Why are women exempt from consequences?


New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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I've been reading this thread from the beginning and actually feel sorry for the embittered men that have hopelessly tried to defend themselves and circumvent accountability for their words.

If you go on a site where men stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated you're going to be arguing with men that stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated. Didn't one of these guys go to jail in Oregon recently for shooting a woman? Those are the kind of guys you're talking to. Date rapists, convicts, George Sodini type of men.

I don't know why it's any surprise that you're dealing with the lowest form of "men" men that will resort to any last ditch effort to defend their beliefs including calling anyone who disagrees with them a woman which is sexist in and of itself.

You're dealing with men who've had a number done on them by women and have reached the point of no return. In the words of one of their posters, they had it out for women long before they found this site.

You have to understand where they're coming from. Deep down they're little boys that thought love was like Disney, went into the real world and found out that women are flawed people just like men and decided to passive-aggressively argue with similar-minded folk on a website.

While most men were smart enough to know the truth to begin with or quickly adapted, these men chose to dedicate their life's work to taking out their frustrations on a gender that has rejected them their whole lives.

It's kind of cute really that some of these guys are in their 40s or 50s still have an agenda because that hot girl wouldn't pay attention to them in their 20s. These men are very fragile and all they have is this site and will do absolutely anything to defend it. Don't badmouth them like they do women, rather sympathize with them and what they've been through.


Nov 4, 2010
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vershin said:
I've been reading this thread from the beginning and actually feel sorry for the embittered men that have hopelessly tried to defend themselves and circumvent accountability for their words.

If you go on a site where men stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated you're going to be arguing with men that stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated. Didn't one of these guys go to jail in Oregon recently for shooting a woman? Those are the kind of guys you're talking to. Date rapists, convicts, George Sodini type of men.

I don't know why it's any surprise that you're dealing with the lowest form of "men" men that will resort to any last ditch effort to defend their beliefs including calling anyone who disagrees with them a woman which is sexist in and of itself.

You're dealing with men who've had a number done on them by women and have reached the point of no return. In the words of one of their posters, they had it out for women long before they found this site.

You have to understand where they're coming from. Deep down they're little boys that thought love was like Disney, went into the real world and found out that women are flawed people just like men and decided to passive-aggressively argue with similar-minded folk on a website.

While most men were smart enough to know the truth to begin with or quickly adapted, these men chose to dedicate their life's work to taking out their frustrations on a gender that has rejected them their whole lives.

It's kind of cute really that some of these guys are in their 40s or 50s still have an agenda because that hot girl wouldn't pay attention to them in their 20s. These men are very fragile and all they have is this site and will do absolutely anything to defend it. Don't badmouth them like they do women, rather sympathize with them and what they've been through.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
vershin said:
I've been reading this thread from the beginning and actually feel sorry for the embittered men that have hopelessly tried to defend themselves and circumvent accountability for their words.

Wait wait wait...

Carnivale's first post in this thread was some whining about how we don't know what it feels like to carry a baby in our womb for 9 months.

Brainsickirishman's first post in this thread was just a string of insults....and he's done nothing but follow that up with MORE insults...

And I repeat, these were their FIRST posts in the thread. So it's not like they were defending themselves or provoked.

But somehow the OTHER people in this thread are bad.

I mean, I assume all 3 of you are related, or the same person, or linked here from the same site. Because this conversation isn't even that interesting, but it's drawn attention from 3 "new posters" who all think alike.

Either way, it's not like your two buddies who you're sticking up for have made a strong argument for themselves. They're just throwing insults at people who visit this site, with no real goal in mind, other than insulting people.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
vershin said:
I've been reading this thread from the beginning and actually feel sorry for the embittered men that have hopelessly tried to defend themselves and circumvent accountability for their words.

If you go on a site where men stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated you're going to be arguing with men that stink with women and are upset because of the way they've been treated. Didn't one of these guys go to jail in Oregon recently for shooting a woman? Those are the kind of guys you're talking to. Date rapists, convicts, George Sodini type of men.

I don't know why it's any surprise that you're dealing with the lowest form of "men" men that will resort to any last ditch effort to defend their beliefs including calling anyone who disagrees with them a woman which is sexist in and of itself.

You're dealing with men who've had a number done on them by women and have reached the point of no return. In the words of one of their posters, they had it out for women long before they found this site.

You have to understand where they're coming from. Deep down they're little boys that thought love was like Disney, went into the real world and found out that women are flawed people just like men and decided to passive-aggressively argue with similar-minded folk on a website.

While most men were smart enough to know the truth to begin with or quickly adapted, these men chose to dedicate their life's work to taking out their frustrations on a gender that has rejected them their whole lives.

It's kind of cute really that some of these guys are in their 40s or 50s still have an agenda because that hot girl wouldn't pay attention to them in their 20s. These men are very fragile and all they have is this site and will do absolutely anything to defend it. Don't badmouth them like they do women, rather sympathize with them and what they've been through.
Interesting post. There's been a lot of studies done on what denying affection to primate babies does to them -- here's an example:

Harlow said:
Early in our investigation we had segregated four infant monkeys as a general control group, denying them physical contact either with a mother surrogate or with other monkeys. After about eight months we placed them in cages with access to both cloth and wire mothers. . . .

In the open-field test these “orphan” monkeys derived far less assurance from the cloth mothers than did the other infants. The deprivation of physical contact during their first eight months had plainly affected the capacity of these infants to develop the full and normal pattern of affection. . . . The long period of maternal deprivation had evidently left them incapable of forming a lasting affectional tie. . . .
Rationalizing why you're miserable is a coping strategy, isn't it? And that's why it's so crucially important to AVOID the misogynist 'sour grapes' angle... it doesn't even matter if it's true, what matters is the effect it has on you. Anyone who has a history of failure with women is behind the 8-ball and is going to have to fight very hard to catch up... getting sucked into gender politics, KBJ theory, etc is disastrous because it stunts development. Yes, it's important to knock women off their pedestal (or at least raise yourself to the same level), but it's vitally important to EMPOWER yourself to take what's good in life, not find coping strategies to make living a life devoid of love and affection bearable. It SHOULD be unbearable. This happens in more areas than life than just dating -- it's a pattern where people believe enough knowledge can eliminate risk and pain, which simply isn't true.

In short, there are 2 main angles on this site for the guys with f*d up lives. 1) Unfvck your head and lifestyle so you can be attractive; 2) sack up, start talking to women, and don't get fvcked up by how some will behave towards you. The more painful your initial experiences, the longer this road is going to be.

Nobody who's been around here a while will take these attacks too seriously. Becoming good with women, even ONE woman (which many shocked observers here forget) is IMPORTANT. This is the core function of all life which reproduces sexually, to deny that is not understanding your essential human nature. Women don't face the same issues and will not usually understand... they just see unhappy guys struggling, and most women will avoid, despise, or mock that kind of individual. What this site is, is a tool for metamorphosis into a happy, actuated human being. Which makes it ridiculous when people come onto here and attack this site because there are some catepillars here who got stuck... they miss the point. The purpose of SS is to evolve into a butterfly. The vast majority of posters don't forget this, and once women stop denying you love, affection, and happiness, why would you hate them?

Women have themselves, their friends, the vast majority of men, and the state to protect them. Do we really need your heroics here to prevent guys from unloading their frustrations harmlessly into cyberspace? This site in no way endangers women. Wake up. Persecuting someone else for their beliefs, be it racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. is still bad form... present your alternatives, be polite about it, and let the educated decide. This site is not about censorship and I will support the right of anyone to say anything they want, even I don't agree with it. Including misogynists and racists because I believe in free speech, not a world free from hurt feelings.

But this is all white noise, what happens is the forum gets bitter, it gets cleaned out, it's all happiness and light for a while, then it cycles again. There's no enlightenment in this thread for the forum vets.... for the newbies, it's just a lesson on why it's important to keep growing and never plateau out.

I consider that the last word and will no longer respond to this thread, it's an embarassment to this sub-forum.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Burroughs said:
Take notice men.

Our resident female troll provides a fine example of the lack of female accountability....they will literally say any trash that comes to mind to feed their egos even (especially) in the face of stone cold logic.

she has made my original point exceedingly well...

the original post: The interesting thing about women becoming increasingly exempt from consequences is that it is precisely this that keeps them so far behind men in terms of achievement and contributing to civilization. Men’s greatness isn’t derived from being leaders, board directors, scientists etc – it comes from them being held accountable for their actions. Without this, nothing great is possible. Yet women, especially feminists, shrink from this almost violently. It’s very easy to come to the conclusion that women’s advocates haven’t really been interested in rising to become men’s equals, but have instead only formulated ways of securing status and wealth for themselves.

Since women have never needed to prove themselves in any way other than to bear children, it’s arguable that it will be forever thus. They may well have hitched a ride out of the jungle on the backs of men’s ingenuity – there was never any evolutionary necessity for them to rise above their primal state. If this is the cold reality of it, then by admitting them into all ranks of life, our future is very bleak indeed.
My apologies if they are, but are they your own words? I've seen that somewhere else. It's an excellent post btw.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Wait Out, you're a genius. Awesome post.