woman in love with me. paying for my ticket to visit her overseas! what do i do!?


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Could just be a really wealthy cougar having fun with one more young guy - and she could have just lied about being a virgin thinking it would turn you on. After all no guy wants to fly long distance to meet a random older woman especially if that woman is the ho of the century. That said if she really is a wealthy cougar she should be able to find young guys locally, so why you...

Bottom line is, I'd go if I were you but as DJDamage and others have said bring money etc. and make alternative arrangements in case things turn sour.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
nothing shady about it. she's 38. do the math. it's cougar time. she wants a man, more than she wants the money.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
nothing shady about it. she's 38. do the math. it's cougar time. she wants a man, more than she wants the money.

you have to think about this like a balloon payment on a car. you walk into an infiniti dealership, see you can get you a brand spankin new g35 coupe for 239 a month no money down. you are like **** yes. 2 years from now though, when you have put 110k miles on the car, and a ballon payment of 17k is owed on the car or you have to refinance it.. you can't sale it because you are 5k upside down at least lol, you are stuck with the car

this is great, she's 38 you are 26. she might even be really cute, hell my finacee is 5 years older than me. But you have to ask yousrelf.. is it worth it, the wining and dining.. beucdase she is thinking in the future, when she is 48, and you are 36, in your supposed prime and she has you hitched up.. it's going to look olike a mighty good investment to her.

it's your call


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Lot of scared dudes in this thread.

I wish some chic would offer to fly me away and pay for all of my stuff. I'd be there in a heartbeat, and if she started tripping and acting crazy, I'd just be catch the next flight back, because my ticket will be round trip.
Also I would come back with some fresh new gear and new toys. Sugar mama for the win.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Sounds like you hit the jackpot there with her. If she is going to do all that for you then you probably would be crazy not to take her up on it. Unless this woman is crazy herself, or just a plain liar. If it is legit, I would say go for it, but it does sound kind of fishy to me. Could be one of those love scams or something. Do you have her name or real physical address? You should check that out first before you meet up with someone like that. How did you meet this woman anyway?

LoneWolf said:
so you guys might know from my first few threads on here about an older asian woman who lives in texas and she was mysterious and all...

those con artists on line usually are

well not so much anymore. shes told me a lot of things and finally her age. she's 38 and has lived in america all her life so she's not really ASIAN ASIAN..

how long did she wait to tell you that?

just by background. she's got a lot of money because she is telling me she's paying for my ticket to texas,

so she says

then she wants to take me to new york, florida and other places. go to concerts, rent out a condo. this woman is nuts!

I agree with you, she sounds like it to me.

but should i pass up on this opportunity!? hell no right?

You know the old saying, "If it's too good to be true, than it probably is."

never been overseas before. known her for about half a year

Wouldn't she tell you about her age and background sooner if you knew her for a year and a half?

and i know shes never really had a boyfriend before and even kissed properly.

How do you know that? You only know her on cam. Have you kissed her? You're only going by with what she is telling you.

shes a virgin too she tells me..

yeah a rich 38 year old virgin....yeah...ok.

but whatever i dont care about all that. she seems decent, very kind and wealthy. not that im gold digger or anything..

she seems decent to you on cam, Again, you don't know her or how wealthy she even is.

now i think this woman is really love with me or something. says she always thinks about me and calls me all these pet names etc.

how can you fall in love over a cam? sounds like she is trying too hook you. Crazy BPD women are famous for that.

we talk on cam/mic every few days.. talking to her right now . shes really into this whole thing.

she could be stringing other guys along too and talking more to you to hook you.

talks about all the things we are gonna do together etc.

actions speak louder than words

keeps asking me everyday about my visa/passport progress cause i dont have one yet.

she wants to get you there

but shes gonna pay for everything geez.

she says that now but what if she doesn't when you get there.

i know asian women are loyal and good to their men.

yes they are

shes probably gonna be one of those attached people because shes been a virgin/single for a long time.

How do you know that? She can tell you anything over a cam
to make you think that.

what do you guys think about this?
Here's what I think....I think its very fishy and you should think twice about this whole thing. A rich woman that's 38 and still a virgin? C'mon a 38 year old woman that is still a virgin must have something really wrong with her. You're only going by with what she tells you. Why would a rich woman who I assume is somewhat attractive, still be a virgin? She would have lots of guys wanting to be with her. I'm sure she meets lots of attractive wealthy men in her town. Why wouldn't she be with one of them? How did she acquire her money? Rich, older women are never single, or if they are they have plenty of men they sleep with. If she is a virgin, why would she give it up to a guy she only knows on cam? If she is rich, why would she spend her money on someone she never really knows or met before? You should think about those things first before you decide to do anything. Hopefully it is legit and she is what she is. Sounds like a scam to me, but that would be awesome if you got to go on trips and have this woman pay for your trips and buy you stuff. Good luck and give some updates.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
LoneWolf said:
she looks fine. thin, cute. seen pics of her and when she goes out with friends, family. pics of her house she took for me.

anybody can drive by a house and take a pic and claim it is their own.

shes also sent me a package (she knows my address) and i was expecting a letter but she sent a package lol.

she knows where to find you now if things go bad. do you know her address?

that alone was $22 and inside was a towel, t shirt, dvd video, music cd and a playstation 3 hard drive. crazy ey?

sure is...sounds like you might of won the sucker prize pack.

i know it sounds funny this whole situation but the whole time we've talked and gotten to know each other i feel inside me that she's not dangerous or anything. shes had my address for months and i haven't been assassinated yet. lol :p

it sure does...why would you give a complete stranger who you know nothing of your address? that is dumb.
Don't you have a girlfriend still? I thought you were making threads about your gf who stopped replying and talking to you. This whole thread and story sounds fishy to me. Just like the one that I found about the teacher and student to be fake. No offense Lonewolf, if it is true, I just don't think any of this adds up. Just my opinion.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
backbreaker said:
nothing shady about it. she's 38. do the math. it's cougar time. she wants a man, more than she wants the money.
An Asian woman living in Texas who claims to be a rich 38 year old virgin, who can bang guys in her own town or state instead of going on a cam to find her first lover, getting an address from a guy, sending him presents through the mail, falling in love, and wanting to take him on trips and buy a condo with him, whom she never met before doesn't sound shady to you?


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
okay i have to use my other account (this) so i can post. stupid 10 post 1 day limit :/

just to update you guys on things you're asking and the situation;

first of all, this whole thing is true. it's not a lie. i don't have a girlfriend (i just assumed she was) i am seeing someone, kind of (haven't seen her since 8th april, friday. because she is busy studying and doing essays or whatever and shes free after thursday (so she says, meh) -

anyway, about this asian woman. yes i guess it's kind of crazy and i don't know why she's still single and can't find a man over there. maybe she's just really attracted to me since i am from a different country. i also don't think it's a scam or anything like that since she was never like this in the beginning. infact, she was cold and distant toward me until i dissapeared for a while and came back. but we have always liked each other via chatting and playing online (ps3) together. not to mention if someone wanted to scam me they wouldn't wait months to do it out of the blue. i've spoken to scammers before and they don't waste time at all. they send pictures straight away, and try to scam me for money. another reason i know it's not a scam is because i'm broke as hell and don't have much money. she knows this. trust me guys, i am not a good catch for a woman, i don't have a car and live with my mother (alone atm shes overseas) - all i have is my personality and charm, looks.. or whatever, heh.

i don't fully remember what she said but once i asked her why she's single and can't find a man and she said something like it never works out.. shes too private and doesn't trust them or something.. i don't know if thats exactly what she said but its all i can remember. i will talk to her later on about this though and find out why she's single.

"anybody can drive by a house and take a pic and claim it is their own"

she took pictures INSIDE the house not outside. not to mention she's taken pictures of herself holding a card/paper with my name on it and sent the exact same card to me with the package. plus i seen her on cam with the same house that is in the pictures... so there's no lying there.

like i said, she seems like a legit/normal 38 year old female apart from being single. i've seen many photos of her with her friends, hangin out or whatever. smiling in almost every photo. sure she could be lying about things but so could i. it's a risk i'm willing to take.. this won't ever happen again that's for sure. plus i need to get my mind off the girl i am seeing before i destroy what we have. if it's anything.

i admit it's a little scary this whole situation but i just keep thinking when would this ever happen again? never! i think the fun i could have outweighs the dangers and risk.

for those curious about her appearance i will not show you her real picture but something similar to give you an idea. she actually kind of looks like this to be honest. long hair, cute.. great smile.. just a little older maybe. the woman in these pics is 34 so not much difference;





Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Ok...the whole thing sounded weird to me and I believe what you say. But you should get some facts before you move ahead. Ask her why she is single, how she got her money, why she was never with a guy. If you get strange short answers about it you know that it isnt true. Get her address (she has yours) and a phone number too and see if its legit. As for the pic in the house. This guy I work with at my company took a pic in my bosses house and tells women that is his house. One of the lies he tells. Hope it works out for you and give more updates....but her story sounds fishy to me.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
i know.. she told me she works in a lab, like some kind of scientist so i assume she makes good money working 12 hours a day, if that's true. and if it's really her house and car etc then she's definitely got money. oh i forgot to update you guys on something. there is an address on the package she sent me. from texas, houston but she later told me it's her friends address. who knows.

i just checked my email and she sent me one earlier on saying this:

<My name>,

When I tried to get the info for wiring the money to you, it involved too many personal information from you. So, I went another route. I sent it through MONEYGRAM. You just need to find a MONEYGRAM location in your area, answer a secret questiion, and get the money. The money IS ready for you to pick up. You don't need any ID - just answer the secret question. You have the answer to it. Let me know if you have any problem getting the money. It's waiting for you to pick up. I'm not telling you how much that way you can give me the amount to confirm that the transaction went thru.

<Her name>

- i'm a little speechless about this. she really is serious. the money she sent is for my passport and visa. im guessing it's a few hundred or something i don't know. doesn't seem to bother her though and i have not asked for anything. she just offers. will keep finding out more stuff.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
blackwolf said:
i know.. she told me she works in a lab, like some kind of scientist so i assume she makes good money working 12 hours a day, if that's true. and if it's really her house and car etc then she's definitely got money. oh i forgot to update you guys on something. there is an address on the package she sent me. from texas, houston but she later told me it's her friends address. who knows.

yeah a friends address, why would she do that if is she is legit. wouldn't she send it from her own instead of a friend? You should flat out ask her for her own address and phone number, where she actually works and if she refuses then you know she is fake.

Blackmm said:
Lets see.. $50k to get body organs on the black market or a few thousand dollars to have a donor flown over..
this poster may be right.

i just checked my email and she sent me one earlier on saying this:

<My name>,

When I tried to get the info for wiring the money to you, it involved too many personal information from you. So, I went another route. I sent it through MONEYGRAM. You just need to find a MONEYGRAM location in your area, answer a secret questiion, and get the money. The money IS ready for you to pick up. You don't need any ID - just answer the secret question. You have the answer to it. Let me know if you have any problem getting the money. It's waiting for you to pick up. I'm not telling you how much that way you can give me the amount to confirm that the transaction went thru.

<Her name>

Dude, you are way in over your head on this. No ID to claim money? Moneygram are mostly scams. Not telling you how much the amount is? A rich Asian virgin scientist wouldn't send you no moneygram. This is scam, man.

- i'm a little speechless about this. she really is serious. the money she sent is for my passport and visa. im guessing it's a few hundred or something i don't know. doesn't seem to bother her though and i have not asked for anything. she just offers. will keep finding out more stuff.

First of all, you say you knew this woman for a year and a half. She never said much about herself. Why is she telling you everything now? Don't you find this very strange? She gives vauge details about herself, sends you a package from a friends address, says she's a scientist (where you have no idea where she works), and wants you to get money from moneygram with no ID. You don't even sound sure about it. This is a scam, and if were you wouldn't have nothing to do with it. Do what you want, but if were you, I would get out while the going is good.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hey man, not saying she is scamming you, but picked this up somewhere:
"Sometimes they[moneygram scammers] may even send fraudulent cheques as a means of purchasing something, requiring the victim to wire funds back to the scammer."

Ask the moneygram guys about your options... don't end up spending her money because next thing is Moneygram will tell you her transfer wasn't covered and you have to give the money back. Just be safe before entering into any deals.

So yeah I'd say if you feel like it take the offer, just don't do anything juggling with huge sums, or commodities. Also consider that if you're going to leave her you'll be a huge ass, even more than usual ;)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
ELMER_GANTRY, she told me where she works ages ago. i just didn't say it on here. yea, no ID. i just go in, tell them my name and give them a secret answer she told me to say and i get money. how are they gonna scam me anyway? i'm broke... i have nothing of value lol. i'm the worst person to scam. she's the one who said no ID. but they might ask for it... i will see tomorrow because i'm gonna check up on it. also, i think the reason she's opening up so much now is because i stopped talking to her and started seeing the other girl. then i started coming back online a bit and talking to her. maybe she's thinking "hmm i better open up and show some interest or i'll lose him" cause i know she knows im seeing other girl/s.. or was. i do feel a little weird about this because it's happening too fast. all this sending me money and planning flights already. im trying to keep up with this woman. but in general she's a nice woman and i do enjoy her company via online. also, she did write a letter in a card in the package i got. so if she's a fake or whatever, she's a very thoughtful one lol. even when i talk to her i can't imagine her being a fake. she's like very polite when we talk and we have legit fun gaming together. what kind of fake/scammer plays games with someone lol.

anyway i just spoke to her on msn and she's asking if i got the money and that after i get it, we need to sort out passport and visa then flights. i'll paste some of our conversation from before;

her ( 28 )
Hi. Did you get the money?

me ( 28 )
no i didn't even know you sent it until i came home today and read my email

her ( 28 )
It is instant.

her ( 29 )
It only takes 10 minutes to get to you.

her ( 29 )
It's faster and cheaper. I don't want to get on facebook. But, I can try to talk to you from my phone when I get to <Name>'s house.

(she's babysitting apparently. i didn't get her number btw cause i never asked. i should of but i didn't really have anything else to talk about.)

me ( 29 )
when do you have to go

her ( 30 )
I have 15 minutes most.

me ( 31 )
can you talk here or do you want to talk on the phone

her ( 31 )
We can just talk here.

me ( 31 )
okay what kind of information did they want?

her ( 32 )
When you go to the moneygram place, you just need to have the answer to the secret question. You don't even need an ID.

me ( 32 )

her ( 32 )
Tell them that you are there to pick up the money.

me ( 32 )
dont they need my name

her ( 32 )
Let me know how much when you get it.

her ( 33 )
It'll confirm that you did indeed received it.

me ( 33 )
thats crazy. you just walk in there and say an answer and get money?

her ( 33 )
Yes...They will need your name....

me ( 33 )
oh yeah .. thats what i thought

Her ( 34 )
Yes...The other way, the bank need your routing number and your banking institution, etc...too much hassle...I don't want to know those info from you...feel like a con artist..

her ( 35 )
It's too personal. I wouldn't give mine to you...lol..
So, I wouldn't expect it from you :) Maybe, if we ever decide to go a step further, maybe...

me ( 35 )
okay hold on.
i need to take a breather here.

her ( 36 )
Take your time...You have 10 minutes..

me ( 36 )
i wish i read my email when i was out.

me ( 36 )
i went right past the place.

her ( 37 )
Just pick it up tomorrow. It'll be there still.

me ( 40 )
okay now i gotta ask you some other things.

her ( 40 )
You have 5 minutes.

me ( 40 )

me ( 41 )
i'm just wondering.. you're a good catch, good woman, obviously good with money. why are you single? you should have men after you everyday

her ( 41 )
I do. Just don't understand myself.

me ( 42 )
i dont want to ask these questions but i just want to know some things before i decide to make a big step you know :)

her ( 42 )
Sure... Shoot

me ( 42 )
well thats my biggest question.. why have you been single all this time? is it personal?

me ( 43 )
are you christian or ... anything you want to tell me maybe?

her ( 43 )
No. It's not. I have people proposing. But, the timing wasn't right. I wanted to build a career. I let them slipped away.

me ( 43 )

her ( 43 )
They are married and have kids. I'm Buddhist.

me ( 44 )
any serious relationships in the past?

her ( 44 )
I go to Church because my Godfather is Christian. No...Just casual..

me ( 44 )
and you really are a virgin.. ?

her ( 44 )
Yes. No joke...

me ( 44 )
that is .. wow :)

her ( 44 )
I am exactly how I look in the pictures.

me ( 44 )
oh thats another thing

me ( 45 )
i would love to see you on cam again.. sometime soon :D

her ( 45 )
You will find out when you get here. Sure...Just not today...I will have to go now :(

me ( 45 )
yeah of course not now silly. i will let you go then and talk to you soon :)

her ( 46 )

me ( 46 )
bye <her name>


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Since you're determined to go through with this, best thing is to make sure you have a plan of escape should things go sour.

You should bring enough money with you for a return trip and emergency expenses and make sure you know where you are in the foreign country. If you end up in a morgue with all your organs missing, that's going to suck for you.

Be safe and have an exit strategy.


I think you should run from this woman as fast as your legs can carry you.
My two cents!

So ... would you be willing to pm her phone number to me?


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
Since you're determined to go through with this, best thing is to make sure you have a plan of escape should things go sour.

You should bring enough money with you for a return trip and emergency expenses and make sure you know where you are in the foreign country. If you end up in a morgue with all your organs missing, that's going to suck for you.

Be safe and have an exit strategy.
you guys are actually the ones making me nervous and scared with all this body parts and selling business. anyway, it's actually going to be a return flight not one way.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
LoneWolf said:
you guys are actually the ones making me nervous and scared with all this body parts and selling business. anyway, it's actually going to be a return flight not one way.
dude like i said your not going to Russia dont worry about the organs thing their just giving you a scare.

But make sure you do have the money for a return trip in case this woman goes psycho when you give her the "I dont want to marry at the moment" talk.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Lonewolf, this whole thing is ridiculous, and if you want to be foolish and take part in a money love scam or whatever they are doing, then go right ahead. I tried to give you my advice, and so did other posters, and you still continue to pursue this. You see all the red flags and warning signs glaring you right in the face. Even you say you're nervous about it and not sure why this woman is doing this. What does that tell you? You should get out while the going is good. You have no real information on this woman, address, phone, work. Check those out first. Call her work and ask for her if she is really legit. I can tell who holds the power in this "relationship" and that is this "woman". She dictates to you what to do, when to talk, how long you can talk, when and where to pick up moneygrams. She is playing you like a fiddle and you are jumping through her hoops. Don't you have other girls you can pursue where you live? Why do you want some old lady who lives far away you don't even know? Look at the convo you pasted. Short and vauge answers with no details. Didn't I say if she gives you short vauge answers to your questions it is probably a scam? you should of got these questions and answers from her during your year and a half of conversations. Not a quick 10 minute chat. Like I said, this is crazy and you should listen to your better judgement and not get mixed up with this or the next threads you will be posting is how you got suckered into a scam.

LoneWolf said:
ELMER_GANTRY, she told me where she works ages ago. i just didn't say it on here.

did you call her work to ask if this person is really there or works there? That is the best way to find out if this is true or not.

yea, no ID. i just go in, tell them my name and give them a secret answer she told me to say and i get money.

doesn't that sound weird to you? it does to me.

how are they gonna scam me anyway? i'm broke... i have nothing of value lol. i'm the worst person to scam. she's the one who said no ID. but they might ask for it... i will see tomorrow because i'm gonna check up on it.

yeah you should do that

also, i think the reason she's opening up so much now is because i stopped talking to her and started seeing the other girl. then i started coming back online a bit and talking to her. maybe she's thinking "hmm i better open up and show some interest or i'll lose him" cause i know she knows im seeing other girl/s.. or was.

she is opening up to you because she is probably afraid to lose you in the scam. See the other girl and forget about this woman.

i do feel a little weird about this because it's happening too fast. all this sending me money and planning flights already. im trying to keep up with this woman.

and that should be your first clue to realize that something isn't right here. she should keep up with you, and work around you, not her.

but in general she's a nice woman and i do enjoy her company via online. also, she did write a letter in a card in the package i got. so if she's a fake or whatever, she's a very thoughtful one lol.

that was very nice of her LOL

even when i talk to her i can't imagine her being a fake. she's like very polite when we talk and we have legit fun gaming together. what kind of fake/scammer plays games with someone lol.

someone who want to find a sucker, like they say, one is born every minute.

anyway i just spoke to her on msn and she's asking if i got the money and that after i get it, we need to sort out passport and visa then flights. i'll paste some of our conversation from before;

her ( 28 )
Hi. Did you get the money?

me ( 28 )
no i didn't even know you sent it until i came home today and read my email

her ( 28 )
It is instant.

her ( 29 )
It only takes 10 minutes to get to you.

her ( 29 )
It's faster and cheaper. I don't want to get on facebook. But, I can try to talk to you from my phone when I get to <Name>'s house.

(she's babysitting apparently. i didn't get her number btw cause i never asked. i should of but i didn't really have anything else to talk about.)

oh man, lol

me ( 29 )
when do you have to go

her ( 30 )
I have 15 minutes most.

sounds like she is in a hurry lol

me ( 31 )
can you talk here or do you want to talk on the phone

why are you asking her? you should tell her to get on the phone. be a man!

her ( 31 )
We can just talk here.

why am i not surprised with this reply? lol

me ( 31 )
okay what kind of information did they want?

her ( 32 )
When you go to the moneygram place, you just need to have the answer to the secret question. You don't even need an ID.


me ( 32 )

her ( 32 )
Tell them that you are there to pick up the money.

me ( 32 )
dont they need my name

her ( 32 )
Let me know how much when you get it.

why won't she tell you how much? Doesn't that sound weird to you? sending money overseas and not saying how much the sum is, no id, secret questions....c'mon lol

her ( 33 )
It'll confirm that you did indeed received it.

me ( 33 )
thats crazy. you just walk in there and say an answer and get money?

I agree with you, that's why you shouldn't do it.

her ( 33 )
Yes...They will need your name....

me ( 33 )
oh yeah .. thats what i thought

with no id lol

Her ( 34 )
Yes...The other way, the bank need your routing number and your banking institution, etc...too much hassle...I don't want to know those info from you...feel like a con artist..

she sounds like one to me

her ( 35 )
It's too personal. I wouldn't give mine to you...lol..
So, I wouldn't expect it from you :)

Maybe, if we ever decide to go a step further, maybe...

which it never will

me ( 35 )
okay hold on.
i need to take a breather here.

her ( 36 )
Take your time...You have 10 minutes..

she tells you how long you can talk

me ( 36 )
i wish i read my email when i was out.

me ( 36 )
i went right past the place.

her ( 37 )
Just pick it up tomorrow. It'll be there still.

me ( 40 )
okay now i gotta ask you some other things.

her ( 40 )
You have 5 minutes.

now only 5...whats her hurry to talk? If she was really into you wouldn't she want a stimulating convo?

me ( 40 )

me ( 41 )
i'm just wondering.. you're a good catch, good woman, obviously good with money. why are you single? you should have men after you everyday

her ( 41 )
I do. Just don't understand myself.

good reply lol

me ( 42 )
i dont want to ask these questions but i just want to know some things before i decide to make a big step you know :)

her ( 42 )
Sure... Shoot

me ( 42 )
well thats my biggest question.. why have you been single all this time? is it personal?

me ( 43 )
are you christian or ... anything you want to tell me maybe?

her ( 43 )
No. It's not. I have people proposing. But, the timing wasn't right. I wanted to build a career. I let them slipped away.

me ( 43 )

her ( 43 )
They are married and have kids. I'm Buddhist.

me ( 44 )
any serious relationships in the past?

her ( 44 )
I go to Church because my Godfather is Christian. No...Just casual..

me ( 44 )
and you really are a virgin.. ?

her ( 44 )
Yes. No joke...


me ( 44 )
that is .. wow :)

her ( 44 )
I am exactly how I look in the pictures.

yeah i bet lol

me ( 44 )
oh thats another thing

me ( 45 )
i would love to see you on cam again.. sometime soon :D

her ( 45 )
You will find out when you get here. Sure...Just not today...I will have to go now :(

oh man

me ( 45 )
yeah of course not now silly. i will let you go then and talk to you soon :)

her ( 46 )

me ( 46 )
bye <her name>
This whole thing is crazy. You ask her valid questions about herself and she is giving you a 10 and 5 minute time limit to ask them. I'm trying to help you out here. Date other women in your area and forget about this woman, it doesn't sound good, and even you are beginning to see that.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
that's just how she is man. she's different when we talk over the mic. always cheerful and polite. you can't really think anything from chat. yes it did seem annoying that she kept saying 5 minutes, 10 minutes left. but she was just letting me know. i don't see how i am really at risk or at loss here. she's the one sending me money and paying for things. the only thing i gotta worry about is if she falls in love with me or something. i'm about to go collect the money now and then i can start thinking more seriously.

ELMER_GANTRY, you are judging this whole thing from one little conversation i had with her while she was in a hurry to go out. that is not how it is at all. i can't tell you everything but i can assure you i don't jump through any hoops for her. i've hardly spoken to her this month until a few days ago when i started coming online more often. she's been all over me. again, how the fuk is this a scam when SHE is sending me money and paying for things? there's nothing to scam me from, i'm poor as hell. you're just picking out all the bad things you can find from one conversation man. i've known her for quite a bit and i can say more about her than you man. also i dont get why you keep saying i'm gonna get scammed.. how ?? what fuking scam can i get sucked into by taking someones money? she's not gonna send me hundreds of money for nothing :S - i could just be a dik and go spend it all and she'd be the one who got scammed.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
it doesn't sound good
From what I read, a kidney goes for around $10,000 to $22,000 USD and above if it's fresh and packed well.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
