Why do us guys, men, have to be perfect everything in order to get girls?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Craig Reeves said:
lol. Man I can't STAND IT when some hot girl puts a sexy pic of herself up and a whole legion of dudes tell her how "beautiful" she is....and then she puts up more and more and more and they keep coming back and telling her how hot she is. Ugh....
One night I had a few beers, I went to plenty of fish in a different city than mine, cut and paste a pic of a hot sluty Asian chick, then cut and paste anothers really bratty written profile and mashed it up into a women looking for men ad in my home city.

It was sickening and an eye opener how the men came leaping to try and get this made up character. All kids of sh1t,funny ****y, grovelling, trying to buy her stuff... made me realise though that life ain't no equal opportunity employer! We got the sh1tty end of the stick in a lot of ways.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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englishman said:
One night I had a few beers, I went to plenty of fish in a different city than mine, cut and paste a pic of a hot sluty Asian chick,...

....We got the sh1tty end of the stick in a lot of ways.
do it again with a pic of one that is ugly and then think who gets the sh1tty end of the stick


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
This is a troll thread started by a troll (initiatorhater) and bumped by the same troll on a different name (playergamehater).

Can we just put this thing out of its misery please?
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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englishman said:
One night I had a few beers, I went to plenty of fish in a different city than mine, cut and paste a pic of a hot sluty Asian chick, then cut and paste anothers really bratty written profile and mashed it up into a women looking for men ad in my home city.

It was sickening and an eye opener how the men came leaping to try and get this made up character. All kids of sh1t,funny ****y, grovelling, trying to buy her stuff... made me realise though that life ain't no equal opportunity employer! We got the sh1tty end of the stick in a lot of ways.
Thats because a lot (most) guys have no self respect and see the chick as the prize. A REAL man is the prize and will never forgo his dignity nor self respect for *****. Girls are about as dime a dozen as men are.

And when I do the online thing, if a girl has a ****ty profile, I next her immediately. Why should she put not work into making her self appealing?

Oh thats right, AFC groveling men. O wells =P


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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because I hate how women have high standards, I hate how they are instinctively programmed to want a guy with confidence


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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because every good looking girl has 5-10 guys calling and texting her to go out. she has options and can be picky while most men cannot.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2011
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DonJuan11 said:
Your logic is ridiculous.

If you WANT something from a girl, you HAVE TO give her something IN RETURN. She is not going to give you sex because you can get to Level 4 in Grand Theft Auto, she is not going to give you sex because you know how to get free porn on the Internet, she will give it up if she GETS SOMETHING OUT OF IT. Can you make her laugh? Can you stroke her ego? Can you cook like a chef? Can you give her great sex?

You have to LOOK AT IT FROM HER POINT OF VIEW. What does a girl get to be with you? To hold your hand? to hug you? to kiss you? to give sex? She gets a guy who has NO life, NO confidence, NO passion, NO ambition, NO friends, NO money, NO personality, NO looks, but can name all the best porn stars? That is NOT A GOOD TRADE FOR HER.

You wouldn't sell your car without getting something in return for it, so why would a girl give up her body without getting something in return for it?


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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DonJuan11 said:
Your logic is ridiculous.

If you WANT something from a girl, you HAVE TO give her something IN RETURN. She is not going to give you sex because you can get to Level 4 in Grand Theft Auto, she is not going to give you sex because you know how to get free porn on the Internet, she will give it up if she GETS SOMETHING OUT OF IT. Can you make her laugh? Can you stroke her ego? Can you cook like a chef? Can you give her great sex?

You have to LOOK AT IT FROM HER POINT OF VIEW. What does a girl get to be with you? To hold your hand? to hug you? to kiss you? to give sex? She gets a guy who has NO life, NO confidence, NO passion, NO ambition, NO friends, NO money, NO personality, NO looks, but can name all the best porn stars? That is NOT A GOOD TRADE FOR HER.

You wouldn't sell your car without getting something in return for it, so why would a girl give up her body without getting something in return for it?
Women want men to trade their time, money, effort, emotional energy and status for them. What do can they offer in return? Loose worn out vaginas with no walls left, other men's kids and/or STDs, emotional baggage, b!tchiness, post-menopausal sterility, physical unattractiveness. That is not a good trade.

If you want to look at it that way you may as well just pay for the pvssy and skip the bvllsh!t.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2009
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That's a misconception. We don't have to be billionaires, we don't even have to have our lives sorted out, no. Women want Men. Simple as that. Now I hear you asking, "If that's the case, then I should have the hottest blonde in my arms right now, even though I'm a loser who has nothing to do and nowhere to go in life. WHY DON'T I? WHY?" Because Women want MEN. What's a man? I don't mean today's ***** men. I mean a real man. Let's ask nature. Think back to caveman times. Back to the times of real men & women.

The women would gather, men would hunt. This is the way nature dictated. Men would go out, fight & kill beasts with their bare hands, and bring them home for dinner. Men would work their asses off, risk their lives, fight, be brutal, provide and be strong. Women would cook, gather, housekeep (or cavekeep), and take care of children. The man would select a wife (or wives) and bang the crap out of her. Did he have SoSuave? Did he have DeAngelo, Pook or Anti-Dump? No. He just was. And all the chicks knew his name.

It's simple to be a man. Do your thing, do it perfectly. Work, be strong & provide and that's it. Ever wonder how aspiring artists get laid left & right, or have a steady girlfriend who supports them no matter what, even though they're nothing great yet? It's because of their drive; of their passion. This is what the chicks get off on. Raw masculinity. Be a man, you'll get the women. It really is that easy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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we as men are pretty pathetic. we have to have thousands of books and guru's who tell us how to get women. we go on forums like this and analyze every little thing we do. no woman have to do this unless they are fat and or ugly.
Jul 3, 2011
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ChalengeGuyFan said:
1. a complete 180 may not be possible (as much as we'd like to believe it, we are not machines which we can simply rewire and change their function)

2. "given the time and sweat."
A: "YES! I am now a perfectly developed man! OOPS! I am 45, my youth is gone and the young, fresh, delicious girls that I desire hang out with the ones their age"
I call this "PUA insanity," or the point every PUA reaches where he goes insane realizing that he could have had EVERY woman from his past if he had only known how. It wasn't until I spent a year writing Bettor Off Single that I realized why I never went for relationships after "the OTL" and "Kate." I would have married...THEM. What I wouldn't do, and didn't, was settle.

It's actually more difficult for women, since looks define their value, and most women begin losing their looks at thirty or even sooner. Men at least can develop several different things, all of which will attract young, desirable women, while women have to cash in like a pro athlete.

The bigger problem is FREE AGENCY. In a world where everyone married off, the decent, average-earning beta guy usually could find a loyal, attractive wife who valued what he had to offer. Today you get these "untouchable" women who can flip on their webcam, get guys all around the world ot send them money, get jobs offered to them without even having to go out and interview, can choose men globally, and get "part of a winner" as part of some rich guy's harem at a price that will bankrupt most men out of the market, assuming she even needs money from a man, given that her "job" is likely to pay her six figures or more if she wants it.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
BettorOffSingle said:
It's actually more difficult for women, since looks define their value, and most women begin losing their looks at thirty or even sooner. Men at least can develop several different things, all of which will attract young, desirable women, while women have to cash in like a pro athlete.
I very respectfully disagree. Women don't need actual good looks (from genetics). They need simply to visit their local CVS and buy their face in the makeup section.

You see, we men do not respond to actual good looks. We respond to feminine affectations.

When we see red, painted lips, something resonates within us. Same thing for eye shadow, blush, and whatever other putty they spread on their faces. Same thing goes for clothing. Likewise, we respond to sexy outfits themselves, not nearly so much for the actual lump of flesh inside that outfit.

Even the fatties can do pretty well with many men when they paint on their face, because it is feminine affectations that actually trigger us.

All a woman has to do is paint on an artifical face and she is set. Conversely, men need to work and toil to actually build character on many fronts.

That's why it's OUR world, gentlemen. We are the rightful Kings of this planet, and women are to play a support role. That is why I am so aggressively engaged in dismantling the current feminized culture in order to restore proper balance.

I have heard it said that a woman's face is her work of fiction, while a man's face is his biography.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I agree that women do not have to be that good looking to attract men. Make up creates the illusion of beauty and health, add high heels and a flattering dress or clothes and the plain jane female has become attractive. Furthermore a woman does not even have to be attractive, made up or not, to get male attention.

How many women would be as attractive if they were working with what us men have to work with? Imagine no make up, short hair, loose clothing covering their entire body, flat heels. Most 8's or 7's would become 5's. Again even an unattractive woman can get more attention from the opposite sex than I'd say 80% of men can.

It's seems that women are able to command a guy better looking than her plus the man has to have personality she's attracted to.

My point is I don't know why some guys on here think that women have to even be good looking to get plenty of men. A tendency for beauty is a natural gift that women inherent anyway. But even an average or below female can get plenty of men that are as good or better than she is.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
You're absolutely right on all counts.

We are suckers for femininity, not specific people (the way they move, body language, curves, etc.). It is a physiological response in us.

It seems that most men are very willing to settle. I see lots of average looking guys with fat cows. Oops, excuse me, I mean "full-figured"...;)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
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Atom Smasher said:
You see, we men do not respond to actual good looks. We respond to feminine affectations.

When we see red, painted lips, something resonates within us. Same thing for eye shadow, blush, and whatever other putty they spread on their faces. Same thing goes for clothing. Likewise, we respond to sexy outfits themselves, not nearly so much for the actual lump of flesh inside that outfit.
I don't. I look for classical beauty and good facial features in my women. Lingerie or makeup doesn't really change things one way or another. I guess I'm kind of unusual in that way though.

Love Me Do

Jun 23, 2011
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Miami-Dade County, Florida
We don't.....my philosophy is work on yourself, girls next. Why wouldn't the women flock more easily once we have worked ourselves to the max? In other words we've become our best selves?


Oct 20, 2006
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Stagger Lee said:
even an average or below female can get plenty of men that are as good or better than she is.
True. Women feel entitled to men who are not only younger and prettier (than themselves), but taller (than her brothers), and wealthier (than her father). They call it finding their equal. How can they pretend to deserve such men?

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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bigneil said:
True. Women feel entitled to men who are not only younger and prettier (than themselves), but taller (than her brothers), and wealthier (than her father). They call it finding their equal. How can they pretend to deserve such men?
I figure it is from every now and then a good looking, high status and probably drunk guy hits on them or has sex with them. Add in all things feminism in this society and it is no surprise even ugly and average females think they are entitled to a guy three rungs higher than they are and will rarely accept less.

When you think about it women and society keep raising the bar for men to jump higher meanwhile lowering it for females. There are more men who are in shape and working on being attractive to females than there are females improving themselves. This makes for stiff competiton among men when you have more desirable men than women. As a man you really have to step it up to even be in the game and maybe lower your standards.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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I don't get this entire thread. I actually see the opposite all around me. Good looking and pretty decent looking girls with low quality men.

The last thing I'm seeing in guys that may be dating hot girls is any sort of perfection, thats for sure.