Iqqi, many men lie to avoid confrontation, to keep the peace, and sometimes to try to identify bvetter with a woman in the hopes that she will think that they have something in conmon.
Both women and men lie obviously for diffenet reasons, but it isusually about something that they may be lacking. People who are generally very insecure, are generally liars. NOt ALL the time, and not with EVERYBODY. But to thenm, it is justified more often thannot. because they do it to make up for the fact that they lack certain things in life.
Thier image is extremely important to them, so they do anything to try to keep that image intact, even through lying.
When a guy lies with : "Oh yeah! I like XYZ too!!!"
But in fact he DOESNT..
He is trying to conform to the woman's preferences, thus, in his mind, he is in a better chance for this woman to 'like him'.
It often doesnt enter the guy's mind, that the woman may be looking for other tastes, prefrences, opinions, and ideas, not the same exact things.
This is why, although counterintuitive for many, a man on a date should always stick to his opinions and tastes no matter what the woman says or does, even if she acts disapproving.
A Man has to be willing to 'lose' a woman, even if it means he sticks to his guns and stays true to himself.
It is important to stand up for one's Healthy and Positive beliefs , opinions, and values, even if others dont agree with them.
And if you dont have an opinion on somthing its ok to admit it to her, and ask her to tell you about it or even teach you something new.
Her; "Well, I think that yada yada and yada."
Guy: "Well, I dont agree with that at all. Because I think yada yada yada.'
Her; (mouth agape and look of disbelief that he didnt agree with her)
Guy: (calm and relaxed) "Yeah, thats what I think."
Her: (turns her head away and stays quiet)
Guy: (still calm and relaxed)