Why can't girls just admit that they have everything easier when it comes to dating?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I am very torn on this issue. The ease that women have it, really does bug me, but it's more of a jealousy thing. But thinking that women have it really easy, only causes me to become bitter to them. Which of course makes it even more difficult to attract somebody.

Honestly though, knowing whether or not women have it easier, doesn't make a difference at all.

The best but not the easiest way to deal with it is to raise one's own game. Which of course is much easier said than done.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Kailex said:
Imagine an UG-3 walking up to you asking you for what time it is and then proceeds to hit YOU with Neg-Hits. What then?

What then what? It wouldn't mean anything because the #1 question will still be "is she hot?" and any smooth moves she has are irrelevant.

Female game is fvcking pointless. Just don't cut your hair short and look stupid, get on the fvcking treadmill, learn to cook, and be pleasant.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
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SandHawk said:
Wow, you guys are moaning like a bunch of emo-b*tches! "Oh look at me, my life is so difficult, I have to put effort in getting a girlfriend and all they have to do is sit back!". So what? Seriously, who gives a f*ck?

Yea, we have to "work" to get poon, be interesting, be a good conversionalist, have a social life, dress well. And you know what? That makes life a whole lot more interesting than being a boring c*nt with no life at all and just wait till someone comes around and pick you up. Because I have to get my sh*t in order, I get laid more often than the average guy, but I also get ample business opportunities, get along with almost any person I come across, I have great hobbies I enjoy and on top of that, I actually feel pretty good about who I am.

Yea, life is a b*tch, and then you die. You make your own happiness. Instead of moaning like a little girl, you could go out there, stomp some dirt around and improve yourself. No, instead you go sit in a corner and moan. Man the f*ck up and deal with it. Life is going to be a lot tougher than realizing that girls have it easier than you.
What he said.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2010
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It's a double standard really.

Women KNOW they can basically ask any guy for sex and they will get it. This isn't really any new rocket science information here.

But if a guy went around asking for sex, he's labeled a "creeper" or a "perv" or "can't keep his d.ick in his pants" or "player."

Woman can also harass men at work because they know they can get away with it. if a man goes to his boss to whine about being harassed, he'll be looked down upon or even might get called "g.ay" by co-workers.

But if a man harasses a woman at work, they can cry and get all the sympathy in the world. Nobody will say "are you a lesbian?" to the girl just because she went to the boss to complain.

It's funny. Women can get sex anytime they want, can go home from work early if they cry, go to their boss if a comment is out of line, and THEY STILL find things to complain about.

But OP, your first mistake is already "liking" a hot chick just when you see her. How can you like someone you just saw? You gotta stop doing that.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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playergamehater said:
Overall, a girl can be negative everything but if she is at least very hot, good-looking, us guys will still accept her, still consider her girlfriend material.

That's what I really hate about life in general, in order for us guys to be boyfriend or relationship material, we have to have a good attitude, a positive attitude, or just overall comes down to the type of attitude we have, our way of thinking, mentality, our social skills, conversation skills, having our sh*t together, being involved with something or just having a life, be a productive person, see ourselves as an object of power, we have to walk right, stand right, sit right, talk right, think right, breathe a certain way, we have to have dreams and ambition, have a passion for something, we have to be extremely content with ourself and content, have high social status, be a fun or interesting person with a lot of hobbies and the list goes on and on.
Hell no, ONS material sure, girlfriend material no fcking way, why would I want to have something like that in my life? I´d rather have herpes than have a girlfriend like you described. The idea is to have a woman add something positive to your life, not to make your life miserable. Would you really consider having a girlfriend who seems to embody a lot of the things you despise just because she´s hot? like you seemed to infer? You either have a mental issue or are really confused to even consider that.

And all those other things you complaint about having to be and do in order to be "boyfriend material" you´re looking at it the wrong way, you do those things for you, not to present yourself to some woman.

A metaphor: you dont build a house just to get some woman to live there while you yourself hate the house (remember thats where you have to live as well), you build the house of you dreams, then you move in, then eventually some suitable female candidate to live there comes along, not the other way around. And it´s your house and your rules, if she´s not ok with that, than you find a better candidate.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
Somehow I think half the people complaining about women being able to get sex whenever they want are just KJs that are spending more time b!tching than actually going out in the world to advance themselves. I used to be like that but it doesn't help at all. It just wastes time.

Personally I think that one would be better to learn to accept and adapt to these inequities.

- comic_relief

P.S. I come down a lot harder on laziness and idiots anymore.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Girls have it easier because you have to initiate everything?
If anything, I thought initiating something would make it easier on us, because we get to CHOOSE who we want to approach. The fact that they can either accept or reject is what sets them apart.

The reason why I say women have it easier is because they always get to have the final say

Jay Dee

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
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Guys gotta remember females get pregnant and have to put up with that extra load for 9 months, they bleed every month and still live, they have the menopause to contend with later on, and worst of all they are pure emotions.

I personally as a man wouldn't want any of those on my head.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Jay Dee said:
Guys gotta remember females get pregnant and have to put up with that extra load for 9 months, they bleed every month and still live, they have the menopause to contend with later on, and worst of all they are pure emotions.

I personally as a man wouldn't want any of those on my head.

Please respond to a post within it's original context. What has a woman's anatomy got to do with her having it easier in the dating field?

The thing that boggles me about the guys who say that women choose men based if they can provide for them or not...while this is mostly the fact. Why should this even be the case when a lot of them in this day and age are educated, and some even make more money than some of us guys do. Yet a guy providing for them is their selection criteria (ok, one of them) Yet, the guys who have met that standard are still getting cheated on because while they are busy trying to maintain the material stuff that keeps the woman happy. The woman feels she's ignored and then starts looking else where. Makes me wanna screeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm, lol. Ah, what a cycle.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Kerpal said:
But why do men make it easy for them? Why did men allow it to get this way? I would argue that the basic, axiomatic rules of economics offer an explanation. If any of the following conditions were met:

1. A higher than current percentage of the world's population was female.
2. A higher than current percentage of women were very sexually attractive.
3. A lower than current percentage of men were very sexually attractive.
4. The demand by men for sex fell.
5. The demand by women for sex rose.

What would be the results? Supply and demand says that the value of attractive women would fall. In other words, men would have to put in less work to **** hot chicks.

We wouldn't have to be 6'+, muscular with 6 packs, have great social skills and a million friends, make over $250,000 a year, drive sports cars, etc. just to attract a very desirable woman. The more any one of those 4 conditions are met, the less effort men have to put in to **** hot chicks. The reasons we have to put in so much work now are:

1. There are more men than women. Naturally, without artificial interference, 105 males are born for every 100 females. And this is before artificial pre-birth gender selection, sex-selective abortion and infanticide, all of which skew the numbers even more toward a higher percentage of males.

2. There are way more very sexually attractive women than very sexually attractive men. This is why there are a few guys who **** many very attractive women, but most guys rarely get laid or settle for fat chicks.

3. Men want sex much more than women do. This is axiomatic.

If you understand basic economics then you understand why a man has to put in so much more work to have sex with a very attractive woman than a woman does to have sex with a very attractive man.
Oh my goodness, this is spot on! Your other post was spot on too Kerpal!

OP, I have to agree on some points of your post. Though I would prefer you break it into paragraphs.

Most of the time, women have the choosing power unless the guy has something major going for him such as he's worth millions.

@Sandhawk, I agree with the fact that this game is tough for guys, but guys need to get off their ass more and stop moping around. What else is there to do?

Here's my take; Most women get knocked up and have all their fun at a young age, and marry a provider. Not only that, even when a woman's in her 50's she'll still have a high market value than the average guy and if you're a lover, you can pump and dump! But if you're a beta male, she'll ask you for marriage instead of a date. AFAIC if you're wealthy, handsome, or famous, you'll have more choosing power than the average man, no doubt there.

Sadly I've seen a lot of guys fall for a woman's "Buy me a drink" line. Alpha males use witticisms and don't care if the girl's feelings get hurt.

Which brings me to another point. If a man dumps a woman, she can get another man quicker than you can turn on a Nintendo. She may cry, but 99/100 times she ain't really hurt, because she knows this power! If the guy was rich, famous, or handsome (or a combination of these), then she'll be hurt longer than normal (BTW that's less than a weed, sometimes a day), but she'll heal quicker than the average guy when he loses a girl to another guy. The guy will be hurt for a good while if he's average.

Back to the buy me a drink sh*t. Men supplicate and many do whatever to get in a woman's pants, thinking the women don't know that. If you're interesting, you won't have a lot of trouble. Make yourself interesting. And don't believe all that romance movie bullsh*t either. I've even seen some guys around Atlanta bring their moms and sisters and cousins to clubs to get girls liking them more, and it works!

Alpha male; Careless
Beta male; Careful

But guys still need to initiate! Read my sig.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
playergamehater said:
I know I am right, girls just have to look good and be hot, and then they are all set.
Thats it, that is the best response that you got? Not even going to try to make a defense of your argument?

"Oh, I know I am right that the world is flat, you can't try to disprove me because I know that you are wrong."

You can believe whatever you want, but the people that understand the game are still going to go out and get girls.

initiatorhater06 said:
Girls have it easier because you have to initiate everything?
If anything, I thought initiating something would make it easier on us, because we get to CHOOSE who we want to approach. The fact that they can either accept or reject is what sets them apart.

The reason why I say women have it easier is because they always get to have the final say
So your saying you would want to be able to leave all the work up to them? Lets say for one moment that the opposite was true and women approached all the time. Now,

Guy A: You are big, fat, and out of shape. All skinny women disregard you and all healthy women won't give you the time of day because they are after the healthy and hott males out there. You will get women with social defects talking to you all the time or the women with physical deformities. Ever notice that hot men and women seem to travel in packs?

Guy B: You are cut and muscular, you are scoring with all the hot gorgeous chicks. You stop taking care of yourself because why take care of yourself if you don't need to (number of men here who stop going to the gym once they have a girlfriend?), then you start losing your musculature and start to become flabby. Than, you can go and look at Guy A.

You would take whatever you could get because you do not have a hope of bettering yourself because everything was just handed to you on a silver platter without having to work for it. Now later on down the road, something actually challenging comes down the road how are you going to deal with it? Everything you learn on this site should eventually move your self-confidence upwards to deal with major issues. This site should not work in a continuum! It should work to enhance all areas of your life.

So did I have the same opinion as you about women at one time, yes. Do I have it anymore? HELL NO!!! Would I prefer to live in a land of theoretics where women are the ones that do the asking and we do the rejecting? HELL NO!!! I personally like the world that we currently live in other than global warming, nuclear weapons, and possibility of peak oil. It makes it more fun for a guy like me that has his sh!t together. Oh and btw I have done the entire getting pursued by women and having to reject them makes me feel like sh!t.

- comic_relief


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Your right. I've brought up to so many women about how easy they have it in the dating scene, and they all won't admit that they have the clear advantage.

What you said about attitudes is correct. A woman can have a *****y, snotty, child-like attitude, and not only will it be tolerated, she will continue to get offers and options from random guys, even know she did NOTHING to deserve.

Guys on the other hand have to have all those things you listed, and sometimes even that is not enough. Even if a guy is perfect he still won't have it as easy as even an average chick, because he will have to work for all his options and status while the woman was handed it on a silver platter.

That's why its no point in arguing this with a girl. They will never admit they have these advantages, because they want you to believe the game is fair. They want you to believe its just "you" and not society. But its not fair. The game is rigged. You can read all the PUA and Don Juan **** you want, your still climbing a 10 foot wall to get any success with these conceited *****s


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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Yup, even Ron Louis and David Copeland will admit that Dating and Relationships are not Fair either, but they say that Initiating is good in someways, they are right to some degree, but still, women have the advantage. The entire weight of the dating and relationship world rests upon us men's shoulders.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
playergamehater said:
so your saying that women have actually pursued you? literally?
Yes, women have pursued me. Are they creme-de-la-creme of the woman species? No, they are definitely not. Were a couple of them decent? some.

The others I would just reject and I did not like it or feel good about it at all.

Pook's argument said it best:
The more stuff that you do, the more attractive you become.
The more attractive you become, the more women want you.
The more more women want you, the more you have to reject.
Therefore, the more stuff you do, the more you have to reject.

Will this prove right over night? No, it will not. Notice that I have been on this web site for over 5 years. It didn't happen often until year two. At that point, I just went after the girls that interested me and got rid of the superficial hot heads from my life.

- comic_relief