No, this is your turn, i'll give you an hand.swifTy said:allrighty jonwon. on instinct id do these...
What kind of car do you drive?
car??? (and give her a look as if i dont have one...maybe a...i dont follow kind of look...a shake of the head...what are you talkin about??? carrrrrrr?? nooooooooooo.)
What do you do for a living?
id play the dumb card with this one. job??? mean like....(id wait a bit).......oh u mean like work? nah..........nah. nothin. i got nothin. no job no job. but she knows i do have one and ill just never tell her. ill just keep it goin. and goin.
What kind of degree do you have?
degree??? (again...with the look...and a huge ass smirk)
You say this to all the girls, don’t you?
yeh. (nod head up and down super fast) yeh... yeh.
I’m not going to sleep with you
this ones good. ive actually had this one. i said in a nonchalant kind of way like its happened to me many time before. i said.....i know...i know... cos if you do youll be wanting to grab my willy.....i know. i know how it is. (big ass grin). she hit me. and later i got laid. go figure![]()
your turn......
What kind of car do you drive?
car??? (and give her a look as if i dont have one...maybe a...i dont follow kind of look...a shake of the head...what are you talkin about??? carrrrrrr?? nooooooooooo.)
What this communicates:
'The question was important to me and i needed to say something to deflect, why it was important to me'
Hence, effected either way, either through: qualification to her or dismisal of the questions she asks.
What do you do for a living?
id play the dumb card with this one. job??? mean like....(id wait a bit).......oh u mean like work? nah..........nah. nothin. i got nothin. no job no job. but she knows i do have one and ill just never tell her. ill just keep it goin. and goin.
I like this one better, if this is done in a way where you 'dont have to qualify yourself' or 'fit her criteria' i like it.
But, if it is from a dismisal of her question, to deflect that it is important to you, i am not too sure.
What kind of car do you drive?
car??? (and give her a look as if i dont have one...maybe a...i dont follow kind of look...a shake of the head...what are you talkin about??? carrrrrrr?? nooooooooooo.)
Not too shabby, but can uses alot of work also, your still answering the question: Positivly or negativly.
Lets look at the positive aspect:
If a girl ask's this questions, i am not stating it is not ok, to simply reply with the truth.
But alot of guys make the mistake to reply to this stuff, to try to fill her 'critera' of needs, hence her 'agenda'.
The guys who can make the positive approach work are guys, who dont really care about her agenda at all, there judging her on 'how she interacts with you', hence they can answer the questions in a none 'qualify to her manner' there indifferent.
Now the negative:
You can use the negative approach also, but it still shows 'your concerned with her agenda' her 'CV (curriculam) or what she wants from a man, hence trying to fit what she wants again.
The guys who can make the negative approach work are guys, who dont really care about her agenda at all, there judging her on 'how she interacts with you', hence they can answer the questions in a none 'qualify to her manner' there indifferent.
Now lets analyz what was posted already, which to me is a better way:
What car do you drive:
A blue one<<<
This is baiting her to 'ask' more questions about the car, i.e become 'invested' also this shows he is not concerned if she likes if he has a car or not.
(also if she probes, it is a IOI, a girl with no interest or a BF or a dyke would not, there are many reasons she may not be into you)
If you do not have a car, you can take this further on her 'probing' and toss in something like:
'yeh its a porche 911 i keep it on my mantle piece'
You could then reply:
'hey, you like cars uh, tell you what, i'll do you deal, if you go buy me a drink, i may show it to you one day'.
Lets move on:
What do you do for a living:
Ass model (classic DD line this one).
This is ****y, funny, arrogant and not bothered about being PC(polliticly correct) hence you really are not in anyway shape or form trying to slot into anything (you think) she would want< which is a good thing.
But the ass model one, is over-used and abused.
We need to get more original ones up here, for this one.
The other one is in the same catagory.
But what i was requesting, swifty, is to come up with 'your own'.
Put some down on here, you dont have to memorize them, just have fun, when you turn on the right frame of being 'indifferent' to what 'she wants' no MATTER how hot she is, you can FIRE off great comebacks to what is fundimentally a:
Boring rhetorical question.
She knows it, you know it.
Try to take the angle, of being funny, but NOT to impress her, no not at all, the angle of Funny, making light of it, to NOT judge her on:
Being boring: (most girls are when interacting at first, they dont have the pleasure of this site).
But what she REALLY wants, is fun, entertainment, to be dragged away from the hum-drum life, to escape from the 9 to 5 working grind.
So what she wants, is a guy who is not predictable, is not boring and does not supplicate to her, she wants to be 'led' into a higher state of 'happiness', 'attraction' or consumed by the intreging mother fuc*er who is now testing her (high frame, most guys supplicate), so lead her.
Lets see it.
Also even if you get this nailed, you will still get rejected, be concurent, move on practice.
And most importantly.
Have fun, hence even if your 'rejected' you had fun in the process.
Rejection happens, no matter how good you are, but what i am trying to communicate is treating this has a bit of fun, to test her temprement.
Also, if she is a stuffy cow, why would you want her has a GF anyway.
So there great tests of her character, you then qualify her.
lets see some-more.