you're the one who said 'being naive is the downfall of being true' - which makes a clear statement that you must be naive to be true.
which is utterly ridiculous.
and anyone who is naive is a sheep. the absolutely greatest sin you can commit in this world is the sin of being naive - because naive people can be lead to do anything.
you know why we are in a recession? cuz a bunch of naive idiots signed up for mortgages without knowing what they were signing up for.
you know why guys end up divorced and broke, because they didn't understand women before marrying one.
only in the world of women can being naive be seen as a virtue.
well its not.
moreover, if you are a quote 'good' person who is naive, then you aren't good at all. you are only good for the time being, until someone convinces you to be otherwise.
you can only be TRULY good if you understand the choice between good and bad, and choose good.
all the great moralistic leaders - jesus, gandhi, mother teresa, mendala, etc. - they were NOT naive. they understood the choice and they choose to be virtuous.
if you dont understand the choices you have, then you are a sheep - a sheep on a good path mind you, but a sheep none the less.