Oh come on. Maybe they just need a hug... at $10-20 for three minutes, lol
It's a big bad world out there. I'm not disagreeing with your analysis of the admittedly whiny manosphere... but the whining, sour grapes etc. is more of a coping mechanism for guys who need an outlet. Like you said, happy guys don't complain as much. So maybe you should be shining a light to a better dating life for the hapless, instead of cursing the darkness? You're not going to help anyone in your ivory tower.
SS is not the origin of misogyny, people get frustrated in real life and then look online for explanations. I learned about this site in the great epidemic of everyone dating women with BPD tendencies back in 2008-2009. I remember getting chased down the street at night by my psycho girlfriend BEFORE I went looking online for answers. I wasn't poking around on the net first. PUA sites, blogs etc. might supply a narrative but the emotional need FOR a narrative didn't evolve FROM reading blogs and such. It comes from the raw emotional side of real life, ie. rejection, separation, divorce trauma, whatever. You aren't going to change minds because you're confusing cause and effect, and that's why nobody is taking you very seriously.
Avoid the knee-jerk reaction, and think about what provokes these threads instead... any poster around here is pretty much inured to any ridiculous anti-woman post. Haven't you ever felt like calling a woman a b!tch, even when you knew it was just because she wasn't doing what you wanted? Nobody's going to get upset someone was called a b!tch because everyone already understands the mechanism underneath, and in general the guys here look out for each other (because in general, women don't).
If you had a friend who went through a ugly breakup, then wrote a blog post about "how all men are pigs!", and then some stranger showed up to contest her viewpoint and call her names... would that stranger be noble and enlightened, or merely misguided and irritating? Misogyny is wrong but still, get off your high horse mate. I'm not saying that to you out of hostility.