that you are there to pick up the money.
me ( 32 )
dont they need my name
her ( 32 )
Let me know how much when you get it.
why won't she tell you how much? Doesn't that sound weird to you? sending money overseas and not saying how much the sum is, no id, secret questions....c'mon lol
her ( 33 )
It'll confirm that you did indeed received it.
me ( 33 )
thats crazy. you just walk in there and say an answer and get money?
I agree with you, that's why you shouldn't do it.
her ( 33 )
Yes...They will need your name....
me ( 33 )
oh yeah .. thats what i thought
with no id lol
Her ( 34 )
Yes...The other way, the bank need your routing number and your banking institution, etc...too much hassle...I don't want to know those info from you...feel like a con artist..
she sounds like one to me
her ( 35 )
It's too personal. I wouldn't give mine to you...lol..
So, I wouldn't expect it from you
Maybe, if we ever decide to go a step further, maybe...
which it never will
me ( 35 )
okay hold on.
i need to take a breather here.
her ( 36 )
Take your time...You have 10 minutes..
she tells you how long you can talk
me ( 36 )
i wish i read my email when i was out.
me ( 36 )
i went right past the place.
her ( 37 )
Just pick it up tomorrow. It'll be there still.
me ( 40 )
okay now i gotta ask you some other things.
her ( 40 )
You have 5 minutes.
now only 5...whats her hurry to talk? If she was really into you wouldn't she want a stimulating convo?
me ( 40 )
me ( 41 )
i'm just wondering.. you're a good catch, good woman, obviously good with money. why are you single? you should have men after you everyday
her ( 41 )
I do. Just don't understand myself.
good reply lol
me ( 42 )
i dont want to ask these questions but i just want to know some things before i decide to make a big step you know
her ( 42 )
Sure... Shoot
me ( 42 )
well thats my biggest question.. why have you been single all this time? is it personal?
me ( 43 )
are you christian or ... anything you want to tell me maybe?
her ( 43 )
No. It's not. I have people proposing. But, the timing wasn't right. I wanted to build a career. I let them slipped away.
me ( 43 )
her ( 43 )
They are married and have kids. I'm Buddhist.
me ( 44 )
any serious relationships in the past?
her ( 44 )
I go to Church because my Godfather is Christian. No...Just casual..
me ( 44 )
and you really are a virgin.. ?
her ( 44 )
Yes. No joke...
me ( 44 )
that is .. wow
her ( 44 )
I am exactly how I look in the pictures.
yeah i bet lol
me ( 44 )
oh thats another thing
me ( 45 )
i would love to see you on cam again.. sometime soon
her ( 45 )
You will find out when you get here. Sure...Just not today...I will have to go now
oh man
me ( 45 )
yeah of course not now silly. i will let you go then and talk to you soon
her ( 46 )
me ( 46 )
bye <her name>