How do we know reality?
Reality, as it comes to the human being, or a Superior Being, Being Human, comes during youth from your family. Around 5 or 6, most kids end up in school. DEPENDING on your parents, DETERMINES your exposure to OTHER agendas, namely home school versus public, magazines, books, movies, TV, video games, the internet, porn, etc. ALOT factors into this, INITIALLY. ALOT of it is diffusion of personal energy. A young kid, teen, etc, comes to BELIEVE that they don't own their life. That they are not, infact, unique, or spiritual. Instead, it's replaced by the belief they live for their family, the country they're born in, the state, the town, the nationality, and so forth.
So LET's subtract OUT what is just cover. UNDERNEATH all that, behind closed doors, with all sorts of technology OFF, meditate. There's an energy. A Person. A Being. No bias. No malice. No sense of Ego. Just, energy. Perhaps, total happiness. I believe that's MOST of what we are, but when you COVER up and PILE all the other social stuff, it's a total diffusion of WHO you are, and WHAT you feel like.
MOST guys have a deep center of empowerment, but the energy is weak. And in the face of adversity, until it is stronger, they faulter.
Is Hollywood a Sham?
Absolutely. I wouldn't just USE hollywood as that piece, but the MEDIA in total. I don't BLAME the media or the person who's "awakened" and see's it for what it is. I do think they effect society in ways NOBODY gets. And NOBODY questions.
Why does an AFC buy it?
Because...he wants to BUY something. He's been beaten into submission, possibly from a strong mother / weak father, from schooling (which is it's first and foremost intention), from his part-time job, and religion. He gets a sense that, WHAT he feels, is probably NOT in line with what EVERYBODY else says is right. It's like an OOZE that's creeped over time into every orfice of life.
Case in point...the mass public education system as we know it NOW has taken 500+ years to create. Originally, it hails from Prussia, in a country that suffered a CATASTROPHIC military loss and wanted to create a STRONG, POWERFUL, RICH nation. They realized, that their troops, most of which were young, were very "FREE THINKING" "INDEPENDENT" and "DISORGANIZED." To effectively create a MASS army, one has to break the soldiers in YOUNG. Otherwise a FREE THINKER won't make a good solider. A good solider MUST follow orders. In turn, Prussia sacrificed EVERYTHING to create a big army, even forcing people to live below their means by yanking high taxes to fund such projects.
Eventually, they did so, and it began by FORCING school upon young kids, breaking them down, making them similar, getting them to fall in line earlier, stay in line, listen to authority, not break procedure, etc.
When they did this PRUSSIA dominated the East. ALL of EUROPE and soon a Fledgling America would see this. For a century, investigators were sent to observe this WHOLE system. It didn't take at first, because the Premise of America was ORIGINALLY for freedom. One small problem. Those who STARTED America were wealthy landowners. THEY had the greatest interest in protecting it. THEY saw the potential (the rich) in KEEPING America that way, because the Government was such that the RICH could get RICH. The Forefathers HAD no king. So it was in their best interest to defeat Britain, and install some kind of bureacracy/hierarchy that would ensure their position was kept. Even then, the poor/middle class fought the war on behalf of the wealthy landowners who directly OR indirectly fund social issues for their OWN benefit.
During the times of Carnegie and Rockefellar, they KNEW that a society of FREE entrepreneurs would hurt the WHOLE country and LEAD to OVER PRODUCTION, DEFLATION, and an UN-United country. They saw the GRAND vision being the WHOLE production of the country VERSUS the world, RATHER than small independent shops AS it was. That, my friends, began with the discovery coal. It was the first MAJOR natural resource, which just was "there". In effect, you didn't have to do much to get it, and it had MUCH possibility. But the wealthy investors NEEDED hoards of 'soldiers' WILLING to mine for it, despite the risks, so that they could fulfill their grand vision for America. If the country was full of Entrepreneurs, then they wouldn't get the workers OR consumers needed to make this happen.
In walks forced schooling. It didn't take well at first, because the PEOPLE fought to keep autonomy. They wanted control over their kids, their jobs, their schooling, WHAT their kids learned, and who had say and sway in their lives. In effect, EACH family was an independent unit, UNSWAY by popular opinions. Religious diversity was the namesake, and people SCHOOLED their own kids. Why? Because BACK then, parents wanted kids to learn what they parents and THEN some. TO pass down family traditions. To become what they are. Back then, the family felt nobody else was better fit to teach their kids BUT THEIR OWN BLOOD.
It took time to get the forced schooling put in place. It TOOK much investment (think Carnegie and Rockefellar). It began with only 4 years, and most kids would skip, then expanded. Eventually it ended up WHERE we are now. 180 days, 7AM to 3PM. Why did forced schooling occur?
To pry kids from their family. The unit inspired kids to FREE think, to be different from OTHER kids, to learn young and apprentice early. They had FREE spirits to learn, explore, and grow. Within the family unit, they couldn't BE given beliefs. Moreover, AWAY from the family unit, a child has a void, unless parental involvement is HIGH. He/She is empty.
It's cold. Even NOW, the AFC mentality hails from this lack. This Gap. Kids get separated EARLY from their parents. Were they to stay and learn and grow WITH dad and mom, life would be VERY different from how it is.
DAD is the guy confers your APPOINTMENT to the manhood club, ASSUMING, he's a good guy. If he's a criminal, you'll be like him, or you'll be like your mom, most likely, until you gain maturity to exercise FREE will. DAD is the first guy saying "yes son, you're a man like me."
THAT is why he's so KEY to families. He says to the daughter "men are good, find one like me." But without THAT touch, that quality, what do you KNOW of men? What do you know of BEING that which you are? It's that touch.
Society the media and the like, INFLUENCE kids BECAUSE they're not influenced BY their parents. PART of it is the fact parents do not PUSH and INVADE enough, and part of it is they cannot. Too easily can kids run to the cops for being hit, which is only NORMAL to spank or hit boys, and even girls. It's not like you can LOGICALLY talk to a 5 year old, can you?
Even right now, 3 of my young male cousins cause a RUCKOUS, and my now divorced uncle CANNOT hit or spank them because they've gone to the cops. The children are basically PROTECTED by the state, which is something INSTITUTED by the US, as their
message is "the kids are on LOAN to the parents, they're protected by the state like a benevolent father would." And it's true, my uncle can't PROPERLY raise his kids, because of the whole CULTURE movement that physical spanking is bad!
I agree, BEATING children is wrong, but guys and girls have butts that are MEANT for spanking. Talk to any elderly person, and they'll tell it's TOTALLY wrong that parents can't, and I 100% believe that, because you can't LOGIC out boys who are so riled up, and if you fear reprisal from the state, attorneys, or the police, what's a family to do??
So if PARENTS are not invading and bestowing BELIEFS, then who is?
The media, religion, society, the government. EVERYBODY but the person themselve and the family unit. EVERYBODY else.
Look at myspace any time. Every girl is a clone. SUPPOSEDLY she's this FREE thinking, WILD, BYTCH. WOW, great. JUST WHY I like women, because they're bytchy. SO HOT. They're not sat down by their mother's, or their father's and told to ACT right, have respect, KNOW who they are. GIRLS are not these hoochie *****s that genetics and genes want you to belief. No more than guys are these aceholes jerks who beat women. THE WRONG images are portrayed in pictures SO that people develop a BIAS against it.
Second case in point...
Do you POT wasn't illegal? In fact, it was dubbed a "miracle" plant. Yes, hemp was a wonder plant. Smoking it was a very SMALL part to it. The MAJOR parts are what it did for the paper industry, clothing industry, drugs, health, home, and chemical industries. No need for plastics, paper, oils, or denim. Yet, MAJOR wealth partners in paper saw the DANGER in having independent people grow this wonder plant. SO, a movie was spun which demonstrated the NASTY, AGGRESSIVE effects of a drug called "marihuana", now know as Marijuana. Also know as POT, or HEMP. EASILY, the public was swayed out of fear, and before anyone realized, HEMP was demonized and thereby outlawed. MANY medical researchers had sought to strike down the law criminalizing it, but they hadn't realized the slight of hand that called HEMP, marihuana.
Check it out, ALL TRUE. That's just one piece.
ONCE you get ABOVE all this, you can live. You can SHED everything you THOUGHT you knew. But until you do, life's hard in the system.
The Movie the "matrix" was meant to take ON MANY, MANY means. What it most importantly conveyed was SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT can CONFINE potential. It was systems of thought that THRUST the humans into grips of the MATRIX to begin with in the Animatrix. It was then THOUGHT that kept them trapped. And it was a THOUGHT system which eluded Neo for awhile until he grasped his TRUE power.
A-Unit cont'd