Why men are losing interest in women

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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The therapist suggests that the wife stop nagging and the husband listen. She doesn't notice that the husband responds only after the wife starts to cry.

Men respond to vulnerability in a woman not power. As I have said before, heterosexual love involves the exchange of power for love. Men want power. Women want love. The female surrenders and allows the male to protect and possess her.

In return for her acquiescence, the male loves her in the full sense of the word. He is in charge but he also wants to make her happy. This is natural when someone makes you happy.

Women need to give men the power to love them. My wife's mother gave her daughter good advice: "Look for a man to take care of you but be able to take care of yourself."


In the filmThe Crying Game(1992), director Neil Jordan captured the experience of the modern male: When the protagonist discovers his girlfriend has a penis, he runs gagging from the room and vomits.

This film notwithstanding, today's female impersonators are mostly women. By encouraging young women to be "strong and independent", feminism has outfitted them with a mental phallus. They have become men and made men redundant. Then they try to coerce men to love them as if we were their hand puppets.

In reality, a woman's power consists in being without penis, being everything a man is not. Not aggressive, forceful, dynamic, muscular and driven. Some weak men are attracted to "dynamic" women but they are really looking for themselves.

Feminine power consists of persuasion rather than force. A real woman relies on moral authority and her attraction: beauty, grace, charm, love and devotion. These women are very rare and in great demand.

Men and women are different. Jonathan Swift remarked that women love flattery but men are embarrassed by it. This is because men are active by nature and women are passive. The universe is held in balance by positive (active) and negative (passive) principles. Marriage is the way heterosexuals achieve this balance.


A man told me that after he has done home renovations all day, he is afraid his wife will "go ballistic" if he asks why she didn't even do the dishes.

An Australian man recently wrote to me: "For too long I have made girlfriends insecure by not telling them what I wanted because of a fear of appearing overbearing."

Men need to assert their just leadership and dump the women who don't like it. There are plenty of fish in the sea and they are biting. With patience and firmness, some feminists can be saved. The rest can be thrown back.

Generally speaking, men need to figure out what they want to do with their life. You might ask what God wants you to do. Then define the role you want your wife to play and find a woman who is eager for the part.

This is what women really want. They are attracted to a dynamic man whom they cannot control. He must have a wholesome vision where she is cherished for her contribution.


Feminism teaches that male and female are the same and sex roles are merely "stereotypes". As a result, millions of people are clueless about their sexual identities and suffer from arrested development. I was one of them.

I'm 53 years old. Normally I would have had a family and three grown children by now. Instead, I have been divorced three times and have one child. It took me until age 50 to figure out what was happening and finally make a successful marriage.
Click here to read the full article
Basically what the author says is that women are trying to be like men, which is destroying the balance of the sexes being different (and this is leading to tons of other problems)

Here are some other interesting articles from the same author (Henry Makow Ph.D.) about all this
How I became a Mensch: After Feminism Stole my Identity
Time to Be Men Again
The conspiracy against heterosexuals

Click here to go to Makows article archive which has dozens of articles in the "feminism," "how heterosexuality works" sections
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
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I've read countless articles trying to illustrate this point. Such women only appealed to me once in my life: when I was an AFC. No surprise there, huh?

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by PeeGee
I've read countless articles trying to illustrate this point. Such women only appealed to me once in my life: when I was an AFC. No surprise there, huh?
You said it. Good thing most of us have discovered this truth, or else we would have ended up like Makow and suffered for a long time

"It took me until age 50 to figure out what was happening and finally make a successful marriage"


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Excellent article, man.

I agree that there must be a balance of masculine power and feminine beauty. Can those uppity b!tches.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Great article - our "natural" roles as man and woman bring balance - read my thread "The natural order of things" for further guidance.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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That is wisdom.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
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I've been a Henry Makow reader for quite a while now. He's a bit of a crackpot with his conspiracy theory bullshiit, but his articles on feminism and homosexuals are excellent.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by affliction
I've been a Henry Makow reader for quite a while now. He's a bit of a crackpot with his conspiracy theory bullshiit, but his articles on feminism and homosexuals are excellent.
You said it. Nobody agrees 100% on anything with someone but his articles on feminism and homosexuality are very educational.


Jan 19, 2005
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The article is great, but you also have to realize it's not just women becoming masculine, it's men becoming feminine. These days most men are either total wimps who let the woman be the man, or psycho obsessive nut jobs who try to control them

We need to get back to our roots of being masculine and not taking crap, and if the woman doesn't like that, she can leave.

Sex drive makes most men kiss women's ass. If we could conquer our urges once in awhile, the balance of power would shift back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Originally posted by jprjrjr
The article is great, but you also have to realize it's not just women becoming masculine, it's men becoming feminine. These days most men are either total wimps who let the woman be the man, or psycho obsessive nut jobs who try to control them

We need to get back to our roots of being masculine and not taking crap, and if the woman doesn't like that, she can leave.

Sex drive makes most men kiss women's ass. If we could conquer our urges once in awhile, the balance of power would shift back.

Good point. However, these two phenomena are related to each other. The reason for men becoming feminine is rooted in the feminist movement. It was around the feminist movement times that women became more masculine and men became more feminin. We lost that battle to an extent.

You're right. We need to fight back. This is where sites like these come into play.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Excellent article!

It took me until age 50 to figure out what was happening and finally make a successful marriage.
The great thing about this site is it speeds up life experience and lessons learned. We have guys here who aren't even 20 who have learned what's going on.

The article is great, but you also have to realize it's not just women becoming masculine, it's men becoming feminine.
Agreed. It's a pretty fvcking scary power shift to the woman, not just in LTRs and marriages, but it's happening throughout the entire world thanks to feminism. It's going to take a long time before the power starts to get shifted back toward the man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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Back when i was totally clueless i was also attracted to these feminist girls and also i gave into it...then i found what i was doing wrong when i came to this website.
I remember a little big ago The Antichrist_star was making a rebellion against women take over... That did not seem to last very long.
Someone needs to put a stop to this feminist uprising. But today in our society we have the whole "politically correct" thing going. If we were to say this we'd probably be called sexist and discriminatory. Anyone have any ideas?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
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What's wrong with feminism isn't their right to vote. It isn't their freedom from societal roles. It isn't their right to compete in the workplace or their assertiveness.

It's the dogma. It's the fact that men are FORCED to be weak and submissive while women are praised for being strong. It's the fact that women are freed from being sex and reproductive slaves while men are not freed from being expendable, and disposable performance machines. What's wrong is that even when women get smarter and equal pay they NEVER marry down.

What's wrong is that EVERYTHING feminism said would be good for "us" has turned out to be FALSE. Treachery. What's wrong is that feminism thinks that it is the only one legitimate gender ideology and seeks to define and reframe our reality into one where every male act is a manifestation of oppressive male power. What's wrong is that feminists think that only women can be hurt, and ALWAYS seek to suppress and downplay ALL INSTANCES of male victimisation. What's wrong is women's rights and only male responsibility. What's wrong is that feminists claim to want equality and "good" while promoting their own double standards, creating their own underclass and pariahs who have to remoulded.

F UCK THIS ****.

I'm with my brothers with this one. The only reason why men are backlashing, is because their voice is denied. Every attempt to speak up has been silenced, every attempt to work out and reason has been categorically refused, and every forum to use denied.

If we cannot work together for true gender equality, then the lesser of two evils in the face of female chauvinism, is male chauvinism and implacabality.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Originally posted by Island
What's wrong with feminism isn't their right to vote. It isn't their freedom from societal roles. It isn't their right to compete in the workplace or their assertiveness.

It's the dogma. It's the fact that men are FORCED to be weak and submissive while women are praised for being strong. It's the fact that women are freed from being sex and reproductive slaves while men are not freed from being expendable, and disposable performance machines. What's wrong is that even when women get smarter and equal pay they NEVER marry down.

What's wrong is that EVERYTHING feminism said would be good for "us" has turned out to be FALSE. Treachery. What's wrong is that feminism thinks that it is the only one legitimate gender ideology and seeks to define and reframe our reality into one where every male act is a manifestation of oppressive male power. What's wrong is that feminists think that only women can be hurt, and ALWAYS seek to suppress and downplay ALL INSTANCES of male victimisation. What's wrong is women's rights and only male responsibility. What's wrong is that feminists claim to want equality and "good" while promoting their own double standards, creating their own underclass and pariahs who have to remoulded.

F UCK THIS ****.

I'm with my brothers with this one. The only reason why men are backlashing, is because their voice is denied. Every attempt to speak up has been silenced, every attempt to work out and reason has been categorically refused, and every forum to use denied.

If we cannot work together for true gender equality, then the lesser of two evils in the face of female chauvinism, is male chauvinism and implacabality.
You're right. Feminisim isn't about equal rights. It's not about the right to vote. It's not about their right to work or work with competitive wages. These ideas were all just a clever facade. The real goal of feminism is to merge the genders. They want women to BECOME men. This is natually impossible. Feminism does not challenge inequality in society, it challenges the division between genders.

This is dangerous. We NEED a strong division between gender roles and responsibilities. For it was this division that we came to be a nation. Did the ancient greek women compete with men on a daily basis for power? Did women compete with men on a daily basis for power 40 years ago?

No! Women knew their place in society and so did men. Men the provider and protector AS IT HAS BEEN FOR TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS. In return for this the woman gives herself to the man and supports him in any way she can. From this they form a unique and special bond that we call "love" today. Feminsim challenges nature and what was worked for tens of thousands of years. Guess what? IT'S NOT WORKING feminazis. Divorce rates are sky rocketing over 60% these days. The natural order of things has been thrown out of wack.

Whether the modern feminazi wants to admit it or not, naturally she is STILL attracted to the idea of a protector and provider. NO MATTER how "assertive/successful" she becomes. As someone else mentioned, MOST women marry UP, not down. I've heard a number of 90% (not sure how accurate this is). This is nature at work fighting the social conditioning of the feminazi.

"Nature will find a way". I hope so for the sake of humanity. I don't see the harm in helping nature on the way. As men, we need to shake off this social conditioning. Most of us are raised by female teachers. This is part of the problem. We don't get enough strong male models to look up to as most men these days are too busy for enough quality time. Through these "educators" the feminazi regime strikes. We are brainwashed from the age of 6 by females. Tell me how can we learn to be strong, assertive men when we spend most of our critical years growing up with a majority of female models?

STRIKE BACK! Challenge these feminazi ideals of society. Be a man. Be strong. Be assertive. Put a high and mighty woman in her place (nature will help you). We got our power, logic and nature on our side. We will come out on top. It's only a matter of time. Spread the word. Provide this strong male model for the younger ones in your life.

"Nature will find a way" but let's give it a little push.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
That was a very empowering read

We can all do our part by playing our part, it saddens me to see so many guys around me been pu$$y whipped and pandering to women and then complaining why they leave them or don't get any.

Is it true many leading feminists are lesbians? Lesbians aren't normal women, they are genetically wired wrong. Similar hardware, different software. I'm not sure if I would follow a gay lead movement without some scrutiny into the underlying agenda.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Originally posted by Kaine
That was a very empowering read

We can all do our part by playing our part, it saddens me to see so many guys around me been pu$$y whipped and pandering to women and then complaining why they leave them or don't get any.

Is it true many leading feminists are lesbians? Lesbians aren't normal women, they are genetically wired wrong. Similar hardware, different software. I'm not sure if I would follow a gay lead movement without some scrutiny into the underlying agenda.

There is a conspiracy theory that it is in fact lesbians who are behind it in order to corrupt heterosexual relations. I'm not 100% sure about this, but there is some evidence that points to this possiblity....because yes, infact some of the more prominent feminists were lesbian.....this is why feminism CANNOT work. The majority of females are not lesbians. Gays are 10-15, MAYBE 20% tops of the population.

First of all we cannot have a mass movement like this being led by a clear minority. Second of all we cannot have this movement at all because it goes against your natural genetic wiring. Gays are a whole different breed and are not representative of the general population.

The main problem is that modern straight women ate this bullsh1t up with a spoon. "Oh yeah! More power to us!" Little did they know that they were helping in opening Pandora's Box.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
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You may notice he doesn't bother to discuss the process by which the neutered and feminized males may become normal masculine men.

Without that, he doesn't say anything we don't already know.