Why are there so many dudes in the PUA/Game community that don't have their sh*t together?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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That is true, and I thought this was implied. However dealing with rejections of all sorts is easier when other things are in place.

Also, women can sniff out if a man is socially adjusted, which comes from having people in one’s life.

That’s my take, and I think it’s reasonable. What I’m seeing repeatedly on here are womanless men whose condition is one of a cluster of social problems, with a primary culprit being isolation generally.

Have you noticed the so-called slayers on this forum are 40 to 60 years old? Upon realizing this when I first got here, I was astonished. I mean, wouldn’t a seduction forum have mostly young-dumb-full-of-cvm men in the 20s succeeding? My astonishment soon went away when I figured that Gen Z men are alienated, feminized, confused, and raised by women (even if there are men in the homes) or in basket case households, and with fractured families. Hence the lack of social success generally.

Again, my two cents.
Gen-Z is totally a Lost Generation - and we've had some true horror from the Losties of the late 19th Century. Their lostness stemmed from the social change of farmers moving to the city, and of course WW1. Of course, the social change of the New Lost Generation is the complete collapse of intersexual relations.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Gen-Z is totally a Lost Generation - and we've had some true horror from the Losties of the late 19th Century. Their lostness stemmed from the social change of farmers moving to the city, and of course WW1. Of course, the social change of the New Lost Generation is the complete collapse of intersexual relations.
Gen Y/Millennials have often been called a lost generation too. The Atlantic did a big article in 2020 about why the Millennials have been a lost generation. No generation had it worse in the Great Recession than the Millennials. A good portion of Boomers were on the verge of retirement when 2008 hit. Generation X was more established in their careers. The youngest workers and new graduate Millennials bore the brunt of the Great Recession. Generation Z was too young to be in the workforce for the Great Recession.

The collapse of intersexual relations started during the Millennial generation.

I see Generation Z as continuing many trends that became evident with Millennials.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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I can't imagine that a multimillionaire would do many of the typical daygame approach venues. I don't envision them doing sessions at the mall and likely not outdoors either (street, park, path).

For conventional dating, this is what I can imagine that a multimillionaire with his stuff together in life would do.

I could imagine a multimillionaire approaching at a high end gym like Equinox (either on the general gym floor or in a class) since he's likely already there.

A multimillionaire might own a boat/yacht which might be enough to attract many women to it.

He might also have some decent social circle options or high end nightlife venue type options. Some might also swipe on The League or Raya.

When comparing non-bar approaching (daygame) to bar approaching (night game) to tech-based (swipe apps and social media DMs), there are advantages and disadvantages.

Daygame does offer the advantage of being in front of someone in real life right away. That's not offered in tech-based. Meeting someone in a daygame setting for an initial approach is a truer representation of who they actually are as compared to later night (9-10 PM or later) approaches at a bar. The person you meet at 10:30 PM at a bar might be a different person on some one-on-one date at an earlier hour and in a different venue in the future. Bar approaching (especially later night bar approaching) isn't the best for setting up compatible dates that can turn into something longer term.

As for time consuming, tech-based is probably the most time consuming though it offers an illusion of convenience since you are often sitting at home looking unpresentable while doing it. People have always like not having to get dressed up and look presentable to do swiping and texting. Daygame feels time consuming because you have to leave home and go to the daygame venue to do the approaches. Night game also has that same time consuming feeling.
Well in London if you own a house in a decent location you are a nearly on the cusp of a net worth above $1mil so technically you can be a multi millionare net worth by own a property in a decent location - i've gamed with $2-3 million net worth individuals a lot of them had blow out rates roughly the same as beginner or mid tier pick up artists but the were able to hold stronger relationships long term probably due to their financial worth - i don't think "daygame" is above anyone i know a lot of high value people who've done it. Also in wealthy cities most girls don't give a **** from my personal experience the only times women cared about my net worth was when i was gaming in areas like China or Dubai.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I was thinking about this thread, I have a buddy whom I know (not a PUA guy) who I talk about a lot 35, white guy, average built, about 6'6, smokes weed ligves wi
Gen-Z is totally a Lost Generation - and we've had some true horror from the Losties of the late 19th Century. Their lostness stemmed from the social change of farmers moving to the city, and of course WW1. Of course, the social change of the New Lost Generation is the complete collapse of intersexual relations.
For Gen-Z the bar is extremely high if they want to date beautiful women yet it's also low. If you're a Gen-Z guy I'm talking (21-28) and you have your own car, place and a decent job where you able to put 10% of your money away into savings you're easily in the top 30% just of that alone. Lot of these guys still live at home, or don't have a car or job or all three.

Gen-z women have crazy standards yes but those standards go out the window in the real world especially if she likes you. IMO Gen-Z women are the easiest to bed if they like you, the only other group I can think of that's as easy is 40+ year old women. The problem the average Gen-Z guy runs into is lack of self-esteem, confidence and not having a job, car and living at home adds to this.

Lot of Gen-Z guys overweight and so are Gen-Z women. The last Gen-Z girl I dated was a couple months ago she was 21, It wasn't that hard at all to smash


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I was thinking about this thread, I have a buddy whom I know (not a PUA guy) who I talk about a lot 35, white guy, average built, about 6'6, smokes weed ligves wi

For Gen-Z the bar is extremely high if they want to date beautiful women yet it's also low. If you're a Gen-Z guy I'm talking (21-28) and you have your own car, place and a decent job where you able to put 10% of your money away into savings you're easily in the top 30% just of that alone. Lot of these guys still live at home, or don't have a car or job or all three.

Gen-z women have crazy standards yes but those standards go out the window in the real world especially if she likes you. IMO Gen-Z women are the easiest to bed if they like you, the only other group I can think of that's as easy is 40+ year old women. The problem the average Gen-Z guy runs into is lack of self-esteem, confidence and not having a job, car and living at home adds to this.

Lot of Gen-Z guys overweight and so are Gen-Z women. The last Gen-Z girl I dated was a couple months ago she was 21, It wasn't that hard at all to smash
I live by myself and sock 9% (pretty close to 10%) of my income into a 401k.

I also sock 450/month into a high interest savings account.

One thing I'm lacking is that I don't own a car.

Still, my responsible financial choices unfortunately haven't gotten me much luck.

One thing I'm intrigued to hear is your claim that 40+ broads are easy (that's my preference)


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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A woman like that could be approached at a non-bar venue, which is daygame. She may or may not be responsive.

Indirect game might work better than more direct game. I'm thinking you think lewd PUA is more direct game.
Liam Mcrae - James Marshall's main employee married a model from daygame -they are married now and the proof is pretty clear on instagram.

Paul Janka also is married with a kid from daygame so there are definitely success stories from it . I have personally been in an ltr off a woman from daygame and definition im a high net worth individual and know others who've done daygame

people who hate on daygame are just cowards imo who have too much ego to put their balls on the line - it works in the right context. But of course most of the time it doesn't and once you assertain a certain level of smv its all about percentages and volume. Liam said this in his last book that "volume" was the key to his success and even went about listing 20 bad dates he went on in the space of 3 months- this is coming from a guy who's now married a model from daygame (bearing in mind he stopped coaching around 2018)

but for every success there are failures and it has to be said the failures are what are made examples of more than successes on here so to speak. There's threads about Tom Torero's suicide but nothing to celebrate Liam or Paul's marriage? Is there a bias agenda? Puas are looked on as losers but in my 4 years of doing daygame i saw a good quantity of successes on the field but those are seemingly rarely discussed on here? Is it an ego thing i wonder?

Of course with marriage now the divorce rate is 50 percent so no wonder Krausser, Torero, James Marshall , Mystery all had to deal with it statistically you were bound to get at least some pua coaches having to contend with failures but lots of people have countless failiures with dating i know succesful lawyers, engineers, doctors who've dealt with brutal divorces some of whom have lost $ millions in the process - i'd rather be a loser running around approaching women than some guy losing half his house and watching another man take his kids while pummelling his ex wife the latter is 100 times worse lol .



Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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Not sure what race has to do with this, sounds to me like you're using it as an excuse for lack of success or trying to cope, but I'll play your game., I'm a black guy in a mostly white state (78%) and I have dealt with those "bougie white women"and educated white women etc that you're talking about. I would say that 90% of the white women I deal with tend to have Bachelor's or Master's degrees. There is nothing special about them, matter fact those women are the easiest to get if you're willing to deal with their bull****. The secret to dealing with these women is simple you have to have higher value in her mind compared to hers. Most white women won't date a black men even in 2024 so my pool is far smaller compared to yours(since there aren't a lot of black women in my state). However, as recently as last month I had 3 plates now down to 2(Both have Bachelor's degrees). If a woman perceives your value is lower she will treat you as such. However, I will say that most of them are not girlfriend material they are insufferable, shallow and narcissistic. I'm noticing a pattern with your post that they always talk about the impossibility of getting these chicks instead of the probability or better yet solutions. Just because you're not having success with them and limited with your belfies doesn't mean this is the absolute truth for everyone.

Having your stuff together does help sorrfy SW15 but you're wrong and clearly you're struggling with those types. Even when I was broke I was dealing with those types of women, I would even say as a black man it should be harder for me to get these women then it is for you as you are white. It is what it it is.
I grew up in London but the majority of my wingmen were from Pakistani, Afghans, Indian, North African (Ghana , Nigeria) , Middle East , Eastern Europe myself of Iranian ancestry like Roosh

Definitely we faced some pullback and blowouts due to our race and ethnicities at some stage but i still saw ethnic minorities with positive attitudes and strong work ethics crush it - again maybe the ethnic minorities had to work a little bit harder than the "White" daygamers but honestly a lot of them had roughly the same lay counts as the white ones by the end of it. Certianly in the london daygame meetups ran by Torero the majority of participants were ethnic minorities this maybe due to their lack of integration into society my family came to the country in the 1990s and made little effort to integrate or be social chosing to only be friends with their same ethnicities - this affecting me very badly when it came to socialisation and making new friendships - pua and daygame allowd me to interact with 30-40 different ethnicities over a period of months - it taught me to be more adaptable in social situations something that nightgame and online game failed to do and when i was brought up between 11-21 i was dealing with roughly the same type of social group during that entire period