Because women are attracted to how a man makes them feel EMOTIONALLY. Although a girl knows that a given alpha male will be "bad" for him, she can't help but feel attracted to him. She knows deep down inside that the guy will probably never call back after hooking up or, if he still decides to stay with her, he will end up treating her like crap. In short, female instincts haven't caught up with modern society.
I am no Noam Chomsky, but this is what I have gathered from various articles and science books that I have read. It all comes down to evolutionary psychology.
A shy, timid, unaggressive, unconfident male not only wouldn't have been able to protect his family from predators, but would lack the confidence and social skills and interpersonal boldness to go out into the scary world and establish alliances. If alliances are established, protection for offspring increases, and a wider inventory of resources (food, social support, weapons, intellectual resources, etc) become available.
In the days of hunter-gatherer societies, this would have been vital. If a person or family became isolated from the herd and unable to keep up with their fellow men, they would die out in the unpredictable wild within days, if not hours.
This being said, hunter-gather societies are almost non-existent today. We now live in a much more intricately complex, industrial, urban-based society in which traits of confidence don't matter as much, at least with regards to survival value. Having a shy boyfriend won't get a woman or her children killed out in the wild. At least in the developed world, it is no longer a dog-eat-dog world. Savage grunts or rabid wolves won't kill us if we leave the house, especially if we live in a densely-populated metropolitan area.
Nowadays, the beta male usually, through time, gets the highest quality woman. By "through time", I refer to when a girl reaches her late 20s or early 30s, her looks begin to fade, and her biological clock starts ticking. Although he is timid and has low aggression and testosterone levels, he rarely, if ever, gets into trouble with the law and therefore can provide for a woman and offspring simply by means of having a modern-day resource known as "money." By having influence in the upper-financial echelons of society, he likewise gains alliances with other beta males with access to such resources.
Meanwhile, the confident "alpha" male, although sexual-attractive to the female on a purely animalistic, instinctual level, generally ends up too aggressive and bold to function in such a tame, developed society. Instead, his impulses to take advantage of women, rape, steal, pillage, threat, and intimidate end him up incarcerated rather than providing a safe environment for his offspring and a big tasty buffalo meal for his family to eat that he killed while out hunting.
Of course things aren't black and white, and "jerks" and "nice guys" are not the only two categories women put men into. Most confident men, in the classic sense of the word, do not end up in jail. Fortunately, a system called "Game" exists, to help men gain the resources to attract high-quality women without having to be the bug-eyed, natural-born, criminally-inclined, predator-like alpha male.
Confidence is, simply-put, a sign of high fertility. Although society has changed dramatically over the past few thousands of years, not enough generations have progressed to allow genetic variation to catch up and let the beta male prevail in the end, at least on from a sexual stand-point.
Jesus said "The meek shall inherit the earth." History has proved otherwise. Look at people like Hitler, Mao, Ivan the Terrible, Arnold Schwarzenegger.... all these man have obtained power through sheer Machiavellianist, alpha-fuelled power. Women are attracted to power. Power provides social connections and a higher chance to survive.
Remember, gentlemen, that "nice guys finish last." This is sad, but true. Don't hate the player, hate the game. That being said, learn some game to diminish your beta-male ways.
I am no Noam Chomsky, but this is what I have gathered from various articles and science books that I have read. It all comes down to evolutionary psychology.
A shy, timid, unaggressive, unconfident male not only wouldn't have been able to protect his family from predators, but would lack the confidence and social skills and interpersonal boldness to go out into the scary world and establish alliances. If alliances are established, protection for offspring increases, and a wider inventory of resources (food, social support, weapons, intellectual resources, etc) become available.
In the days of hunter-gatherer societies, this would have been vital. If a person or family became isolated from the herd and unable to keep up with their fellow men, they would die out in the unpredictable wild within days, if not hours.
This being said, hunter-gather societies are almost non-existent today. We now live in a much more intricately complex, industrial, urban-based society in which traits of confidence don't matter as much, at least with regards to survival value. Having a shy boyfriend won't get a woman or her children killed out in the wild. At least in the developed world, it is no longer a dog-eat-dog world. Savage grunts or rabid wolves won't kill us if we leave the house, especially if we live in a densely-populated metropolitan area.
Nowadays, the beta male usually, through time, gets the highest quality woman. By "through time", I refer to when a girl reaches her late 20s or early 30s, her looks begin to fade, and her biological clock starts ticking. Although he is timid and has low aggression and testosterone levels, he rarely, if ever, gets into trouble with the law and therefore can provide for a woman and offspring simply by means of having a modern-day resource known as "money." By having influence in the upper-financial echelons of society, he likewise gains alliances with other beta males with access to such resources.
Meanwhile, the confident "alpha" male, although sexual-attractive to the female on a purely animalistic, instinctual level, generally ends up too aggressive and bold to function in such a tame, developed society. Instead, his impulses to take advantage of women, rape, steal, pillage, threat, and intimidate end him up incarcerated rather than providing a safe environment for his offspring and a big tasty buffalo meal for his family to eat that he killed while out hunting.
Of course things aren't black and white, and "jerks" and "nice guys" are not the only two categories women put men into. Most confident men, in the classic sense of the word, do not end up in jail. Fortunately, a system called "Game" exists, to help men gain the resources to attract high-quality women without having to be the bug-eyed, natural-born, criminally-inclined, predator-like alpha male.
Confidence is, simply-put, a sign of high fertility. Although society has changed dramatically over the past few thousands of years, not enough generations have progressed to allow genetic variation to catch up and let the beta male prevail in the end, at least on from a sexual stand-point.
Jesus said "The meek shall inherit the earth." History has proved otherwise. Look at people like Hitler, Mao, Ivan the Terrible, Arnold Schwarzenegger.... all these man have obtained power through sheer Machiavellianist, alpha-fuelled power. Women are attracted to power. Power provides social connections and a higher chance to survive.
Remember, gentlemen, that "nice guys finish last." This is sad, but true. Don't hate the player, hate the game. That being said, learn some game to diminish your beta-male ways.