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Why are guys buying into Hollywood fairy tales?

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Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Sazuki, A-Unit,

When does an individual take responsibility for its own actions and destiny?

Although born in a bias world, do you continue to suffer in silence or work to free yourself?

Once you overcome basic ignorance and seek the answers for the nagging feelings in your gut, do you stop because the task becomes too daunting?

Like my grandmother said "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

I choose freedom and will do my best in my lifetime to free others that want to be free.




Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

How do we know reality?

Reality, as it comes to the human being, or a Superior Being, Being Human, comes during youth from your family. Around 5 or 6, most kids end up in school. DEPENDING on your parents, DETERMINES your exposure to OTHER agendas, namely home school versus public, magazines, books, movies, TV, video games, the internet, porn, etc. ALOT factors into this, INITIALLY. ALOT of it is diffusion of personal energy. A young kid, teen, etc, comes to BELIEVE that they don't own their life. That they are not, infact, unique, or spiritual. Instead, it's replaced by the belief they live for their family, the country they're born in, the state, the town, the nationality, and so forth.

So LET's subtract OUT what is just cover. UNDERNEATH all that, behind closed doors, with all sorts of technology OFF, meditate. There's an energy. A Person. A Being. No bias. No malice. No sense of Ego. Just, energy. Perhaps, total happiness. I believe that's MOST of what we are, but when you COVER up and PILE all the other social stuff, it's a total diffusion of WHO you are, and WHAT you feel like.

MOST guys have a deep center of empowerment, but the energy is weak. And in the face of adversity, until it is stronger, they faulter.

Is Hollywood a Sham?

Absolutely. I wouldn't just USE hollywood as that piece, but the MEDIA in total. I don't BLAME the media or the person who's "awakened" and see's it for what it is. I do think they effect society in ways NOBODY gets. And NOBODY questions.

Why does an AFC buy it?

Because...he wants to BUY something. He's been beaten into submission, possibly from a strong mother / weak father, from schooling (which is it's first and foremost intention), from his part-time job, and religion. He gets a sense that, WHAT he feels, is probably NOT in line with what EVERYBODY else says is right. It's like an OOZE that's creeped over time into every orfice of life.


Case in point...the mass public education system as we know it NOW has taken 500+ years to create. Originally, it hails from Prussia, in a country that suffered a CATASTROPHIC military loss and wanted to create a STRONG, POWERFUL, RICH nation. They realized, that their troops, most of which were young, were very "FREE THINKING" "INDEPENDENT" and "DISORGANIZED." To effectively create a MASS army, one has to break the soldiers in YOUNG. Otherwise a FREE THINKER won't make a good solider. A good solider MUST follow orders. In turn, Prussia sacrificed EVERYTHING to create a big army, even forcing people to live below their means by yanking high taxes to fund such projects.

Eventually, they did so, and it began by FORCING school upon young kids, breaking them down, making them similar, getting them to fall in line earlier, stay in line, listen to authority, not break procedure, etc.

When they did this PRUSSIA dominated the East. ALL of EUROPE and soon a Fledgling America would see this. For a century, investigators were sent to observe this WHOLE system. It didn't take at first, because the Premise of America was ORIGINALLY for freedom. One small problem. Those who STARTED America were wealthy landowners. THEY had the greatest interest in protecting it. THEY saw the potential (the rich) in KEEPING America that way, because the Government was such that the RICH could get RICH. The Forefathers HAD no king. So it was in their best interest to defeat Britain, and install some kind of bureacracy/hierarchy that would ensure their position was kept. Even then, the poor/middle class fought the war on behalf of the wealthy landowners who directly OR indirectly fund social issues for their OWN benefit.

During the times of Carnegie and Rockefellar, they KNEW that a society of FREE entrepreneurs would hurt the WHOLE country and LEAD to OVER PRODUCTION, DEFLATION, and an UN-United country. They saw the GRAND vision being the WHOLE production of the country VERSUS the world, RATHER than small independent shops AS it was. That, my friends, began with the discovery coal. It was the first MAJOR natural resource, which just was "there". In effect, you didn't have to do much to get it, and it had MUCH possibility. But the wealthy investors NEEDED hoards of 'soldiers' WILLING to mine for it, despite the risks, so that they could fulfill their grand vision for America. If the country was full of Entrepreneurs, then they wouldn't get the workers OR consumers needed to make this happen.

In walks forced schooling. It didn't take well at first, because the PEOPLE fought to keep autonomy. They wanted control over their kids, their jobs, their schooling, WHAT their kids learned, and who had say and sway in their lives. In effect, EACH family was an independent unit, UNSWAY by popular opinions. Religious diversity was the namesake, and people SCHOOLED their own kids. Why? Because BACK then, parents wanted kids to learn what they parents and THEN some. TO pass down family traditions. To become what they are. Back then, the family felt nobody else was better fit to teach their kids BUT THEIR OWN BLOOD.

It took time to get the forced schooling put in place. It TOOK much investment (think Carnegie and Rockefellar). It began with only 4 years, and most kids would skip, then expanded. Eventually it ended up WHERE we are now. 180 days, 7AM to 3PM. Why did forced schooling occur?

To pry kids from their family. The unit inspired kids to FREE think, to be different from OTHER kids, to learn young and apprentice early. They had FREE spirits to learn, explore, and grow. Within the family unit, they couldn't BE given beliefs. Moreover, AWAY from the family unit, a child has a void, unless parental involvement is HIGH. He/She is empty.

It's cold. Even NOW, the AFC mentality hails from this lack. This Gap. Kids get separated EARLY from their parents. Were they to stay and learn and grow WITH dad and mom, life would be VERY different from how it is.

DAD is the guy confers your APPOINTMENT to the manhood club, ASSUMING, he's a good guy. If he's a criminal, you'll be like him, or you'll be like your mom, most likely, until you gain maturity to exercise FREE will. DAD is the first guy saying "yes son, you're a man like me."

THAT is why he's so KEY to families. He says to the daughter "men are good, find one like me." But without THAT touch, that quality, what do you KNOW of men? What do you know of BEING that which you are? It's that touch.


Society the media and the like, INFLUENCE kids BECAUSE they're not influenced BY their parents. PART of it is the fact parents do not PUSH and INVADE enough, and part of it is they cannot. Too easily can kids run to the cops for being hit, which is only NORMAL to spank or hit boys, and even girls. It's not like you can LOGICALLY talk to a 5 year old, can you?

Even right now, 3 of my young male cousins cause a RUCKOUS, and my now divorced uncle CANNOT hit or spank them because they've gone to the cops. The children are basically PROTECTED by the state, which is something INSTITUTED by the US, as their message is "the kids are on LOAN to the parents, they're protected by the state like a benevolent father would." And it's true, my uncle can't PROPERLY raise his kids, because of the whole CULTURE movement that physical spanking is bad!

I agree, BEATING children is wrong, but guys and girls have butts that are MEANT for spanking. Talk to any elderly person, and they'll tell it's TOTALLY wrong that parents can't, and I 100% believe that, because you can't LOGIC out boys who are so riled up, and if you fear reprisal from the state, attorneys, or the police, what's a family to do??

So if PARENTS are not invading and bestowing BELIEFS, then who is?

The media, religion, society, the government. EVERYBODY but the person themselve and the family unit. EVERYBODY else.

Look at myspace any time. Every girl is a clone. SUPPOSEDLY she's this FREE thinking, WILD, BYTCH. WOW, great. JUST WHY I like women, because they're bytchy. SO HOT. They're not sat down by their mother's, or their father's and told to ACT right, have respect, KNOW who they are. GIRLS are not these hoochie *****s that genetics and genes want you to belief. No more than guys are these aceholes jerks who beat women. THE WRONG images are portrayed in pictures SO that people develop a BIAS against it.

Second case in point...

Do you POT wasn't illegal? In fact, it was dubbed a "miracle" plant. Yes, hemp was a wonder plant. Smoking it was a very SMALL part to it. The MAJOR parts are what it did for the paper industry, clothing industry, drugs, health, home, and chemical industries. No need for plastics, paper, oils, or denim. Yet, MAJOR wealth partners in paper saw the DANGER in having independent people grow this wonder plant. SO, a movie was spun which demonstrated the NASTY, AGGRESSIVE effects of a drug called "marihuana", now know as Marijuana. Also know as POT, or HEMP. EASILY, the public was swayed out of fear, and before anyone realized, HEMP was demonized and thereby outlawed. MANY medical researchers had sought to strike down the law criminalizing it, but they hadn't realized the slight of hand that called HEMP, marihuana.

Check it out, ALL TRUE. That's just one piece.

ONCE you get ABOVE all this, you can live. You can SHED everything you THOUGHT you knew. But until you do, life's hard in the system.

The Movie the "matrix" was meant to take ON MANY, MANY means. What it most importantly conveyed was SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT can CONFINE potential. It was systems of thought that THRUST the humans into grips of the MATRIX to begin with in the Animatrix. It was then THOUGHT that kept them trapped. And it was a THOUGHT system which eluded Neo for awhile until he grasped his TRUE power.

A-Unit cont'd


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Systems of THOUGHT, as realized by early aristocrats, confine human beings potential. In fact, it's the ONLY thing binding us. It's what binds us to 1 specific religion, 1 state, 1 government, spending our money, meeting a woman, and so on and so forth.

I've been reading Warren Buffet's autobiography. Talk about a NON-conventional elite figure. He FEARS leaving his sole wealth to his kids because he does not think STATUS should be given because you're LUCK to come out of the RIGHT womb. Interesting thought. Finally someone rich has it. And that's my point. The wealth passed down to people who ARE NOT listed in Forbes is IMMENSE. They endow money into social projects which WE see as beneficial, but remain to be for OTHER purposes.

Troubling about Buffet is he believe in population control, and has constantly funded abortion clinics or family planning clinics, parenthood clinics, birthcontrol, etc. As his belief is population control, he funds projects that fulfill his values and ends.


The point a person realizes EVERYTHING outside his own mind is BULLCRAP until he ruminates over it, is the point he BEGINS freeing himself. But not until then. THE MORE you free think, THE MORE criticism you receive. You ever notice that?

That alone should tell you something. WHEN people talk about, it means you're not acting according to EXPECTED actions, as we learn socially.

The AFC is a socially controlled experiment, THAT's why there's so bloody many of them. And even the REAL men who would take beef with certain unfair/unjust institutions, meet some problems unless they have the connections to deal justly with them.

Yes, LIFE is LIMITLESS potential, WHEN YOU cast aside this dark agenda and free yourself. Own your mind. Then you own your life. Otherwise, if you're just motivated by how other's move you emotionally, you're a robot.


3rd case-in-point...

9-11 is the JFK assassination of OUR time. We'll forever ask "Where were you on 9-11?" And I won't get into a HUGE political debate that locks this thread, BUT, let's just say what the truth is versus reality is 180 degrees. And that's WHY the media is BAD, BAD, BAD. Because NOT 1 mainstream reporter questions the MOST important catasptrophic event of modern times. So why would we think ANYTHING less of what else goes on from MTV to basic cable to Girls Gone Wild to Porn? Why would you BELIEVE differently if they can OVERLOOk major issues like a national crisis to THIS?

Guys on here can't gain REAL progress until they GRIP reality and some elements of spirituality, mysticism, and reality as it IS, not as you receive it.

The spirit of a DJ, of a MAN, of a PATRIOT, is independent free thinking, free wielding, that is UNAFRAID to die for who he is what he stands for. But each day, schooling, society, and the media/government propaganda machine seek to DEBASE, RETARD, and KILL that. HENCE, why men are seemingly dead, because REBELLIOUSNESS is anathema to society working together in some PROGRESSIVE unified direction.

WE ALL ROW TOGETHER is their mantra.

And while you may not feel you do, MILLIONS of other's do, KEEPING THE WHOLE AGENDA GOING. It's the SUBMISSION of the individual to ONE common goal.

Hence the whole PUSH toward the future, and no focus on the present.

You want to be a MAN? To be a DJ?

BE FREE. Think of the stupid hollywood visions of William Wallace, dying for his cause.

An interesting INTERVIEW today with John Daly, pro golfer. His wife is in prison now for 5 months. He shot a 69, -3 on a Par 72. He gets drunk. Plays Lights out Golf, or Totally Bombs like Tinup. He gets in fights. Takes random challenges. And gives freely. THIS MAN is a MAN. He leaves NOTHING on the table. NOTHING at all. SURE, he's a BIT weird, and drunk at times. BUT so what? The man leaves NOTHING in the emotional bank. NOT one cent. And that should be motivating. Because so many people PLAY it safe that they DIE in the process. Here's a guy who LIVES from his heart, UNWORRED about the future or consequences.


I've written alot. Repost and let me know what's confusing, what's missing, what you disagree/agree with and I'll follow back up.



Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
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Red Sox Nation

I don't know why all of a sudden you went all philosophical on me here. LOL :D Maybe you should write a paper and publish it. You could make moeny you know :cool:

To get back to the subject, I recently have found that girls buy into these fairy tales too. I met this chick on the train who cliamed to be an aspiring artist but somehow wanted to be "discovered" and given lots of money becauseof her brillian work :rolleyes:

Atempting to sell her onto the idea of marketing was almost impossible. I wasn't actually trying to persuade her, because if I did I could have done better, but it was amazing to see the extent of her fantasy, movie-like world.

While A-Unit has bordered on conspiracy theory here (yes I know you have tried to avoid it at all costs) I have basically found that people who buy into fantasies and fairy tales are basically lazy!!

That's right! This chick I was talking to, kep repeating how lazy she was, so she wasn't willing to do the work needed to get the recognition. You can't simply want it, you have to go out there and get it.

While I can argue that sometimes you have no choice because you were programmed as a kid, in most situations, as you grow up you should see it clearly. I have friends who are still single at 25 and never had a gf because, according to them, they are waiting for the right one to magically fall out of the sky.


That's a lame excuse for not having the guts and ghe balls to go out there and ask women out. Yes it may be scary, rejection is not fun, but eventually you figure it out and you get something. It's a matter of continuing to do thigns that work and eliminating what doesn't work. If it is too scary, then seek professional help.

Same thing happens in relationships. As soon as they get one, they turn off their brain, turn off their thinking and get lazy, and use the excuse of living happily ever after to make up for their laziness.

People buy into fantasies and fairy tales because it is the easy way out! It seems they use every excuse in the book to stop thinking. I am guilty of this too, but I have seen the error of my ways and am improving.

P.S. A-Unit sorry to kill your philosophising, but seriously you should write professionally, you seem to have the talent.

P.P.S I'm coockoo for Coco Crisp


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
A question I like to ask myself frequently is "how much of my time is being monopolized by other people's agendas?" Until the answer to that question is NONE, I'll continue working my ass off to build my business and my financial future. The answer to that question keeps me driven.

Other people should ask this question of themselves. Of course, you have to have an open mind and be able to see other people's agendas to answer it truthfully.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Put this way...*IF* I had the definitive answer, I might be dubbed a god. But I don't. I believe life itself is the constant pursuit of one's own truths and the constant exploration for awareness.

Are the social constructs inherently evil?

I don't know.

What is true is this. Evil or good IS a matter of perspective. Dollars to donuts, in the middle east WE are evil. And perhaps at points around the world WE ARE evil. At the social level, WE think we are good, because we are not doing anything wrong. At least that's what the MEDIA has told us. And what gets me is, people GENERALLY only accept mainstream [the idea of a stream, or mainstream, impresses upon you the idea of 1 unified flowing system, ALL forms of information FLOW the same way, so it's not divergent] MEDIA as the SOLE source of information.

Conspiracy theorist is a title that has bad CONNOTATION, and rightly so, it was listed that way because people of America are lead to people it's "UTOPIA", that there's no need to worry about US, because we are perfect, so anybody QUESITIONING us is crazy, or a CONSPIRACY THEORIST!

They did the SAME THING to Hemp, calling it Marihuana, or Marijuana, or Pot, and spun a movie off, then linked it to AGGRESSIVE behavior. Anybody who knows POT, knows that's the antithesis of pot! But it was spun that way, and ILLEGAL it is.

So can you see why that label is BAD! Anybody who does "INDEPENDENT" research and reading is a RISK. A threat. Dangerous. Crazy. Nuts. Etc.

WHY any stuff happens I do not know. What I do know is...

*9-11 was enough of a tragedy to the American People that I no longer trust the American media to the extent I once did. And perhaps less, since what they deem "news" and what I deem "news" are very opposite.

*Schooling IS forced, since the individual is highly capable of learning on their own ANYTHING they have desire and passion for, the idea SCHOOLING must be required and forced is PHILOSOPHICALLY and REALISTICALLY opposed to what learning and education was intended to be by Socrates and Plato. And heck, even what I LEARN.

And what you've hit on, Sazuki, is more on point of where I was coming from, though i don't recall using the title CONSPIRACY. I think more of a conspiracy as someone trying to sabotage my company, or someone making TONS of promises, when they initially had different intentions to begin with.

Defined by dictionary.com:

An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
Is that what's going on?

Yes, I'd say so. I would say that defines what's going on. It sounds dirty, nasty, and horrible. But those "theorists" trying to discover and learn about the world around them aren't doing anything ILLEGAL in any sense of the word. It becomes illegal when the information you seek is made ILLEGAL, but then I would submit the Constitution has been fully violated, and we don't have a country any longer.

I've set before 100's of people, both Blue Collar Workers and White Collar Workers, and I wouldn't disrespect these people, but a SEVERE deficiency exists, in both education, and HOW America acts.

It's as if they say "we're a superpower and we will take care of you, don't worry." How do they do that? By overseeing the MEDIA, the drugs we ingest, the food we eat, by supervising the businesses, by legalzing or illegalizing certain substances, placing in force road rules, insurance rules, work rules, tax rules, schooling, investment guidelines and requirements, miles of paperwork, even to some extent decency and marital laws (i.e. Gay).

AND THEN, to add the cherry to it all, people claim YOU are responsible for your OWN life. YOU must take what you can for you and get it. I've heard that on here. I FIRMLY believe it, but only when I *escaped* did I come to know what it means and was able to see the "code."

I TOTALLY believe you MUST care for you. But tell that to any person who has the victim mentality, who feel's slighted by the world, their job, or someone else, and they'll just label you as ONE OF THEM. AS INSENSITIVE. AS UNCARING.

I feel BAD for these people. I do. I can't change much, because only through LIVING my life, and living my life as proof of the ideals I live by, can I/we change the system and people.


What can a person do RIGHT now?

Do you.
Discover you.
Put aside ALL thoughts, intrusions, or words from others.
So long as your life is no claim upon another person's, you are doing well.
So long as your life is not a burdern to another's, but instead, an ADDITIVE, you are doing well.

But is that the edict of society?

Don't burden someone else?
Be independent?


You've got mass retirees expecting what were poor retirement benefits for the indigent.
You've got millions sucking off the large teet of welfare benefits, disability, and medicaid.
You've got millions of kids living at home beyond 18, 21, even 30.
You've got millions of workers, putting in LOW productivity, and some women who've entered the workforce seeking special priviledges because they have a degree but no work force, and a pair of D's on her chest.

Please. The edict of society isn't to DO MY BEST. I don't know what it is, but it certainly isn't that.

I LOVE people, but I'm looking beyond what their social agenda and character is, because on that surface, I don't like them. But i see below it, and realize, it wasn't TOTALLY their fault. And disliking people only harms ONE person, YOU.

That's an acid that eats the container it's in. NAMELY, you! Or me, since I'm the one writing.

Educate you.

Jim Rohn talks about making money. MAKE your own value VERY HIGH in terms of the market place. LOOK beyond your position and see the future. Nobody KNOWS the future of specific income occupations, but if you don't like it, and the reason you do it is LIFESTYLE, you COULD be a casuality of society. Now, it seems fine, but drastic changes occur, and if you're investing in a career for the long-run, it could dramatically change in 10 years, all the while you bought tons of stuff with no redeemable value. WONDERFUL! The biggest casualities of society are those who had HIGH incomes, bought wonderful stuff, and when they lost their job, they felt like they lost their life. THEY DIDN'T! They only lost their LIFESTYLE. So what!?


I've read/own/am reading that Taylor Gatto book "The Underground History of American Education." Not only am I learng a PLETHORA of new words which I must use a dictionary to decipher, but it's a FASCINATING work, both historical AND autobiographical in its scope. I read a similar book during my stint @ Umaine Orono titled "Lies my Teacher Told me," which highlighted the HUGE discrepancy between HISTORY books and HISTORY as we know it. My interest was on fire THEN.

What's humorous about such CONSPIRACY theories is that in EARLY America, the press was TOTALLY free. They'd write whatever they wanted. Print whatever they chose to. If a certain sect felt it never was represented properly, it would create a paperline for it.

Aren't the early Americans idealized this way?

Don't we remember the early Americans being rebels, spreading what was deemed to be heresy throughout America, and catching hell for it? Yet we fought a war for THAT freedom. The freedom of self rule, self government, of public involvement in the process, of a republic, of freedom of speech. It might be me, but I certainly see FEW veins of diverging thought in the mainstream world. Hence, the stigma applied by those who criticize main streaming thinking.

I do GET what you say Sazuki, and each day I live to be more free than the previous. I know, from what I do, that nobody is REALLY there to care for you as good as you will yourself.

And RedPill's quote is perfect.

All in all, a great discourse on thinking, though we diverged somewhat off topic. I certainly don't abhor society, because all society is the interconnectedness of humanity working together or against each other. It's the THOUGHT, which is infused into this system the directs action and society that troubles me, because INSIDE that society, heaven or hell is created. And what corporations and the gov have done is to manage THOUGHT.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Gay Propaganda.

I have to say this because it is bothering me: What’s going on with all this gay propaganda?

Yesterday I had an appointment in NYC and decided to take the ferry. While waiting to board, I heard a commercial that was played on the muzak system. The commercial was for a dating club for gay men looking for other gay men. Dude, I could not believe it! They have pushed homosexuality to the forefront as to be accepted like it was a natural thing instead of an aberration of nature. ( How about that movie BrokenBack, about the gay cowboys.)

Conspiracy theory or not, something must be profitable for someone to keep doing it for an extended period of time, that or it must be subsidized from something else. So who the hell is profiting from making homosexuality mainstream?



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Awareness and "It's Ok"

Here in Massachusetts, there's a push to 'enlighten' students that "it's ok to be gay." Not just tolerance for race, social status, appearances, but sexual preference as well. I've asked my own cousins and aunts what's going on, and they inform me that their kids (ages 8-17) have all been brought down to the auditorium and give 'homosexual and tolerant' conventions, where they meet current gay advocates. This way, kids who are, you know 8 or 10, or 12, can "come out." Yet, kids aren't even given total SEX ed, but they're given GAY indoctrination?

I'm not biased AT all. I know OF gay people, have gay friends, people who've been married around me. So it isn't THEM. It's the fact of saying "here it is, kids, you can CHOOSE this, too." Articles have been published on parents literally pulling their kids from local schools because they send them there ASSUMING they learn, yet they offer them up to whatever social agenda the particular state has.

Massachusetts has one that's rather bent toward allowing gay marriages. Fine. You want to LEGALLY marry (not religiously), do it. Take the tax deductions. HOWEVER, on adopting kids, I personally feel they should ONLY be allowed to have kids through fertilization; ONE of the women should be fertilized because it places that state and fed. government in the AWKWARD position of taking a position. If they put children IN a gay home, now we have to deal with religious pundits and political pundits talking incessantly about the pro's and con's and whether it's genetically based, or based on family life. Leave THAT out of it. Adopting is into a family home. Period. End of story. Let's not complicated it or ALLOW the government transgressions on morality.

As far as gay men...well, they might have to find a willing donor, or woman who would allow them direct adoption. To me, if you take kids in state and federally owned adoption programs, they are then liable for involving themselves in the debate of whether it's OK, and there will NEVER be conclusive evidence. If you choose a specific lifestyle that DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO NATURALLY procreate THAT IS YOUR CHOICE. Fine. You got it. Marry. But don't ALSO impose your choice upon others and force SOCIETY to accept your burden. Get me? I don't look down upon the lifestyle, or care, but if you force me to choose now, I will.

Nobody cares UNTIL it impacts their lifestyle, and were it impacting any guy's on here, as it is, probably will soon, THEY WILL CHOOSE. Initially, we're all about FREEDOM OF CHOOSING. Live and let live. But so many people have free agendas and desire COMPLETE AUTONOMY, that they end up entangling ALL of America. You can say, I don't care, but indirectly, YOU are impacted.

I wouldn't have suspected that my aunts and uncles would care about gay marriage and what not, BUT, now it's right in the faces of their own children, and they will be forced to take a stand for what they believe because it is IMPACTING their live and how they want to FREELY raise their children.

Is the agenda ok?

I don't think so. Because the tactics I see and here desire WIDESPREAD acceptance. To me, tolerance is the accepted standard. We don't have to LOVE what others choose, only be ok that it's not impinging on US.

To me, the same feeling that applies to investments applies with relationships, too. That with current morality, so long as you do something for someone else, IT IS OK. But if it's done for you, it's bad. To some, that's called selfishness. Problem is, it leaves the GIVER in a NET LOSS position, as I'm in pain. And the RECEIVER in a NET GAIN position, as you're in pleasure. What's the pointing of giving if there's not a NET POSITIVE gain. Now, one caveat...if I gain TWICE or more on assisting you, FINE. But as human beings, the concept of giving/getting is all fubar (Fawked up beyond all Recognition). We're into giving, but not ensuring WE ARE OK. How stupid is that? I'm not saying we shouldn't give, but if I'm in debt, and tough with my bills, and I give my money to an indebted friend or poor person, aren't we WORSE off, since I NOW require money, and will ask "the system" for it, or my parents, or friends??

I'm just taking from Peter, to Pay Paul, when Peter is already broke, but somehow I guilted him into this. Women do the same things, most times, but they're masters of disguising it. Just see backbreaker's post, since it was his X who said she'd given him $100, now wanted $500, though she wasn't his current GF, he'd already spent $5000k+ on her, and there were no grounds for the contribution aside from her NEED and GUILT.


Not ALL gay people, but a large % has FREE FLOW of sexuality and a lack of committment. They're a relatively SMALL % of the population, but through such advertisements and commercials CAN become more prominent.

Ever watch that show NEXT on MTV?

Why does ANYONE on the bus need to date that 1 person, when they know what the 5 people on it look like?

I've watched the L word on Showtime/HBO and it always amazes me that when you're gay, there's no boundaries. I mean, 12 women were sitting at a table, and they could all mess around with really no repercussions or reprisal, except the disfavor of their sorta mate. Come on. No boundaries? Fine.

But again, this comes full circle to what I'd posted on WHY schools are inforce.
-Separation of children from the family unit.
-Installation of socially approved values and goals.
-Generation and guidance of society toward an end benefical to society as a whole, NOT THE INDIVIDUAL (unless the individual is aware of it and breaks from the masses).



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
-Separation of children from the family unit.
-Installation of socially approved values and goals.
-Generation and guidance of society toward an end benefical to society as a whole, NOT THE INDIVIDUAL (unless the individual is aware of it and breaks from the masses).
Dude, who benefits? Society? All of us are the society. I can't see how kids by being gay benefit me. Less kids in the future?

The Japanese and Koreans are socially structure to focus on the whole of society and not the individual, yet I don't think they are very welcoming of homosexuals.

What gives, who profits?



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Think of a gigantic Titanic ship. It requires MASSIVE manpower.

All men are NOT born equal. Not all things are equal. But so what? You work to make of you what you will.

Initially, it was beneficial that the small town farmer, became an industrialized robot for the throngs of mass production soon to be churned out. If society had remained agrarian, entrepreneurial, independent, corporations could not have reliable, mechanized workers needed to do minial tasks. This was prompted EONS ago, and is only being realized that it was concocted long ago.

Why institute certain belief systems?

Because. Break apart the family, people can't be INDEPENDENT, ENTREPRENEURIAL, SELF-RELIANT...so where do they turn? Toward jobs.

What do most high school and overly expensive colleges turn out?

Free thinkers?
Independently minded entrepreneurs?


The structure of education is to give answers and have people LEARN to parrot them back. Essentially, that's all the job s amount to. Within a given, specified role, a person has THAT autonomy, but no more. Shaking up a corporation is as likely as getting nailed by lightening three times.

The only people most become -slightly independent from is the family, and even then, by 30, people are now RARELY totally financially free and solvent. It's an increasingly common trend to live at home UNTIL 30, yet NOT support the parents who supported you (which was a common occurence in earlier years).

Who profits?

The companies who need 10's and 100's of thousands of workers EARLY on, when they were mining coal, drilling for oil, building train tracks, the world trade centers, etc. If education didn't DUMB the individual down, they'd be FARTHER ahead of where they were, making them UNRULY, much like UNRULY unions.

How productive are PROactive unions?

What happens when unions strike?

If American people realized how screwed the tax/budge/fiscal status was YEARS ago, or saw what shenanigans ENRON was, or were FREE enough to realize mentally what was going, maybe the whistle blowing would have occurred EARLIER. But it didn't, because people are trained over 12 years of education to listen, to look outside oneself for answers, and to follow orders. A form militaristic educational programming.

How does gay assist this?

Because it BLURS the relationship lines. Making it MORE acceptable denegrates certain institutions, gets people to look at forrest instead of the trees, and diverts attention from MAJOR issues like 9-11, the war in IRAQ, taxes, social security, medicare, medicaid, and financial independence.

And society is NOT society. We might BE together, but if this were a boat, it would have sunk LONG ago. Over centuries, certain PIECES of an agenda are DRIPPED in like an IV. It's not an ALL for 1 shot. If it were, NOBODY would adopt it.

People say "Well if the gov did 9-11, why'd they do it?"

To get an ACT Passed that WOULD NEVER become law otherwise.
To establish a basis for infiltrating the Middle East for OIl (what other reason could they establish to get it?)
To make the BOOGIE man scary! (WE dump 500 billions, 100x what we dump in education on military spending, and WE CANNOT stop Terrorists!?)

It was VERY sneaky, but when you consider the facts of such instances, IT'S not so implausible, it's just horrorific to the mind to accept that reality. It's like CHOOSING the pill to take. Once you SEE the freedom though, you can diverge from the 95%. And you'll see that, if people ALL think it, you might want to QUESTION it. Because to me, lemming-like thinking is doomed to thrust oneself off the cliff.

That's why.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
I believe you, sooo.......

What do you suggest to awaken the masses?

Is it worthwhile to do so?

Is it worth it?



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re:

People say "Well if the gov did 9-11, why'd they do it?"

To get an ACT Passed that WOULD NEVER become law otherwise.
To establish a basis for infiltrating the Middle East for OIl (what other reason could they establish to get it?)
To make the BOOGIE man scary! (WE dump 500 billions, 100x what we dump in education on military spending, and WE CANNOT stop Terrorists
Dude, you're a smart guy and all, but NOW I KNOW you have a few screws loose.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
People say "Well if the gov did 9-11, why'd they do it?"

To get an ACT Passed that WOULD NEVER become law otherwise.
To establish a basis for infiltrating the Middle East for OIl (what other reason could they establish to get it?)
To make the BOOGIE man scary! (WE dump 500 billions, 100x what we dump in education on military spending, and WE CANNOT stop Terrorists

I consider that possibility too


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

That wasn't the intention, examples, legolas, that's all, of illusions.

Screws loose. I'll buy it. But I wouldn't make declarations of knowledge without having an up and close information to the source.

I just find that to be the typical reponse to 'controversial' topics. That said, I respect what you've written, and what you do, for SS and in general. I just disregard all other statements. As stated before, refute what is said, then I'd consider changing it, but I'd prefer the information is beat down. Not the poster.


The thread has been beaten to death on 'why' people buy hollywood fairy tales. To me, it's no exact science as to 'why' people buy hollywood fairy tales or if they even do. I've come on, posited my beliefs, supported it with facts, sources, and knowledge I've gathered. You, the poster has to do your own research.

One thing I love about SoSuave, that most guys MISS completely since they 'want to go out with style.' SS is an INFORMATION conduit for whatever guys need or want and the boards act as a critical oversite committee that filters in or what's useful.

I recently found stuff on The Warrior Diet, and Senor Fingers posted on Master Cleanse. All great topics of awareness. I realize, it's a seduction site for picking up chicks, but through all the various CONTROVERSIAL topics and NON CONTROVERSIAL topics, you easily get more chicks. Guys will realize, overtime, no technique is pure or perfect, and that by being a part of it, SS, you gain something (or lose something).

It's too bad political topics and other such ilk cannot be posted for fear of flame wars and out of control behavior. Be that as it may, there's a host of good information OUTSIDE of seduction material that has far more redeeming value than seduction material alone.

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