Why most sh!t test are a bad sign.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Phyzzle said:
Yes, this is my opinion as well, but many here would disagree.

I remember reading here about girlfriends who test a guy by ignoring him to talk to other guys at a bar. Supposedly, she wants to see what you can get away with, and you show her what's up by walking away.
How do you deal with that sort of thing? Every time something like this has happened to me they throw some crap back about "That's how I am. There's nothing wrong with it! You are too jealous/controlling/female catch phrase/i'm just really social!" Even though in reality their behavior is inappropriate but they turn it into YOU having the problem.

And i've done the walking away thing only to get called "passive aggressive." So both confrontation and passive aggression are wrong? Some sh1t it just seems impossible to come out on top.

and of course if the situation were reversed they stomp around like children acting like the relationship is doomed because i'm so horrible to talk to some GUY for 20 minutes while "purposely" ignoring her.

At this point i mostly just yawn and walk off and don't bother even talking about it. Or just end it. Seems to work better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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mrRuckus said:
How do you deal with that sort of thing? Every time something like this has happened to me they throw some crap back about "That's how I am. There's nothing wrong with it! You are too jealous/controlling/female catch phrase/i'm just really social!" Even though in reality their behavior is inappropriate but they turn it into YOU having the problem.
There is only ONE way to HANDLE THIS.

You trade them in!

unless there for fuc*ng only, in which case it matters little what they do!

If this is your GF, there is a very high chance she is suc*ing some other guys coc* whilst i write this.

Trust me on this.


Feb 10, 2005
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jonwon said:
In a relationship, shi* tests may be observed by the clued up, but all respects a MAN would not ever be 'concerned' with a shi* test.

Not when meeting her for the first time.

And not in a relationship.

I am not saying they dont happen, because i know they do, but all i am saying if you have the frame of self actualization, **** tests are a none issue.

Also read what i said 'concerned' not 'shi* tests dont happen', guys who are succesful with women, knock right through em like a knife through butter and most dont even know it.
No, guys who are successful with women don't get tested. If a girl is interested in you, what little tests she gives you are token tests and easily passed. I wouldn't even consider those fully sh!t test. No guys is successful with women 100% of the time or can pass a sh!t test every time. What does "knock right through em like a knife through butter" mean? If youy mean plow through her test with showing her more interest, that's just rewarding testing, if you mean ignore it that's usually valid, if you mean confronting the test head on that's sometimes valid and sometimes not. See that's the point there's no real reliable way to always "pass" them. By the time she's sh!t testing you, the ship is already sinking.

In a relationship, women will test you, just like i would test women in a relationship, this is also a no brainer.
But if you attribute 'dis-respect' has a shi* test, you have a hell of a long way to go.

Apples and oranges. Men don't set up absurd tests as women commonly do. We don't really need to "test" a woman per se. What would be the point? When go by her behavior more than how she replies to a test.

Also i would not be too concerned with the racial slurs from Keto (he has an habit of attacking peoples, race, colour, gender, age, social disposition, e.t.c on virtually all of his posts at some stage), even though i cant see that sort of post having any place on ANY FORUM< tbh about it.
OK, so every time a person mentions race it's a racial slur and racists :rolleyes:. I don't attack anyone I counter attack flamers, trolls and people who insult first. YOU'RE the one that attacks people personally whenever they have a legitimate disagreement with something you post. Just like you attack me in this post of yours. Then you have the gull to accuse me and call for a more PC forum.

Keto' said:
Sh!t tests are also a tool women use to provoke a man who's done nothing particular wrong previously to give her a good excuse to blame the guy for her breaking it off with him.

You have a morbid idea of a shi* test Keto, this is not a shi* test my friend this is a clear indication of a lack of respect from her AND FROM YOURSELF.
No it's also a lack of interest on the part of the girl. You can call it disrespect or you can call it a sh!t test, they're often times the same thing. Maybe you're the one that doesn't understand what a sh!t test is?

You have been here 3 years and your still on the basics.
Another baseless and derogatory jab.

But i am not sure why anyone would reply after that second post, that was unwarrented.
And another baseless claim.


Feb 10, 2005
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MrRuckus said:
How do you deal with that sort of thing? Every time something like this has happened to me they throw some crap back about "That's how I am. There's nothing wrong with it! You are too jealous/controlling/female catch phrase/i'm just really social!" Even though in reality their behavior is inappropriate but they turn it into YOU having the problem.
Well this is where she has crossed the line between a sh!t test to almost blatant disinterest/disrespect. However she might've likely tested you previously, and you failed the test. But keep in my women observe and "test" silently too, so that's another reason why I say if a girl is putting a sh!t test out in the open she already has doubt and it's a bad sign IMO.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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My opinion is a shi!t test is set up unconsciously by the chick. She doesn't wake up and say "today he's getting a BIG SH!T TEST!!" I can only say that for myself, any tests only heightened my own insecurities. It's like they can sense your insecurities... and they want to bring them out of you to see if you really are strong inside. Sometimes YOU don't even know what those problems you have are until a girl brings them out of you. So in a way they are helpful, to YOU, and YOUR growth--but maybe not the relationship.

Chicks will stop (for awhile) if you calmly put your foot down. The stronger you are the less they register. I think you really would kind of think "oh, sh!t test maybe, whatever. I'm in control" and you are in control.

I went through several of these in my last experience, and from reading this site I at least knew I was being tested, while I was being tested. Did my best to "pass them" (by being assertive and non-reactive), and each time the girl was more and more into me. Couldn't hold out long enough in the end though. Oh well.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Here is a list of shi* tests for you Keto.

I will post more if i can be arsed.

What kind of car do you drive?

What do you do for a living?

What kind of degree do you have?

You say this to all the girls, don’t you?

You’re a player, aren’t you?

That’s a funny line, did you learn that on the Internet?

What were you doing last night?

You’re funny (confident, sexy, any “compliment” given too freely)

I’m not going to sleep with you

I’m going to sleep with you

You think you’re hot ****, don’t you?

These are a form of concurent testing, to find out what type of MAN you ARE.

When i said men knock through them like knife through butter i was refering to 'naturals' who do not see SHI8 TESTS, PUA, Players, SEDUCTION GUYS, DJ's, see SHI* TESTS, Other guys DO NOT.

They still PASS THEM.

Notice, no WHERE I posted what you stated has a shi* test!

Because that is NOT A SHI* TEST, that is a chain of events Where by YOU ALLOWED A WOMEN TO CONTROL YOU SINCE SHE HAS LOW INTEREST IN YOU, hence these are not SHI* TESTS, these are ways the WOMEN DROPS YOUR ASS, hence RESPECT was needed to RECOGNIZE a WOMEN IS treating YOU LIKE SHI* and not testing YOU.

You make the MISTAKE of putting SHI* TESTING in the SAME CATAGORY '''''HAS TREATING YOU LIKE SHI*'''', there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines

You are on fukkin' FIRE, soldier! And HAVE been for the past couple of days----in THIS thread, and over there in that "SCI-FI" thread across the hall...lol.

A very clear and UNDERSTANDABLE differentiation between a "supposed" shyt test and DISRESPECT you just gave, man. Hopefully, those who see it will take a moment, actually THINK about it, and let it sink in. I'm sure they'll be more enlightened as a result of it.

Wish I had more time to contribute, but another mission calls...

So keep droppin' these motherfukking "KNOWLEDGE NUKES", man------because as you can see, we sure as hell NEED'em.

March on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Victory Unlimited said:

You are on fukkin' FIRE, soldier! And HAVE been for the past couple of days----in THIS thread, and over there in that "SCI-FI" thread across the hall...lol.

A very clear and UNDERSTANDABLE differentiation between a "supposed" shyt test and DISRESPECT you just gave, man. Hopefully, those who see it will take a moment, actually THINK about it, and let it sink in. I'm sure they'll be more enlightened as a result of it.

Wish I had more time to contribute, but another mission calls...

So keep droppin' these motherfukking "KNOWLEDGE NUKES", man------because as you can see, we sure as hell NEED'em.

March on.
:D Thanks man.

Just to round this thread off:

The idea is, all of these questions TEMPT you to lie (in order to placate her). At the same time, if you resist the temptation and tell the truth, you’re not much better off - because you just responded in a logical, boring and descriptive way to a stupid rhetorical question, and now she sees you as just another boring, logical, descriptive guy who is trying to prove himself to her — instead of a guy who can lead her in conversation and in life.


Do you see how brilliantly this structure screens guys? It truly separates the boring, normal guys who won’t be able to excite her (in conversation and certainly not in bed) from the oily line-spitting guys who are just trying to talk their way into her pants.

If anyone is interested in how to respond to the above shi* tests, just ask.

Ultimately, we should be glad for **** tests. They help ensure that every woman we met hasn’t already been plowed up one side and down the other by 15,000 other random guys.


Feb 10, 2005
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What kind of car do you drive?

What do you do for a living?

What kind of degree do you have?

You say this to all the girls, don’t you?

You’re a player, aren’t you?

That’s a funny line, did you learn that on the Internet?

What were you doing last night?

You’re funny (confident, sexy, any “compliment” given too freely)

I’m not going to sleep with you

I’m going to sleep with you

You think you’re hot ****, don’t you?

These are a form of concurent testing, to find out what type of MAN you ARE.
Not all of these examples are sh!t tests, the context matters and they don't have context. Some of them were basically come-ons by the woman, that are what I said were token tests that only a real bonehead could fail. Some of them could've been ligitimate questions by the woman and conversation. While in poor taste, I don't consider a woman who "test" to see if you're not a total bum financially to be sh!t testing or gold digging. Your premise seems to be the only thing that matters to women is the words you use and the attitude you have with women. Women wouldn't need to test men to prevent themselves from fvcking every loser, They can screen most of them out at a glance. Guys say all manner of things, everything under the sun to woman and are successful. It's appearance and status that is the great equalizer.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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ketostix said:
Not all of these examples are sh!t tests, the context matters and they don't have context. Some of them were basically come-ons by the woman, that are what I said were token tests that only a real bonehead could fail. Some of them could've been ligitimate questions by the woman and conversation. While in poor taste, I don't consider a woman who "test" to see if you're not a total bum financially to be sh!t testing or gold digging. Your premise seems to be the only thing that matters to women is the words you use and the attitude you have with women. Women wouldn't need to test men to prevent themselves from fvcking every loser, They can screen most of them out at a glance. Guys say all manner of things, everything under the sun to woman and are successful. It's appearance and status that is the great equalizer.
You said:
I don't consider a woman who "test" to see if you're not a total bum financially to be sh!t testing!

Your really not grasping this are you?

The rest is just waffle.

I have spelled this out to YOU over the last few days IN TRIPLICATE and YOUR STILL BANGING THE SAME DRUM.


Anyway, i need to bail, i have a girl driving in her car to come over and see me, she is driving OVER 50 MILES at a COST OF £50 Petrol (there and BACK).

I will leave YOU to your thoughts.

I avoid the MAIN DISCUSSION Place, for this exact reason, futile waste of effort, but at least i MAY REACH OUT TO ''''ONE'''' Person on here, hence my post was worth the time invested.

Laters Keto, i wish you every success :D


Feb 10, 2005
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Well not every girl is just looking for a slick talkers for random sex that has nothing tangible in his life. There's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to factor in qualities a male has. That's what some quality girls do.

Anyway, i need to bail, i have a girl driving in her car to come over and see me, she is driving OVER 50 MILES at a COST OF £50 Petrol (there and BACK).
What a girl from the internet? You act like I can't get girls to hook up. Well I can and from cold approaches. The question becomes just how desirable is the girl. It's things you post like that which don't really re-enforce the value of your advice as much as it re-enforces my claim that everyone works off perceived value. Anyway have a good time tonight dude.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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ketostix said:
Well not every girl is just looking for a slick talkers for random sex that has nothing tangible in his life. There's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to factor in qualities a male has. That's what some quality girls do.

What a girl from the internet? You act like I can't get girls to hook up. Well I can and from cold approaches. The question becomes just how desirable is the girl. It's things you post like that which don't really re-enforce the value of your advice as much as it re-enforces my claim that everyone works off perceived value. Anyway have a good time tonight dude.
Ok i have a bit of time left:

1. slick talkers for random sex that has nothing tangible in his life.

Another classic Keto' put down.

2. What a girl from the internet?

Oh, look another one.

Dont worry i will, will YOU :D

By the way Keto, i see guys like you EVERYWHERE!! your a dime a dozen<< That is not a bad thing at all! (for guys like me).


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
1. slick talkers for random sex that has nothing tangible in his life.

Another classic Keto' put down.
How is this statement a putdown? Who am I personally putting down?

2. What a girl from the internet?

Oh, look another one.
So now a question is even a putdown? You brought the girl up as if to brag. Why is she driving to see you from 50 miles away if you met her in every day life then?

By the way Keto, i see guys like you EVERYWHERE!! your a dime a dozen<< That is not a bad thing at all! (for guys like me).
And this isn't a direct putdown? You have very odd way of looking at things. You are very similar and just as annoying as iqqi is with cheap remarks. You don't have much of any creditibility with me anymore. Yeah you can call that a put down, but an accurate and well deserved one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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To maybe explain things a little better (I speak real English, not British) let me put it to you this way, Keto.

He's saying that a "test" in his mind is a statement that a woman makes to make you stop swaggering around having fun and start bragging (qualifying yourself to her). The goal is to not logically list out your qualifications (unless they're particularly awesome), to keep having fun, to keep looking boldly into her eyes, and to keep making no sense. Keep the convo in the illogical, body language mode.

For example, here are some generic responses. I can think of better ones, but I don't want you guys stealing my stuff :D

What kind of car do you drive?

What do you do for a living?
Ass model

What kind of degree do you have?
Ph.D. in LOVIN'.

You say this to all the girls, don’t you?
Only the immature ones, but I'll make an exception for you. :crazy:

I’m not going to sleep with you
Yeah, I tend to leave right after.

I like this definition of a test. So many guys here, even on the Mature Man board, think of a test as a sudden change in behavior to see if you'll stand up to her. I disagree. I think that's disrespect and low interest. A test is one of those little verbal barbs.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
To maybe explain things a little better (I speak real English, not British) let me put it to you this way, Keto.

He's saying that a "test" in his mind is a statement that a woman makes to make you stop swaggering around having fun and start bragging (qualifying yourself to her). The goal is to not logically list out your qualifications (unless they're particularly awesome), to keep having fun, to keep looking boldly into her eyes, and to keep making no sense. Keep the convo in the illogical, body language mode.

For example, here are some generic responses. I can think of better ones, but I don't want you guys stealing my stuff :D

What kind of car do you drive?

What do you do for a living?
Ass model

What kind of degree do you have?
Ph.D. in LOVIN'.

You say this to all the girls, don’t you?
Only the immature ones, but I'll make an exception for you. :crazy:

I’m not going to sleep with you
Yeah, I tend to leave right after.

I like this definition of a test. So many guys here, even on the Mature Man board, think of a test as a sudden change in behavior to see if you'll stand up to her. I disagree. I think that's disrespect and low interest. A test is one of those little verbal barbs.
These are examples of little screening tests to control/change your frame and if you let her she'll probably conclude you have little confidence and screen you out. But still women don't throw these "barbs' so much when she's really into, they're just as likely to talk your ear off and be submissive. She's likely throwing the barbs because she can detect some incongruency in your seemingly high confidence, that in all honest is being faked by the guy. Not that there's anything wrong with faking and doing what you have to do. I alluded to the different types of tests in my OP so why jonwon has to bring it up like it's something new and different is him just showing his ass again.

We can split hairs about semantics over what's should be called a sh!t test and what should be called disinterest/disrespect, but again I don't see the point because my OP basically said sh!t testing was usually a bad sign, i.e., a sign of disinterest/disrespect. But yeah your post was very readable and understandable. Those were some good replies to those frame tests.


May 11, 2007
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<<< Thinks to himself on if Keto is ever going to answer his question?

:woo: (Ric Flair)


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
I got a really good example of what a girl did to me in form of a sh*t test in the more disrepectful manner.

I made a joke about her surname after I told her how people used to make fun of mine.

she: That was very inconsiderate of you. It doesn't make it right to make fun of my name just because you thought it was okey with yours.

Also she acted like I hit a nerve or something, like she had been bullied for it when she was little. She kept this "act" up for quite a while. Since I've made jokes about inappropriate stuff before I said that it was only meant as a joke and that I was sorry if I hit a nerve or something.

she: you are sooooo an AFC (she didn't use the word AFC, but I'm norwegian and it translates best to that.)

I immediately knew that I had been played and I got furious that I had myself been tricked by this act. After that I got pissed on her for exploiting something like that. Anyway I held my face and I said:

Do you always yell wolf wolf? It's not AFC to say you sorry if you really belive you hurt someone feelings, that is infact the ethic way to do stuff. Don't expect me to say sorry again if I really hurt your feelings sometime since I'll be expecting it's a trick from you.

She: Whatever

I was being a little AFC with this girl since it happen quite a while ago and I wasn't fully into this stuff, but that is for another thread. Anyway I've never experienced anything like that before or after. Needless to say it ended pretty soon after with this chick.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
montius said:
I got a really good example of what a girl did to me in form of a sh*t test in the more disrepectful manner.

I made a 'joke about her surname' after 'I told her how people used to make fun of mine'.

she: That was very inconsiderate of you. It doesn't make it right to 'make fun of my name just because you thought it was okey with yours'.

Also she acted like I hit a nerve or something, like she had been bullied for it when she was little. She kept this "act" up for quite a while. Since I've made jokes about inappropriate stuff before I said that it was only meant as a joke and that I was sorry if I hit a nerve or something.

she: you are sooooo an AFC (she didn't use the word AFC, but I'm norwegian and it translates best to that.)

I immediately knew that I had been played and I got furious that I had myself been tricked by this act. After that I got pissed on her for exploiting something like that. Anyway I held my face and I said:

Do you always yell wolf wolf? It's not AFC to say you sorry if you really belive you hurt someone feelings, that is infact the ethic way to do stuff. Don't expect me to say sorry again if I really hurt your feelings sometime since I'll be expecting it's a trick from you.

She: Whatever

I was being a little AFC with this girl since it happen quite a while ago and I wasn't fully into this stuff, but that is for another thread. Anyway I've never experienced anything like that before or after. Needless to say it ended pretty soon after with this chick.
Needless to say it ended pretty soon after with this chick.

I can see why.


'I made a joke about her surname' after I told her 'how people used to make fun of mine'.

'I immediately knew that I had been played' and I ''''got furious'''' that I '''had myself been tricked by this act'''.

''''''''''Do you always yell wolf wolf? It's not AFC to say you sorry if you really belive you hurt someone feelings, that is infact the ethic way to do stuff. Don't expect me to say sorry again if I really hurt your feelings sometime since I'll be expecting it's a trick from you'''''''''


You came across has WEAK, PATHETIC and INSECURE here, no offence.

Just telling it how it is, thats hwo she sees it too.


This is a message for your own good.

Swifty, puzzle gave some great examples.


You know what?

I want to hear YOURS, come ON TRY IT.

Have fun! :D


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
It was perhaps not the best response, but anyway she lost a great deal of respect in my eyes too. I don't want to be around people who act like they got their emotions hurt (when they infact couldn't care less) just to hear me say I'm sorry and then make fun out of it. That's just immature. I know I lost her, but at that point I think it was already lost, so no hard feelings any longer. Hard to translate my surname, but if you say it alittle different it sounds like the norwegian word for meathead :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Norwegian has a word for AFC?? Awesome.

But yes, it sounds like she was already wanting to stop talking to you, and so just used that as an excuse. There really is no witty thing to say, if she is acting upset. Just stay happy, and say, "well, I am sure I won't be the last person to bust you on this, so good luck with your name." Then leave. She may be more friendly later, or not.