Why beta males cling to Disney fairy tale LTR's


Jun 23, 2014
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Its all rolled into an LLC with multiple layers/business. Similar to what Bible Belt talked about. I asked those questions to our financial planners/attorneys. My family spends a lot of money trying to hide money. If you can figure out how to hide it from the GOVT, you can keep it from women as well.
I understand about the "legal" reduction of taxes through using various entities, but my question is during a divorce proceeding where the woman was a stay at home wife.....her attorney will argue that her marketplace skills have been destroyed over the 10 years of marriage. Most Judges would throw out the pre-nup in that situation, so were/are your attorneys able to counter this and if so....could you share how or send over some links in relation to their techniques? I would like to know personally because I never understood how they get around this.

Even when the risk is eliminated.. the question still remains.. WHAT is the point?

I'm not about living in fear. I don't avoid marriage out of fear. I avoid it because I see no logical reason to get married.
This is one MAJOR thing I agree with Poon King on. I honestly do not see what a man benefits or gains from signing a marriage contract that does not and can not come from outside of the contract.

Using the various attorneys, entities, structuring, etc., to save on taxes and boost corporate/business profits along with individual income is one thing......but to go through all of that to marry a chick that can leave you at ANY TIME for ANY or NO reason (due to the No Fault Divorce Amendment) makes no sense to me.

The only way I can see it making sense is if you come from a very strong family culture where everybody gets married, and in order to stay in the "family trust" or get the "family benefits" you too have to participate in said legal arrangement.

Other than that, I don't see what the benefits are at all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I'm not the only black man across America that continues to report the same....exact....shyt when it comes to black women.

You can go out Youtube, Facebook, Social Media, you can look in the Media, on TV shows, you can attend focus groups, etc......black men are reporting the same, exact, shyt from across the country in relation to black women and their WORSHIPPING of loser thugs like I am.

Does this mean that all black women are trash? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing at this point, I'm asking for your perspective.

If you ask why I do continue to pursue black women well it's because I'm black and prefer black women. They are more attractive to me than other races of women are.

My experience has been different. I meet women from churches, college, the gym, social events, I use online platforms, and the whole nine yards. It's very RARE for me to even find a black woman that's 28, with good finances, good education, and no kids. Very RARE.

Also when I'm dating single black mothers, 7 out of 10 of them will have a baby daddy who fits the thug, loser, deadbeat category.

Again, these aren't only my experiences, black men across America are experiencing the same, exact, shyt.
Bro it's not ALL of them. Love and hip hop and basketball wives and the such made it more socially acceptable to be rachet. So yeah, it has flourished... But there are still classy ladies out there. The problem is these guys keep chasing stripper types and actual hardened and seasoned HOEZ. All for a look.

Ask what they like in a female and it's like:

She gotta be this tall, this big boobs and this big a$$.

That's the fvcking standard for many of these men complaining. And the guy is right. College educated, degreed doesn't mean class.

Find a lady raised to have class, they exist and I know a few. They just normally don't look as slvtty as the ones being pursued

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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You can hang me for this, or think less of me but I'm going to try and shed some light on the reality of why marriage could be "LOGICAL" from my perspective. Understand that I don’t have the desire to run thru random girls anymore. A LTR is what I want but only with the absolute best girl out there. And I totally don’t see any benefit to getting married.

#1 My first wife pushed for marriage for 4years before I gave in and we dated for 6yrs previous to all that. So we were together for 10years before I agreed. I put it off for as long as I could and married for fear of losing her. In the end, I’m glad I did it. It was a really good 14yrs of my life. She was a good partner for 14 of those 15yrs together. I’m certain she would have left if I would not have married her. She was a strong/independent girl. I got lucky on this deal from the very start.
#2 Had a girlfriend I dated off/on for a 3yr time period start to push the marriage deal. I said no way and left her. She went out and found a guy to do it a year later.

#3 My latest LTR that lasted 5yrs was asking for marriage 2yrs into our relationship. I delayed it for 3yrs but i finally ran out of time and she left because I wouldn’t commit. She had never been married before so she still believed in the fantasy. It was a tough deal to see that happen. She ranked high in all the categories. We did have some issues but she worked past those and rose to the level I requested. Marriage was more of a “want” for her also pushed by outside forces which drives a lot of what women do! She was totally onboard with a prenup and wasn’t in it for money. But She did want some stability/security in her life.

My point is, these girls will leave if they don’t get what they want when its comes to marriage. Its big to them. SO, if I find a super solid girl(top 5%) that is far superior to all others that wants marriage(and they all do at some point), then the most “logical” thing I could do is keep that around. Why not, if my assets are protected and I have one of the best right in front of me then why jeopardize that? Theres only a certain type of girl I would marry. She will have her work cut out for her to get me to that point.
If we are really being “logical” here, then why would you let that go? Remember what I stated in my opening paragraph. If you don’t share the same perspective, then you likely wont see anything logical about it. It simply comes down to what you value. I value a deep connection cultivated from years of experiencing life together. I’m not signing up for your typical female. I can't get that from those types.

Theres one thing some of you that change out girls all the time need to realize at some point: You aren’t getting the highest quality, and its likely that you couldn’t put 3 of your girls together and make one good one. You constantly overlook red flags. some of you aren't even experienced enough to realize what they are but I do encourage your to learn and if that takes a bunch of girls then so be it. As a result, this effects your outlook in a negative way. Only when you make yourself a better person and start requiring far more than a fun personality and decent looks will you get better than that. But don’t sit here and complain about how women suhk when you can’t stand to go with out.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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But how can you 100% protect your assets is my question? In the Divorce Corp documentary for example, all of the attorneys said that a prenup might or might not hold up in the final Divorce Court proceedings because it truly depends upon the structure of the relationship roles throughout the marriage.

For example, if she was a housewife, her attorney could get the prenup thrown out.
Tenacity, I wouldn't ever have a housewife. I don't have kids, don't want any. If I ever get another wife, she will make the same amount of money as I do or more. She needs to have as much at stake as I do. You cut out a lot of silly games that way.

Its always the ones that have nothing, want it all, and have entitlement issues. Like the damn democratic voters and the majority of the black community looking for free handouts to keep Nookey and Spookey in a fresh pair of Nike's.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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I've dated some good looking white women, I would post some pics if I still had them to show you.
From all the pics that you had posted, you haven't dated any good-looking women--whether white or black. BUT, if you elect to dip below your level looks-wise, at least you should be dealing with high-caliber plates in the quality dept.

No insult intended, but you are dipping below your outer value, and still have poor experiences with women. What does this tell you?


Jun 23, 2014
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From all the pics that you had posted, you haven't dated any good-looking women--whether white or black.
What all pictures are you talking about? I've posted one pic of me and a girl on this site Guru. There's no way that girl I posted on a scale of 1-10 is not at least a 6 or 7. I can PM you more pics of her so you can scroll through.

I know beauty/attraction is subjective, but there's no way the chick I posted the other day isn't at least a 6. She's a solid "7" to me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
A 7 is someone who is better than roughly 70% of women out there. By that definition your girl was a 5 at best.


Jun 23, 2014
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A 7 is someone who is better than 70% of women out there. By that definition your girl was a 5 at best.
Remember on that pic I took, she had no make-up on and wasn't "fixed up". It was a pic I took at her crib late the night before. When she's fixed up she's a solid "7" in my opinion.

If you and Guru want to be tagged in PMs, I have no issue sending you more pics of her and other chicks I'm spinning. I would be interested to see how you guys rate them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
my question is during a divorce proceeding where the woman was a stay at home wife.....her attorney will argue that her marketplace skills have been destroyed over the 10 years of marriage. Most Judges would throw out the pre-nup in that situation, so were/are your attorneys able to counter this and if so....could you share how or send over some links in relation to their techniques? I would like to know personally because I never understood how they get around this.
That's the point of including alimony and agreeing to it in the prenup. Make it enough money to live off of for a year, hell maybe two years if appropriate. That's plenty of time to train in a skill and get a job. Then send her to her own lawyer to get independent advice.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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A 7 is someone who is better than roughly 70% of women out there. By that definition your girl was a 5 at best.
A 7 is pretty. Even in NYC, if I were to walk down the street, less than 1 of 10 women would be pretty.

IMO, Tenacity's girl was below average, a solid 4, three points below Tenacity.


Jun 23, 2014
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A 7 is pretty. Even in NYC, if I were to walk down the street, less than 1 of 10 women would be pretty.

IMO, Tenacity's girl was below average, a solid 4, three points below Tenacity.
I totally disagree with that and one of the things you can say about me is that I'm honest in assessment. Remember I only gave myself a solid 6.5

There's no way this girl is a 4. Now I mean, I know looks are subjective, but come on dude lol. Do you and BeTheChange want to see more pics of the chick? We can join a PM.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Spamming us with PMs until we agree your chick is a 7? The need for external validation is strong in this one...

A 7 is pretty. Even in NYC, if I were to walk down the street, less than 1 of 10 women would be pretty.

IMO, Tenacity's girl was below average, a solid 4, three points below Tenacity.
You're basically saying a 7 is a top ten per center, which I don't think is true at all. Anyway, off topic. Funny how once again this has turned into a "Crazy Tenacity and his problems" thread. I'm sure that wasn't his intention at all being the certified sosuave attention wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
I've dated some good looking white women, I would post some pics if I still had them to show you. There was just something "missing" with them, I don't know. Plus, when they took their makeup off and would wake up in the morning....those bytches looked horrible.
but were they obssessed with random thugs? were they single mothers?

if that's a no to both then that sounds like a step up to me

it kind of sounds like you're so set on dating black women that you're taking what you can get and assessing the quality of women based of of that, but if you do that, then your assessment can never be correct

for example, i can decide that the only girls I like are famous and rich, and therefore conclude that women are really fvcking hard to get when i have a 0.1% success rate

what you need to do is focus more on quality, don't be dating single mothers and wondering why they do stupid things (how else do you think they became single mothers?), don't date trashy women from the ghetto who idolize the neighborhood crack dealers and pimps, etc. it sort of defeats the purpose of dating black women if you're going to end up with low quality ones anyway

but also remember that if the "thugs" don't actually do anything dangerous and illegal(like, you can talk, dress and act like a rapper without shooting people or dealing), they don't really count as a thug, so depending on how you define thug those statistics may also be skewed.
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Jun 23, 2014
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Spamming us with PMs until we agree your chick is a 7? The need for external validation is strong in this one...
- So you and Guru state some bullshyt about my girl that's untrue.

- I "offer" to show that the bullshyt you are stating is untrue.

- And that means I'm seeking external validation?

So apparently, I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't right? If I show the truth then I'm just a bytch trying to "prove himself".....if I don't address the bullshyt you guys are saying, then that means the bullshyt you guys are saying becomes the "truth"?

Funny how once again this has turned into a "Crazy Tenacity and his problems" thread. I'm sure that wasn't his intention at all being the certified sosuave attention wh0re.
- Number one, you said you put me on Ignore, so how the fvck did I come off of it? You wouldn't know what Tenacity is posting, doing, etc., on Sosuave if you kept me on your wack a.ss Ignore List. Please add me back on it because we are never going to get along.

- Number two, you want to talk about "Crazy Tenacity and his Problems", well, are you done beating the fvck out of women yet? Are you done going to jail and getting a RECORD for beating the fvck out of chicks? That's fvcking sick and any man that beats a chick like you did is a COWARD in my book. Have you ever beat the fvck out of a man like that? I highly doubt it.

- Number three, I don't hijack threads, I respond to the god damn topic (like I did in this one discussing Poon King's commentary on hypergamy) and idiots like you, deesade, and others FOLLOW me from thread to thread talking about "my issues" that I posted in my Anger Journal that have not a god damn thing to do with this topic.

- So BeTheChange, I'm asking you, put me BACK on your wack a.ss Ignore Lists. You woman beating coward.
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Jun 23, 2014
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it kind of sounds like you're so set on dating black women that you're taking what you can get and assessing the quality of women based of of that, but if you do that, then your assessment can never be correct
See here's the thing....and firstly I want to remind you while we are having this convo. It's in relation to this topic because it's about Poon King's commentary on hypergamy and my theory that hypergamy isn't being practiced in the "traditional definition sense" by many women in the market.

The black community is pretty much operated and ran based on cultural foundations. Bottom line, Black America for the most part (even though we are spread out everywhere) pretty much operates in groups:

- We vote 90% plus for one party (Democrats)
- Back in the 70's we all wore afros
- Back in the 80's we all wore jeri curls

The "thug culture" shyt is a foundation within the Black Community where BLACK MASCULINITY is tied to being "hood" or having "hood characteristics" in some form or matter. What I'm saying is that a guy can have thug or "hood" characteristics in the black community, and have a master's degree with a corporate job.

The issue I'm pointing out is that within this "thug culture", you have different levels to it. You have a guy that can be rough around the edges (like I am) but not a deadbeat, drop out, in and out of jail, bum, loser. Then of course, you can have the deadbeat, bum, loser.

A part of this "thug culture" in the black community is also a very large MATRIARCHY, where pretty much black women RUN the black community. It's why I said the all out Poon King Alpha Male shyt does not work on black women in mass, because black women pretty much RUN the black community.

Thus, you have a situation where black women will deliberately screw up a relationship with "Tenacity" to DATE DOWN by picking a black man that's a deadbeat/bum, just so she can run the show.

Now you are saying you don't experience this, I can post you various links, Youtube channels, groups, and information on guys I've been networking with from across the country who are reporting this very same thing.

The reason I'm bringing this up is solely in relation to Poon King's theory on hypergamy. That's the only reason I'm bringing this to light because if Poon King is promoting hypergamy, that shyt is not taking place in the black community, it has to only be taking place in the upper middle - higher WHITE social classes.

Hypergamy isn't even happening in mass in the black middle and upper class anymore.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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I never "beat the crap out of a women". I lost my cool. It was the BPD ex that decided to spin in an attempt to destory me. Very different story. If I had done any real physical damage to this girl I wouldn't have got off with nothing but a police caution. Nor would she have come back after. Fabricating stories won't save you bro. Everyone here knows you're a joke.

And FWIW, you are still on my ignore list. I noticed this thread getting derailed and wondered why. Now I have the answer.

And regarding the pic of your woman. Bro you posted it to "prove" your game. I looked. Saw an overweight chick who wasn't pretty at all (in my opinion and from what I'm used to). And gave my opinion. Now you're angry.

I honestly don't get why the mods haven't banned you yet. You bring zero value to this forum and simply derail otherwise interesting dicussions to put the focus on you time and time again. How is this not trolling and attention wh0ring at its worst? It's a joke.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I never "beat the crap out of a women". I lost my cool. Very different story. If I had done any real physical damage to this girl I wouldn't have got off with nothing but a police caution. Nor would she have come back after. Fabricating stories won't save you bro. Everyone here knows you're a joke.

And FWIW, you are still on my ignore list. I noticed this thread getting derailed and wondered why. Now we know.

And regarding the pic of your woman. Bro you posted it to "prove" your game. I looked. Saw an overweight chick who wasn't pretty at all (in my opinion and from what I'm used to). And gave my opinion. Now you're angry.
That girl was NOT overweight AT ALL....and you fvcking know it. She wasn't even "fat" AT ALL.

AT this point I'm asking you to add me back to your Ignore List, stop following me around in threads, and stop responding to me. Either you do that or I can report to the Moderators. I'm done. This childish bickering gets on my fvcking nerves. I can't even have a god damn debate about a TOPIC on this forum, without idiots like YOU following me around looking to start a flame.



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Projection at its finest. Everyone knows your sole purpose is to derail threads in order to place the focus on you under the guise of "debate". Now someone has called you out and you're having one of your rage episodes.

She was fat mate. If you're so secure in your belief about her quality then why do you care what I or anyone else thinks?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Projection at its finest. Everyone knows your sole purpose is to derail threads to.place the focus on you under the guise of "debate".

She was fat mate. If you're so secure in your belief about her quality then why do you care what I or anyone else thinks?
This guy just won't stop..........and by that logic/rationale, if you're not a woman beater (which you are), then why do you care that I think you're a woman beater?

Just stop.....
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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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This thread has reached full retardation. Tenacity you are NOT the ultimate authority on the "black community" and how it functions. Ok?

No one agrees with you. Hypergamy is real. Trashy black women don't have the options to engage in it. TRASHY black women like thugs and criminals. We have established that. So shut the f*ck up and get lost.

Detroit ghetto culture does not represent that entire "U.S. market" genius.